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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

My Photo

dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Bush Calls Bribes Outrageous

Obviously its just the word "bribe" he opposes. After all NO bill get passed in congress without "bribes" being included.
You probably recognize it under its more familiar and affectionately known term of "PORK".
Pork when used politically is defined here as "Government funds, appointments, or benefits dispensed or legislated by politicians to gain favor with their constituents" If that's NOT a bribe then Bush ain't president.


Today I'm Conservative And Religious

Three items on todays agenda:"Vatican opposes gay clergy", "Parents right to know their under 18 daughter is getting an abortion" and "Government calls a Christmas tree well, a Christmas tree Duh!"

1st: The Vatican ISN'T opposing gay clergy, they ARE opposing "practicing, sexual" clergy. There is a difference. They don't want ANYONE with overactive hormones, no matter who or what they are having sex with, even if its only with themselves. That's not bias, that's fair, period. story here

2nd: Parent SHOULD know what their underage children are doing. That is THEIR right. There are many things an under 18 year old can't do without parental consent, including (technically, though its not enforced) go to an "R" rated movie. So is telling a parent about their daughters impending medical procedure too much to ask? I think not. In fact its already in place isn't it? I mean a minor can't consent to any medical procedure without parental consent right? story here

3rd: Government to call Christmas tree, a Christmas tree! This is what it has always been. Well at least since It and most other Christian traditions were co-opted from Paganism. So if you do feel it necessary to complain about religious symbols in public, at least get it right it originates from Paganism, NOT Christianity. Besides immigrants to this country have historically either voluntarily or by coercion assimilated to OUR traditions, while mixing it with their own. THAT is or was the beauty of this country. We co-opted many things from many different cultures to arrive at what we have today, an amalgam of everything we hold near and dear.
Beware those who seek to change that. This will destroy our country, our unity. You can see it far to often today with the different ethnic groups staying amongst themselves far longer than they used to. Heck I don't even like cultural parades. They serve more to Acknowledge our differences than to unify us. So call it a Christmas tree, and feel free to add your own "flavor" to it. THAT IS the American way. story here

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fat A$$ Hazardous to Your Health

Standard size needles failed to reach the buttock muscle in 92% of women tested, thus reducing the injections effectiveness, or in some cases rendering it useless. Overall 2/3 of the group tested did not recieve the full dosage. Besides the obvious, other problems with injections into fat are irritation and infection.
Just another way that obesity can be hazardous to your health.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

I've long opposed publishing the names of "accused" criminals in the paper. It just seems to fly in the face of everything our justice system represents itself as, that being, innocent until proven guilty. Some crimes to be sure are worse than others to be accused of. Sexual crimes is one of them. Having worked many years within the legal system, I can tell you that being accused of a sexual crime won't win you many friends even in jail. Some crimes will gain you respect but not those of a sexual nature. No, those can only get you killed. And inmates ironically enough are a very judgmental lot. Here they sit protesting their innocence, but let an accused rapist enter their midst and he doesn't stand a chance; he's toast! Forget due process, forget innocent until ...., no, if you are so much as accused of a sexual crime, you better be able to make bail.
And being out on bail isn't much better. Sure you'll most likely avoid the beating you'd get in jail, but you won't avoid all the other guilty judgments the public will heap on you. And even if found innocent, rest assured you will NEVER be able to forget it. You will have to move away from your neighborhood if you are to have any solace at all. Its just one of those things that once accused, always associated with, forever.
Which brings me to what prompted me to write this today, an article in the Orlando sentinel.
Not only did they print the name of a Doctor accused of fondling a patient, but they also printed where he worked AND his photo! Regardless of the outcome he will NEVER again be able to practice there again. Odd how in this bible belt state I've never seen the photo published of any of the priests accused of child molestation. See how unfair it can be?
And then we have the cases of deliberate false accusation, done for financial (lawsuit) and other reasons. In the most recent case involving a well known person as the accused, once he was "outed" he lost a lot of money in lucrative contracts. And this was before any conviction. He was eventually exonerated and has successfully resumed his career, but the accusation will never go away. And the accuser was never charged will filing a false claim or sued or anything beyond being called several derogatory names. And even that isn't universal. There will always be those who see her as a victim and "him" as a criminal who got away with it.
Don't get me wrong now, if and when a person is "convicted" by our system then I suppose it's fair to publicly "out" him or her, but before such time it can be hazardous to your health as well as your rights.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Iran President: Charge Bush for War Crimes

I couldn't say it any better myself.

Here are a few quotes by Irans President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking of the United States:
  • "You, who have used nuclear weapons against innocent people, who have used uranium ordnance in Iraq should be tried as war criminals in courts,"
  • "Who in the world are you to accuse Iran of suspicious nuclear armed activity?"
  • "They say Iran has to stop its peaceful nuclear activity since there is a probability of diversion while we are sure that they are developing and testing (nuclear weapons) every day," . "They speak as if they are the lords of the world."


Friday, November 25, 2005


For as long as I can remember I NEVER ventured out to shop on that most infamous of shopping days - BLACK FRIDAY. Been so long I could no longer remember why I didn't go. This year I decided to get my HO, HO, HO, on, get into the spirit of the season as it were, so I hopped on a plane and headed to Walmart in Valley Stream N.Y. I arrived 10 minutes before it opened.The line was several hundred people long. And that didn't count the selfish, ignorant people who didn't wait on line properly, instead proposing to push their way in when the doors opened. Walmart had very good "early bird," "door buster" specials. Indeed! No sooner had they unlocked the doors before the Christmas spirit overtook the masses as they busted down the doors, pushing and shoving, showing unbounded holiday cheer to their neighbors. I was literally shocked & just stood a safe distance away in stunned disbelief. People in the crowd mumbled that this indeed happened EVERY year. I couldn't believe it. Police were there, but they wanted nothing to do with the riot that was taking place and instead, directed vehicle traffic.
Other stores I'm told send staffers out to inquire as to what "specials" the people were waiting for, and issuing tickets for the available "limited supply" items. Upon exhausting their supply of special item tickets, they then proceeded to make continuous announcements that the supply of special items has been exhausted. THAT is proper, That is fair, that is a safe way to operate. Walmart is NONE of these. No, Walmart does as it always does, operate with no regard for anyone but themselves. They routinely "test" an area with a "regular" Walmart and then if successful enough, they abandon that location and build anew nearby. Meanwhile the old abandoned store becomes an eyesore for the community. And what does local government do about this? They cater to practically every whim of Walmart, offering tax incentives galore for the biggest retailer in the country. They and Disney run neck and neck in sucking every last cent and incentive out of a local government

I would propose holding them personally liable for injuries and or crimes committed as a result of their negligence, much the way a criminal can be charged with murder, should his victim die as a result of his actions, even if he never even touched the victim, but the victim merely died from the stress.
Walmart, your under arrest
As for me, instead of finding a few ho,ho, ho's I found myself gasping Oh, OH,OH, and chuckling a few Ha,Ha,Ha's. And I learned the lesson of forgetting, and the true meaning of "Black (and blue) Friday. I will Never go shopping on "Black Friday" again

Catholicism: the World Inverted

I'm devastated; I just found out the world is flat, the end is near, there is no Santa Claus, the chicken didn't cross the road at all, my entire education, or at least the science part, was a farce. At this point I'm not even sure if I can actually count, read or spell. Maybe my whole life isn't real, doesn't exist at all as I know it. How did I learn of all this? How do I know its true? A friend of mine who is very knowledgeable in the ways of Catholicism told me so, that's how, and if you know anything about those good (?) people, you know they don't lie.
It all started about a year ago when we were discussing the "bread and wine" received at communion. My friend (actually several) told me that its the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and I stated "yeah its a symbolic remembrance of what he suffered for us." Well that was the first time I was told my beliefs were wrong, that the bread and wine were if fact REALLY and TRULY turned into "flesh and blood"! I was depressed. All my life I have been taught that cannibalism was wrong, disgusting. Thank MY God I'm strong minded or I wouldn't have been able to receive communion ever again. Since we're friends, we just left that topic alone from then on.
As friends will do however we discuss EVERYTHING. And sure enough one day that conversation somehow led to the beginning of the world. Yes we're strange, we don't discuss women, sports and the weather like most guys.
Anyway I told my friend that best guesses are that the bible puts its "creation" theory at about 6,000 years ago give or take a millennium, so its obviously just a story meant to kind of ever so briefly (6 days!) explain the creation of the world and NOT meant to be taken literally. After all we know for sure that the world is much older than that, perhaps as much as a billion years old, and dinosaurs lived approximately 65 million years ago. Heck after reading and 'riting and 'rithmatic, that's one of the first thing we are taught. But alas I was told I was wrong yet again. The world IS in fact only 6,000 years old. What about carbon dating, I confidently countered? Not accurate I was told since the rate of "decay" used in the process has varied over the millennia. WHAT? Now I know your pulling my leg. Hardly a month goes by without "science" "dating" something older than 6,000 years. I researched it as I do EVERYTHING I don't believe and lo and behold he was right again! Seems that science admits there are inaccuracies in carbon dating.
Now I'm devastated AND depressed. This calls for a trip to "the couch." Gotta speak to my psychiatrist for sure now. Drugs and alcohol help me get through the days, and prevent the nightmares. When I do venture out into the "unknown"( previously thought to be known), I constantly wonder what I am seeing, because obviously it isn't what I always thought it was,or is it?
If I was a good & faithful Catholic, this wouldn't bother me, for I would not have eaten from the "tree of knowledge." I would just follow blindly and accept that all that I read and see isn't true, isn't really happening around me. No, unless or until its been "cleared" by the Vatican, it just isn't so.


Carbon dating ISN'T"T 100% accurate, but it is backed up by other methods and these are cross referenced FOR accuracy, and it IS accepted by 99.9% of the population, but hey THEY could ALL be wrong, right? I mean the religious fanatics are never wrong. No, they condemned Galileo and treated him as a pariah when he put forth his theory and in 1633 the Inquisition convicted him of heresy. I suppose "they" still believe that also.
Yes,there is no evolution either, none whatever. That's right we were created a mere 6,000 years ago just as we are now. The only reason we didn't invent computers or clone humans or drive cars back then was ............? Surely we could have if NO evolution took place,not even our minds.

Well they are right about one thing NOT evolving, the church! It still condemns that which makes it feel threatened just as it has for the last 2,000 years.
More another time. I've grown bored now.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


TURDUCKEN A foreign word? Not at all. Its just a recipe that was on TV last night and it actually caught my attention and sounded good (at least to me). CAUTION: this IS ALOT of work AND slow to cook.

Its called "turducken" and what it is is a chicken, inside a duck, inside a turkey! Its origin is unclear to me. On the news program it was said that a man walked into a butcher shop,(Hebert's Specialty Meats),in 1985, with the 3 ingredients, and the instructions and requested they make it up for him. Research indicates that it "may" be the invention of chef Paul Pruhomme, and or originated in Cajun Louisiana. It matters not for this story though; for this story is about food.

Quickly what you do is "debone" all three. Then lay out the turkey flat, layer it with stuffing, put the duck on top next, followed by more stuffing and then the chicken. Tie this all together so that it resembles the original turkey. Then cook at 225 degrees, for about 8 hours!

It sounded interesting and tasty to me so I thought I'd "blog" it for you today.
Pictures from start to finish are here, and they sure look good!

Now if you want more of a joke (although its reportedly true), try the whole stuffed camel recipe! That one calls for a camel to be stuffed with whole lamb, large size, 20 whole chickens, medium size, 60 eggs, 12 kilos rice, 2 kilos pine nuts, 2 kilos almonds, 1 kilo pistachio nuts
recipe here http://home.tiac.net/~cri_d/cri/1997/camel.html


RECIPES: here and Chef Pauls here

ORIGIN theories: here and here

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Unmarried Catholic School Teacher Fired

You are an unmarried female. You teach in a Catholic school. You sign a contract, which among other things stipulates that you must "teach and act" in a manner that is in keeping with the "precepts and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church". OK, tough rule but hey Disney has tough rules too and yet most of their employees love them, so you deal with it.

Fast forward 18 weeks:
You tell your principle you are pregnant. You get fired for violating "the clause". Fair or Unfair?
My first reaction was they can't do that. Its discriminatory. Pregnant women have special protections under the law. Then upon further reflection I decided, well you signed the contract with "that clause" in it so ..... your out of luck; the church is within its rights.

Now for the reason I have a love / hate relationship with lawyers. Of course you knew she was suing right? After all this is America, and as the song goes: the laaa-nd of the free and the home of the lawsuit. What? That's not how you remember it? Whatever, lets get back to the story. The lawyers say lets assume you can enforce "the clause", fine, but you CANNOT do it in a discriminatory fashion. How do you determine which of your employees are having premarital sex, which the church forbids? Among all the men and women in your employ, only one type has a tell tale sign of being in violation, the PREGNANT ONE! That is the discrimination. Since the violation is the sex itself, the church must find a way to enforce it fairly and equally,and except for the smile on their face you cant tell if men have had sex or not! Or women for that matter, unless they are unfortunate enough to become pregnant. You see its not the pregnancy that is a violation, can't be, because the only remedy for that is an even bigger sin. So what to do? Birth control? Another sin, albeit undetectable. I say that all unmarried employees be subject to the elation test. Anyone who shows up for work with a smile on their face and a bounce in their step must go straight to the principles office for further investigation. And that includes priests and nuns.


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Shopping Black Friday

Merry Christmas to all, and what better way to start it than a few good sale purchases on the biggest sales day of the year - Black Friday!

And what better way to judge those sales than to get the sales information several days earlier than the stores would like.
How to do that? Easy thanks to several web site operators who are managing to get the information out early
This does not sit well however with the major retailers involved. Some have threatened legal action, others are just downright pi$$ed. Spokespersons for some of the stores claim "we like to surprise our customers with the circulars the day before". BULLSHIT I say; what they really want is to suck every last cent out of people up until the last minute,before they cut prices. This helps the CEO's pad their multi million dollar salaries with hefty year end "Christmas bonuses".

So who are these Santas helpers, and what have they done with the grinch?

Well who they are isn't really important (but its in the article) Where their sites are is what's important they are here
BF2005.com, BlackFridayAds.com & Gottadeal.com

The information is great, but is it true? I don't know for sure, but its accurate enough I guess, since none of the affected retailers appear to be displaying the Holiday spirit. HO HO HO

Oh How I Hate To Agree With Him

O.J. Simpson invoked his freedom of speech after a jury recently also found Robert Blake "liable" for his wifes murder, saying he finds it impossible how anyone found "not guilty"of a murder can then be held liable for it in any way, shape or form. Not guilty BUT responsible? How is that legally possible in our famous justice system. I myself can't fathom such a thing. I personally believed both O.J. and Blake were guilty as charged; but accepted it as a necessary evil in proving our legal system is anything BUT just. These two capital cases alone ought to be enough to abolish the death penalty in at least 90% of all cases now on death row.

I could only approve a death sentence when there is NO doubt and such a burden ought only be left to a judge, not an oftentimes incompetent jury. Don't get me wrong jurors mean well, its just that their ill equipped for the task, something akin to Bush trying to run a country.
Confessions, such as from braggards and the remorseful, yes execute them. But circumstantial evidence that noone saw him do it, but A,B & C happened and they all taken together point to the defendant - NO I couldn't and have told Judges that exact same thing. One judge asked me one time if I was instructed by him that an accomplice,who knew they were doing say a robbery and nothing else, suddenly saw his crime partner decide to murder all the witnesses, is guilty of murder as much as if he pulled the trigger, could I find him guilty of the crime of murder? I told him no, especially if it meant that he too would then be subject to a death sentence. I was dismissed!
But yes back to OJ, he makes sense unfortunately, when he says the difference is in the "standard" applied. In a civil trial you need only find a "preponderance of the evidence", or in other words at least 51%. Add to that, my opinion that America thinks money settles everything, and everything has its "price" and there you have it. Further, money in fact "talks"very loudly and as a result makes itself heard, which is why the rich suffer neither the same conviction rate nor the same penalty as the less financially able. Go no further than the current case just closed against actor Russell Crowe, in which he got merely a tiny fraction of what you or I would get for the same offense.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Jewish Leader Blasts 'Religious Right'

Gods chosen people have spoken!
The leader of America's largest branch of Judaism spoke out against what he labeled the "religious right" on Saturday, calling them "zealots" who claim a "monopoly on God". Rabbi Eric Yoffie, told a gathering of about 5,000 in Houston today that the "religious right (wrong) think they have a monopoly on God and what could be more bigoted than that!" He further reminded people that one of Hitler's first acts when he assumed power was to ban "gay" organizations. He also urged lawmakers to model themselves on presidential candidate John F. Kennedy, who famously told a Houston clergy group in 1960 that a president should not make policy based on his religion.


Not Torture! Just "Enhanced interrogation Techniques"

That's the "spin" being put on accusations that the CIA tortured prisoners. Yes it was simply " Enhanced interrogation Techniques" not "torture as previously suspected. Yeah right.

According to a former CIA officer these "enhanced techniques" were "bad interrogation. I mean, you can get anyone to confess to anything if the torture's bad enough." There were a total of 6 "new techniques" used, with one in particular reported as working instantly! This technique had the prisoner tied to a board with his feet higher than his head, his face wrapped in cellophane. Water is then poured over him, he gags,and BEGS to confess .At this point he'll confess to anything, because he fears he is being killed. Trouble is, confessions like these are at best suspect and at worst wild goose chases, because the prisoner is in some cases just making things up to save his life. These interrogations are illegal under international law because they amount to "mock executions".

Full story and list of "new techniques" here. Enjoy, Bush voters


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Trading Spouses Christian Taliban Update

About a week ago I wrote about the conservative Christian movement in this country. Unfortunately what I SHOULD have been doing is capitalizing on it, as evidently some of my brethren have been doing. Seems as if some of the more imaginative among us have done something about it as opposed to just running our mouths. Some enterprising person has created a talking "bobblehead doll" of the loudmouthed Christian fanatic made infamous on the trading spouses TV show recently. It is for sale here on ebay, and already up to $725.00 with a day and a half of bidding left. A very well done job of marketing it too. Obviously this is no BORED again Christian with nothing better to do. No, this took a lot of time and effort to get the "word" (of god?) out (so to speak). Also for sale, and getting bids is a yahoo email address of "trading spouses god warrior" ($21.00 so far), as well as T-shirts, buttons & other stuff.
About 1/3 of the way down the page you will see a picture of this woman's head; Be sure to pass your mouse over it! On the way down (to hell perhaps?) you'll see larger images of the bobble head doll. Beyond that is even more info, and media attention this thing has gotten. Worth a look just for the laughs. Oh and for sound clips don't forget to click on the numbers beside the angel picture on the way down the page.
See a clip of the show here. Definitely worth a look!!

Ghandi said it best with his:
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -- Ghandi

Monday, November 14, 2005

My Tribute to Oprah Winfrey

I NEVER idolize another human being, just ask my family, they'll tell you. Never wait on line for an autograph, never NEVER NEVER PAY for the signature of another human being NEVER. NO human being is more important than me. Better maybe (probably), but more important never. But here I go, making a statement SOOooo out of context for me that people will yet again wonder what happened to me.
I am right now watching the 20th anniversary of the Oprah Winfrey show and they are showing clips from the past, and I've made a decision, for myself at least. And that is: IF GOD is a black female, her name is Oprah Winfrey! I DO NOT know her personally so I may be wrong, but I don't think there is a nicer, kinder, more considerate, more unassuming, person on this planet. Either that or she is a great actress, or both. I mean she always seems genuinely happy when she pleases or helps others; and when something nice is done for or to her she again shows the appreciation of innocence, of that of a child. Right now Sidney Portier is reading something he wrote to her, about her, and she is literally shaking and crying. Yes, Oprah is either an academy award deserving actress, or THE MOST decent person on earth. God bless you Oprah Winfrey and I surely hope you have political aspirations of the height that I see of you . Oprah for President / Vice President in 2008!!!, preferably with Sen. John McCain but I'm afraid their ideologies maybe a little too different.

Female Suicide Bomber Confesses

Male suicide bombers, ok, ok I get it. They are promised a "scazillion" virgins. But what's in it for the women? Are they lesbians, in search of a scazillion virgins for themselves? Nah, can't be, as that would seriously violate their religion AND sentence them to death WITHOUT a bomb. I know, they have been granted equal rights with men! Nah can't be, after all they ARE Muslim So I remain perplexed. Any suggestions


Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Trouble With the Liberal Left

The news about the riots in France abound. It is in every newspaper worldwide.
I have no need to read these stories. I am way too familiar with them and their causes, for I am a reformed "Liberal Lefty." No excuse but I was young then. Later in lifeI began to swing toward the right until I settled in my current position of "middle of the road moderate", with an occasional leaning to one side or the other, depending on the subject. But I am WAAY overdue in taking a stance on these riots
So, the trouble with the liberal left is that this is what it ultimately leads to. Why though? That is the question where the arguments arise. My feelings are these social insurrections arise from the leftist policy of simply accepting NEITHER blame nor responsibility combined with social policies that do not encourage interest in improving one lot in life. Why strive to improve when the Government will support you, champion your rights and freedoms at all costs ( the costs are showing now). Improving your "social stature" in this type society and government only means that you now must pay a higher percent of the support and upkeep of those under you. you work hard, improve yourself, get a higher paying position in the workforce and your net reward is that after taxes you end up with little more than you had before, and in some cases less.
The remedy: people MUST be held responsible for their action AND inactions. Failure to even try to procure employment WILL result in your hunger and homelessness. The government will NOT and must NOT support these people. "Freedoms" like immigration and FAILURE of these immigrants to assimilate into their new society must be regulated, must be controlled. You cannot have a successful nation where you have "x" number of groups, each living as they wish with no regard for the ways of their new country. "Rights of the people" have led to inferior and inadequate screening of immigrants; they have led to the inability to compel the able bodied to try and find work, Terrorists routinely enter these countries by flaunting the "rights rules" in these countries . The next generation, born into this system see these "freedoms" as their right to do nothing while the government supports them, feed them, clothes the and shelters them.
Then all of a sudden, someone in authority takes action. And the masses revolt! What do you mean I can't throw rocks at the police? What do you mean I have to support myself? What do you mean I have to learn the national language? My parents never did! All of a sudden these "freeloaders" begin to think that its the government who is wrong; the government that is acting illegally. And their not going to stand for it. France is not alone in their problem. Sure they are a glaring example of the failures of liberal left Socialism, but other nations are headed that way. Indeed many must now be wringing their hands worrying if their next. And yes the United States has its problems in this area though they seem to avoid the worst case scenario by throwing in a Republican president now and again to straighten things out.
By now I know that anyone who has faithfully read my blog all along or know me personally are thinking "who is this guy and what have they done with D. Coder"??? Fact is its still me, the real me,; it just seems as if I am a liberal Democrat. In fact I am as I stated earlier a middle of the road moderate. BUT, but I do have a problem with liars, incompetence, and stupidity, hence my anti Bush stance, just as his father before him, both are a$$holes. I mean here is a man, George H. who followed 8 years of the hugely popular Reagan with a four year stint so abysmal that Clinton got in! I mean George H was almost as bas as that peanut farmer we had in the 70's. I voted for and supported Reagan TWICE, yet must admit that Clinton seemed to do a good job economy wise. I do however find truth in the accusations that Clintons INACTION led to the emboldening of terrorists to do the 9/11 tragedy. So even though I really like the slogan "When Clinton lied nobody died" the facts may indeed be otherwise.

My Favorites for 2008 presidential race are Hillary Clinton / Oprah Winfrey vs. John McCain / Rudy Giuliani
I mean this sincerely. I know of no more caring humanitarian with greater connections than Oprah nor a bigger snake than Hillary, and both traits would be necessary to running this nation well.
My McCain / Giuliani pick, well McCain is the better human being, both are slick geniuses with the anatomy necessary to pull the trigger if need be. ( Hillary also I believe has this anatomical trait)
The problem with my Republican picks is Giuliani's ego. Not sure he'd play second fiddle to anybody.

Abortion Questions, help wanted

I was sent an article written by Erika Bachiochi entitled How Abortion Hurts Women: The Hard Proof. This article was written by her for Crisis Magazine and can be read here

After having read it I was left with a number of questions and opinions, for which I look for answers. All opinion and facts are happily accepted, with of course more credence given to the "provable" facts.
the article statements are reprinted below follow by my questions / opinions in CAPITAL LETTERS so as to make it easier to separate the two. Here we go:

Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, co-founder of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, presents evidence supporting a link between induced abortion and increased risk of breast cancer

Women who have had abortions suffer an increased risk of anxiety, depression, and suicide.


Pre-term birth is associated with low birth-weight babies, and very low birth-weight babies (those born between 20 and 27 weeks) have 38 times the risk of having cerebral palsy—not to mention medical costs 28 times greater —than full-term babies.


We can'’t afford to do the much more difficult work of creating environments that welcome women who have children, —which, of course, is the great majority of women. Instead, we'’ll just continue to tell women what Roe told them a generation before. You choose: your baby or yourself, your baby or your future, your baby or your success; this is a man'’s world, and you better become like a man, —that is, not pregnant —if you want to succeed.

Women are beginning to realize that they'’d been sold on the idea that a mother is of far less value than a fully engaged professional person.

During an era in which motherhood was revered much more than it is today, President Theodore Roosevelt said: [The mother] is the most indispensable component part of society. The work of men, he said, is not “as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman who is bringing up a family of small children.... I think the duty of the woman the more important, the more difficult, and the more honorable of the two.Â


Sadly, a feminism that puts the fight for abortion at the center of its crusade has convinced many women that their social status and power are more valuable than the very lives of their children and the influence they have in the world through their work as mothers.
Some social scientists have argued that such a feminism, having driven unprecedented numbers of mothers with small children into the work force full-time over the last few decades, is largely to blame for the difficulty most single mothers today have at making ends meet. After all, the financial power of the dual-income family —the norm today —has driven up the price of life's necessities. While two-parent families with a single income struggle and sacrifice to allow one parent to remain at home with young children, single mothers —responsible for both bread-winning and child-rearing, —are faced with an almost insurmountable financial obstacle.

Friday, November 11, 2005


How much more of this religious conservative B.S. are we going to put up with? Now that good Christian Pat Robertson is again in the news again having told a Pennsylvania town that they shouldn't be surprised or look to God if something bad should befall their town because they just rebuked Him (god) by voting out an entire schoolboard who backed teaching intelligent design.
full story here
Further Robertson was a former Republican candidate for president! Anyone say Taliban!! Hell it wasn't that long ago he called for the assassination of Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez! Please if this DOESN'T sound as if he'd be a carbon copy of the Taliban tell me HOW, PLEASE.

I just recently watched a two part reality show (trading spouses (on fox)) in which a "staunch" (to say the least) Christian woman traded places with a family that believed in astrology and love of mother earth among other things. The rules of the show are that for the week you must live the way the household in which you are staying lives. Well this so called "christian" woman wasn't nearly as christian like as the family with which she was staying. The host family agreed to all that she wanted to do but she refused to going along with anything she viewed as "dark." At one point she was a guest on the husbands radio show and that was fine with her until a "psychic" came on the show. At that point she had a fit, declared herself a "Christian" on the air and walked out saying he (the psychic) was a test for her from god and she would have nothing to do with him. Anyway fast forward to the end of the second episode and we see her back at home with her family. For participating in the show each family receives $50,000 dollars. "Christian" momma though tears up the check and "offers" it up to god swearing she will never accept anything from the dark side. She get a possessed look in her face and screams of the woman who replaced her that she WASN'T" A CHRISTIAN!!!! The effect here isn't even close to what occurred on TV though. She actually ranted and raved like a lunatic, CLEARLY scaring her two youngest daughters, while her oldest daughter and her husband looked on with sad resignation. Now this not just my opinion, it is blatantly clear to all who saw it, except maybe those equally fanatical Christians out there who remain blind to reality. For a forum discussion of the show go here
By the way, she later had a change of heart and accepted the "devils" money!

Lets see what the native americans believed compared to what the good christians running this country believe:
"The Lakota could despise no creature, for all were of one blood, made by the same hand, and filled with the essence of the Great Mystery. In spirit, the Lakota were humble and meek. 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' -- this was true for the Lakota, and from the earth they inherited secrets long since forgotten. Their religion was sane, natural, and human." -Luther Standing Bear (1868-1939) Oglala Sioux chief

"Whenever, the course of a daily hunt, the hunter comes upon a scene that is strikingly beautiful, or sublime; a black thundercloud with the rainbows glowing arch above the mountain, a white waterfall in the heart of a green gorge, a vast prairie tinged with the blood-red of the sunset; he pauses for an instant in the attitude of worship. He sees no need for setting apart one day in seven as a holy day, because to him all the days are God's days."
-Ohiyesa a/k/a Charles Alexander Eastman (Santee Sioux)

The Great Spirit does right. He knows what is best for his children. We are satisfied.
Brother, we do not wish to destroy your religion, or to take it from you. We only want to enjoy our own.
-Chief Red Jacket, 1805 more here

You can now see that the so called "heathen" didn't need our conversion, but rather we, his. In practice it was the native American who was "good" christian yet without any knowledge of christianity.

While we're in the Chrsitian "mode" let really try to use the brains God gave us all, as opposed to just listening to the orders of other fallible humans.
I've heard alot lately through news and emails how we are a nation founded on Christian principles and while I don't necessarily agree with that assessment, I'll "go" with it here for a moment, just in the hope of enlightening you all.
Lets review the history of this "Christian" nation and their "christian" actions for a moment, after all there is a great quote from
George Santayana "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" So in review:
do we really want to repeat the following:
The Crusades;
The Inquisition,
do we really want to repeat that? I mean Demonizing Galileo, is it that much different from what they are trying to do to Darwins theory of evolution? Again its Christianity putting science on "trial" Once the long accepted scientific theory of evolution is discredited how hard do you think it will be to discredit threats to our land through global warming and oil exploration in the Alaskan refuge and the Gulf of Mexico?

The Genocide of the Native Americans by our "christian" forefathers; The attempt to force christianity on the so called "heathens."

The Salem witch hunt / trials and subsequent burning at the stake

The Kidnapping and enslavement of African peoples for over 200 years. And then after "freeing" them, America continued to legally treat them as less than human for over another hundred years. We are at this point into the 1960's a mere 40 years ago. Easily within the lifetime of many people alive today, thus making it only "this" generation who has finally started to correct themselves. And yet still today we continue to find someone, somewhere to discriminate against as if we are perfect. Yeah right!

Heck we were so good at destroying other people that none other than Hitler looked to us for inspiration. In JohnTolands book "Hitler" there's a section suggesting Hitlers admiration of Americas use of "camps" and genocide in exterminating the American Indians.Nice to see America again used as a model of freedom and Christianity

How about our training of, and financial support of, Guerrilla regimes in the over throw of Governments with which we disagree; only to later have to "destroy" those "monsters" that we created!. Among them is that hated "terrorist" supporter Saddam Hussein. Yes that's right, the U.S supported him in his war against Iran in the early 80's, and when I say "supported" I don't mean with just words of encouragement, no, rather with money and training and weapons.
So in summary do we really want a christian fanatic running this country? Taliban West it could be called. Sure we're an immoral, corrupt country, but hey didn't the catholic church just prove to be no better what with priests abusing children, taking away their innocence and in some instances ruining their lives. Corruption? You want corruption? OK how about the catholic church continuing to inflate its member numbers in order to obtain more and more federal funds for programs . How they do this is simple: they count ANYONE who was baptized in a catholic church as a member, regardless of whether or not they actually come to church or even practice or believe in the catholic faith anymore. Annual income of Catholic Charities is $2.69 billion, 67% of which ($180 billion) comes from our tax dollars.(Source: catholiccharitiesinfol.org)

In closing let us all pray, God please help and protect us from those who lie and proclaim to do your will,while actually doing the work of the devil; guide us along the path of righteousness protect us in this time of need, otherwise Pat Robertson may be our next president! GOD HELP US ALL

Monday, November 07, 2005

Torture or Not That IS the Question

Let me see if I got this right

1) Bush says "we don't torture"

2) The U.S. Senate wants to pass a law banning torture

3) Bush threatens to veto the legislation (it would be the first veto in his whole presidency so obviously its an important issue to him)

4 Cheney wants the CIA exempt from the torture ban

So if I've got it right so far, then is #1 a lie or what?Link

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The War at Home

During a speech on the Senate floor today, Senator Reid, Democratic leader, surprised everyone by calling for a closed door session to discuss, the erroneous, misleading information (outright lies maybe?), that led to the war in Iraq. Such a call doesn't require a vote, but certainly led to many irate Republicans led by Majority Leader Bill Frist who proclaimed of the Democrats "They have no convictions, they have no principles, they have no ideas."

Bearing the brunt of Frists wrath was Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts who Reid claimed failed to fulfill his promise to fully investigate whether the Bush administration exaggerated and manipulated intelligence leading up to the war.
