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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

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Friday, November 11, 2005


How much more of this religious conservative B.S. are we going to put up with? Now that good Christian Pat Robertson is again in the news again having told a Pennsylvania town that they shouldn't be surprised or look to God if something bad should befall their town because they just rebuked Him (god) by voting out an entire schoolboard who backed teaching intelligent design.
full story here
Further Robertson was a former Republican candidate for president! Anyone say Taliban!! Hell it wasn't that long ago he called for the assassination of Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez! Please if this DOESN'T sound as if he'd be a carbon copy of the Taliban tell me HOW, PLEASE.

I just recently watched a two part reality show (trading spouses (on fox)) in which a "staunch" (to say the least) Christian woman traded places with a family that believed in astrology and love of mother earth among other things. The rules of the show are that for the week you must live the way the household in which you are staying lives. Well this so called "christian" woman wasn't nearly as christian like as the family with which she was staying. The host family agreed to all that she wanted to do but she refused to going along with anything she viewed as "dark." At one point she was a guest on the husbands radio show and that was fine with her until a "psychic" came on the show. At that point she had a fit, declared herself a "Christian" on the air and walked out saying he (the psychic) was a test for her from god and she would have nothing to do with him. Anyway fast forward to the end of the second episode and we see her back at home with her family. For participating in the show each family receives $50,000 dollars. "Christian" momma though tears up the check and "offers" it up to god swearing she will never accept anything from the dark side. She get a possessed look in her face and screams of the woman who replaced her that she WASN'T" A CHRISTIAN!!!! The effect here isn't even close to what occurred on TV though. She actually ranted and raved like a lunatic, CLEARLY scaring her two youngest daughters, while her oldest daughter and her husband looked on with sad resignation. Now this not just my opinion, it is blatantly clear to all who saw it, except maybe those equally fanatical Christians out there who remain blind to reality. For a forum discussion of the show go here
By the way, she later had a change of heart and accepted the "devils" money!

Lets see what the native americans believed compared to what the good christians running this country believe:
"The Lakota could despise no creature, for all were of one blood, made by the same hand, and filled with the essence of the Great Mystery. In spirit, the Lakota were humble and meek. 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' -- this was true for the Lakota, and from the earth they inherited secrets long since forgotten. Their religion was sane, natural, and human." -Luther Standing Bear (1868-1939) Oglala Sioux chief

"Whenever, the course of a daily hunt, the hunter comes upon a scene that is strikingly beautiful, or sublime; a black thundercloud with the rainbows glowing arch above the mountain, a white waterfall in the heart of a green gorge, a vast prairie tinged with the blood-red of the sunset; he pauses for an instant in the attitude of worship. He sees no need for setting apart one day in seven as a holy day, because to him all the days are God's days."
-Ohiyesa a/k/a Charles Alexander Eastman (Santee Sioux)

The Great Spirit does right. He knows what is best for his children. We are satisfied.
Brother, we do not wish to destroy your religion, or to take it from you. We only want to enjoy our own.
-Chief Red Jacket, 1805 more here

You can now see that the so called "heathen" didn't need our conversion, but rather we, his. In practice it was the native American who was "good" christian yet without any knowledge of christianity.

While we're in the Chrsitian "mode" let really try to use the brains God gave us all, as opposed to just listening to the orders of other fallible humans.
I've heard alot lately through news and emails how we are a nation founded on Christian principles and while I don't necessarily agree with that assessment, I'll "go" with it here for a moment, just in the hope of enlightening you all.
Lets review the history of this "Christian" nation and their "christian" actions for a moment, after all there is a great quote from
George Santayana "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" So in review:
do we really want to repeat the following:
The Crusades;
The Inquisition,
do we really want to repeat that? I mean Demonizing Galileo, is it that much different from what they are trying to do to Darwins theory of evolution? Again its Christianity putting science on "trial" Once the long accepted scientific theory of evolution is discredited how hard do you think it will be to discredit threats to our land through global warming and oil exploration in the Alaskan refuge and the Gulf of Mexico?

The Genocide of the Native Americans by our "christian" forefathers; The attempt to force christianity on the so called "heathens."

The Salem witch hunt / trials and subsequent burning at the stake

The Kidnapping and enslavement of African peoples for over 200 years. And then after "freeing" them, America continued to legally treat them as less than human for over another hundred years. We are at this point into the 1960's a mere 40 years ago. Easily within the lifetime of many people alive today, thus making it only "this" generation who has finally started to correct themselves. And yet still today we continue to find someone, somewhere to discriminate against as if we are perfect. Yeah right!

Heck we were so good at destroying other people that none other than Hitler looked to us for inspiration. In JohnTolands book "Hitler" there's a section suggesting Hitlers admiration of Americas use of "camps" and genocide in exterminating the American Indians.Nice to see America again used as a model of freedom and Christianity

How about our training of, and financial support of, Guerrilla regimes in the over throw of Governments with which we disagree; only to later have to "destroy" those "monsters" that we created!. Among them is that hated "terrorist" supporter Saddam Hussein. Yes that's right, the U.S supported him in his war against Iran in the early 80's, and when I say "supported" I don't mean with just words of encouragement, no, rather with money and training and weapons.
So in summary do we really want a christian fanatic running this country? Taliban West it could be called. Sure we're an immoral, corrupt country, but hey didn't the catholic church just prove to be no better what with priests abusing children, taking away their innocence and in some instances ruining their lives. Corruption? You want corruption? OK how about the catholic church continuing to inflate its member numbers in order to obtain more and more federal funds for programs . How they do this is simple: they count ANYONE who was baptized in a catholic church as a member, regardless of whether or not they actually come to church or even practice or believe in the catholic faith anymore. Annual income of Catholic Charities is $2.69 billion, 67% of which ($180 billion) comes from our tax dollars.(Source: catholiccharitiesinfol.org)

In closing let us all pray, God please help and protect us from those who lie and proclaim to do your will,while actually doing the work of the devil; guide us along the path of righteousness protect us in this time of need, otherwise Pat Robertson may be our next president! GOD HELP US ALL


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11/11/2005 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was someone not nice to you? Everything you said is completely true. Go open an unbiased history book and you'll discover that. (Oh wait, there ARE no unbiased history books...)

11/13/2005 1:06 PM  

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