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The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Yorks New Cardinal: Timothy Dolan

3 positive articles about new yorks new cardinal. yes  i know your all surprised that i would sunmit such articles but hey, im willing to give him a fair chance. he;s seemingly a very remarkable man.
to sum up what i like, he doesnt appear to be one of those people who is full of himself. he would seem to be a man of the people. to be able to balance making most of his flock happy while still keeping true to his profession has to be practically impossible. i applaud him for apparently being able to do that, tho time will tell what i actually think of him, but so far so good.
below is my hilites of the 3 articles, with links so you can read em yourself if your so inclined.

1st article
In describing Dolan:

  • The more accurate word is "disarming." People like Dolan, even if they have reason not to. They think they could offer him a beer at a church festival and that he'd enjoy it. He shows up in comic-strip form in the weekly archdiocesan newspaper, with miter and grin and a dialogue bubble reading, "Hey, kids!" This seems natural.
  • He put the list of sex-abuser priests online.
  • He's selling the archdiocesan headquarters to pay off millions in settlements over abuse by renegade priests that his predecessors sent elsewhere.
  • This is all patch-up for a diocese left in tatters by former Archbishop Rembert Weakland - who after 25 years of cerebral, aloof leadership retired in 2002 about the time news broke that he paid $450,000 in hush money to a young male lover.All Dolan had to do was smile and not be Weakland, and he'd have been OK. But he also did the fiscal repairs and disarmed a considerable "to hell with Rome" contingent among priests and preached orthodoxy without setting off open war with theological liberals and found a way to accommodate the Latin Mass crowd - and still ended up seeming like everyone's genial uncle.
  • He's not a prelate. He's a guy who happens to be a prelate. I hear New York could use that.
  • what Dolan really is, is a pastor. When it was definite we'd lose him, people were calling radio shows recounting how the archbishop was phoning their homes to check up on some relative on whose behalf they'd asked him to pray months before. He showed up at people's houses to bless the sick.
  • He didn't have to come to my kids' school, a tiny parent-run thing with no link to any parish - but he did.
  •  Dolan does not give the impression of a brilliant man who's managed to accommodate his doubts. Rather, he seems like a man who used his intelligence to find answers to those doubts - and now wants to clue you in.
2nd article:
  • Dolan said President Obama had phoned him."He said, 'I just wanted to call and congratulate you and assure you of my prayers.' And I said, 'Thank you, Mr. President. I need those prayers.' ""Well, I need yours, too," Obama responded."He said, 'You know, we're in kind of a tight financial situation,' " Dolan recalled. "And I said, 'If we can have a second collection or something, let us know.' It was a remarkably pleasant and enjoyable and friendly call."
  •  Dolan is considered a conservative when it comes to church teachings. And, like Egan - and all but one of his 12 predecessors in the New York Archdiocese - Dolan is of Irish descent."That's a sign of the Holy Father's infallibility, don't you think?" Dolan quipped.

3rd article

In Dolan, New Yorkers will "see someone who is certainly very firm in the teachings of church doctrine, but he's not the kind of person who's going to hit people over the head," "He's willing to engage in dialogue with people," Shelley said, echoing remarks Dolan made earlier yesterday. "He's willing to build bridges rather than pull up the drawbridge.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Congress Passes Americans With No Abilities Act

This is so funny ( to me anyway).  even more so when you consider that Liberals WOULD indeed actually embrace this idea, and are probably annoyed that they didn't think of it.  Or did they?  Do yourself a favor and take a minute to read it. it comes from the Onion.com and they are noted for this kind of sarcasm.  This is the part of putting Obama in office that scared me.

Fwd: The Bush Legacy

The U.S. budget, has gone from a $128 billion surplus seven years ago to a to a more than $1 trillion deficit now.

If Only

Thursday, February 19, 2009

N.Y. Post Cartoon

Ok, so the n.y.post is my paper of choice. i view it as a conservative, mostly honest publication. I say mostly honest because hey, we all have our "agendas".   BUT this was wrong. No matter how i try to look at it or "spin" it i coulnt escape the obvious.
A little background for those who didnt hear:
Police shot and killed an out-of-control chimp in Conn. the other day.
The next day, the post had a cartoon showing cops with guns drawn and the chimp lying dead on the street.  the balloon caption on it was "they'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill"
To me, this was racist, no matter how how hard i try to see another side, any other side.  If you can see it differently  please let me know
Post picture here  
original chimp stories here

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Palin: Abstinence Only Isn't Realistic

Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, said in an interview that the abstinence her mom preaches is "not realistic at all."
She also denied that her mother's anti-abortion views were the reason she went ahead with the pregnancy, saying
"It was my choice to have the baby, It doesn't matter what my mom's views are on it. It was my decision."
further saying she has no philosophical or religious issue with teens using contraception, and realizes that abstinence isn't a "realistic" course of action for most people.

The Huffington post quotes Sarah Palin supposedly saying, in response to a question by Van Susteren,  mentioning abstinence,  "It sounds naive. Life happens."

Also while discussing this on the viewelisabeth hasselback a conservative co-host admitted that "abstinence only" was an "ideal,"  BUT implied that if you were going to have sex anyway, protection should be known about and used.  For those who dont know, there is NO bigger conservative than her. She has feuded repeatedly with her Liberal co-hosts in the past. For more about elisabeth hasselback just google her here

Watch the full Interview here

 Links 1, 2, 3,

Monday, February 16, 2009

N.Y.C.Training Prostitutes?

Only In New York ..........
 New York police allegedly have been targeting "gay" book and video shops in Manhattan, Young allegedly good looking undercover cops have been approaching middle aged men in these shops and offering them sex. When the middle age men agree, obviously thinking they died and went to gay mens heaven, they begin to leave the store.  As they reach the outside the cop says oh by the way i want to pay you $XX for ____ _____ ____ .  At this point, even having said nothing in reply to the money, the "mark" is surrounded by other undercover cops and arrested on prostitution charges.

Now here is the funny part IF there can be a funny part to false arrests.  As part of a plea agreement the men are ordered to attend 5 "health" classes.  The first of these classes is entitled "How to Be A Safer Sex Worker,"
 So there you have it, n.y.c is training NON prostitutes to be better sex workers. 
 If you really want the "details" the stories are here and here

This reminds me of another n.y.c. law that if you merely point out whom someone can buy drugs from, you are guilty of FELONY "steering"

 also come to mind that incident in the Minn. airport where a politician got arrested for tapping his foot.  Yes further research on my part revealed that foot tapping in a public bathroom, is an "accepted" code among gay men that you are interested in a "hookup", but still NO actual crime was ever committed.  Assuming that the foot tapping would lead to a "no money exchange" encounter in PRIVATE, then no crime would ever have been committed. 

And This is Democracy. Imagine how bad it is elsewhere in the world.  They'd cut your ------ off! ....... Instant sex change

Vatican says if aliens exist, they may not need redemption

Vatican astronomer says if aliens exist, they may not need redemption


Catholic Church Flip Flops on Evolution

 again and again and ........


Its Not Intelligent Design Alone, Priest says

Intelligent Design reduces and belittles God's power and might, according to Father George V. Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ex Ill. Gov.Blagojevich calls officials drunks, adulterers

Well why didnt he say that sooner.
 NOW at least we know he can speak the truth, occasionally,  even if it was about something most of have known about politicians   a long time now
link to story here

YET ANOTHER Missing Child

little girl is missing in florida.  Reports say there are 44 known sexual offenders who live within five miles of her home. Not to say they are automatically responsible, but past history says its likely them or her own parents.

 Geez, im beginning to think Iraq or some 3rd world country in Africa is safer than Florida, if your a child under, say, 12 or so. 

Obama / Lincoln

I found this interesting in that for the most part of his political career,  Lincoln was a nobody, incapable of winning the hearts of almost anyone, yet became president. Similarly, Obama was a nobody, with no chance of winning over people against Hillary Clinton, yet in the end he too became president .
 I cant help but think that the similarities in the country today and then were the deciding factors in that both times war was seriously dividing the country, quite literally in :Lincolns time. I dont know much else about the counties condition in Lincolns time but i do know the countries condition this time, and cant help but think this country elected THE MOST OPPOSITE figure they could find. Doesnt say much for  his predecessor, does it

  • 1838: Sought to become speaker of the state legislature - defeated.
  • 1840: Sought to become elector - defeated.
  • 1843: Ran for Congress - lost.
  • 1846: Ran for Congress again - this time he won - went to Washington and did a good job.
  • 1848: Ran for re-election to Congress - lost.
  • 1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state - rejected.
  • 1854: Ran for Senate of the United States - lost.
  • 1856: Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention - got less than 100 votes.
  • 1858: Ran for U.S. Senate again - again he lost.
  • 1860: Elected president of the United States.
And the rest as they say is history ..............................

from snopes.com

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For Those Who Ask ......

Whats next in this crazy mixed up world, where one person tries to outdo the next in absurdity, there's this: "swatting"Swatting is when a person,(person, maybe, but their humanity is surely in question), calls 911 and reports a really serious crime in progress, a crime sure to get the poice swat team in motion, hence the name swatting.
 They utilize a technology whereby someone using an internet phone can alter their caller ID, so it appears to be coming from somewhere else.  Police naturally respond to where the caller ID indicates the crime is being committed.  Only problem is, it is a fake caller ID. The potential danger of such a hoax, can be deadly. Imagine a police swat team coming to YOUR house in the middle of the nite, expecting the worst. That is what happened to This family.  The "kid" who made the call was caught, and sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to five felony counts.
 So there it is, just when you thought you had heard everything
Story here
How to fake caller ID here

Catholic Church Opposes FULLY Protecting the Children

Sure they talk a good game,   yeah if you aren't paying attention to the actual words coming out of their mouths.  On the one hand, the words  they want you to pay attention to, they talk about protecting the most vulnerable among us at all costs. nothing is more important. And surely they are right.
But most recently the bishop for a New York diocese, came out against a proposed N.Y.C. law.  This law would extend the statute of limitations for prosecuting all priestly child molesters.  He argues that it unfairly targets the church and such a law would be impossible to defend against. Again he's right about it being unfair, and he's right about being unable to defend against many cases that happened say 50 years ago.  so far I'm with him all the way.

But here is the rub. They, the Catholic church are outspoken supporters of protecting the most vulnerable.  At every turn, they will tell you this is their single most important mission.  So then instead of arguing that you are being unfairly targeted and trying to prevent the law that way,  why not seek to have the law expanded to cover ALL suspected child molesters.  THAT is what you would do If you really had the victim in mind. But instead they are trying to portray THEMSELVES as the victims, so typical of society today, and they are doing so quite successfully among the more fervent of their "flock". And further they speak not of human cost, not of the devastating effects on the victims,  but of the financial devastation that would befall THEM, if forced to defend themselves.
 Wake up!  See them for what they are.. They are a business, a corporation always protecting the "bottom line", first and foremost, not the most vulnerable, just themselves

Fehr Denies Players were tipped by union

Prosecute THIS as fervently as you are going after Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds.
 If its true that the major league baseball players association in fact tipped its player to upcoming drug tests, then they should be prosecuted and penalized to the fullest extent. Rather than being upset that its players were "doping" the union uses the law to protect them, from the truth coming out. This is when laws dont work. See more about laws not working in next story above

Break up MLBPA Union

Hmmmm, wait that would just make rich sport team owners richer.   Hmmmmmm better idea: lets just pass a law taxing sports professionals at say a 90% rate. That would still leave them making more money, for playing a game, then most people make "working" for a living.  And we'd solve this countries deficit in no time.
take a baseball player making the major league minimun which  is currently around $400,000.00.  tax him at 90% and hes left with 40 grand a year. Actually hes left with 40 grand for abou 8 months work.  Again, not bad wage for playing a game. And if he cant make ends meet he'd still be elligable for unemployment the  other 4 months.  Gee what a deal, where do i sign up.
 While this may be done a little tongue in cheek, it also goes a long way to pointing out whats wrong with this country, when people can make THOSE kinds of salaries for THAT type of work. Sad, Simply sad...


Monday, February 09, 2009

The Fed Stimulus

Republican are up in arms over the stimulus saying it will be a disaster, and i agree, throwing good money after bad isnt smart, we should let the economy shake itself out.  but correct me if im wrong, wasnt this all but a done deal anyway while bush was still in office?  And wasnt it the republican administration who first decided to bail out poorly mansged corporations run by thieveing criminals?
 i do like the fact tho, that there will be people held accountable and ther will not be overpaid CEO's any more.  Another question:  what ever happened to getting rewards or bonuses for jobs WELL DONE???  More part of American greed i guess. Rewards for just breathing.

Compounding this is the fact that we are a debtor nation, owing our future to, of all things many of our enemies.

Michael Phelps

Quite simply, he's an idiot, but hes also 23.
What I'm saying is 23 and idiot are synonymous more often than not.  dont keep pounding him, hes suffered enuf so far, appears to have learned a valuable lesson, and could still suffer much more in the future. After all he is only 23, his endorsers are dropping him, he hadnt made THAT much money before getting cauhgt.  what all this mean is that in all likelyhood Phelps WILL at some point in his life have to actually work for a living and lets face it there isnt much call for olympic swimmers, even in a sinking economy .......  oh groan, bad pun intended

A-Rod and the American dream

So "A-Rod" has been accused of failing a doping / steroids test back in 2003.  I am NOT a fan of A-rod the person, in fact i loathe that part of him, but am a huge fan of his basebal abilities.
 The personal part is just from what ive read about him, that being, he is a self centered, egotistical & greedy, a megalomaniac.
But what caused this, and why the uproar? Thats the part i dont understand.  To me A-rod epitomizes the American ideal: lie cheat, steal, repeat as necessary.  How many more time do we need to see and be reminded of this. Its in the news every day. From Bernie Madoff, to Ted Haggard to politicians, to police, to firemen, etc. all the way down to the priests molesting our kids. All are people we are taught to inherently trust. All have disappointed us.  What about the rest of us?  Many of us also, are guilty, of lying, cheating, stealing, - living the American dream. 
 Yes, the American dream has been revealed to be nothing more than a fraud. All smoke and mirrors. Toto, has pulled back the curtain to reveal the great wizard to be nothing more than a little man pulling strings. 
America has, over say the last  50 years or so become an I, Me, Mine nation. A what have you done for me lately nation. An instant gratification nation. A nation where we purport to believe in god, but we worship the almighty dollar.
A-rod is merely a product of this society. He didnt create it. He only lived in it. Lived by its warped rules.  In keeping with these selfish ideals, A-rod perhaps cheated by taking steroids. SO WHAT!  most of Bush's administration and so far many of Obamas have done and or do the same, cheated that is.  For my part in this selfishness i offer this: I DONT CARE what A-rod did. Baseball is entertainment, and i WANT to be entertained. And A-rod, on the field, IS entertaining. So is Barry Bonds (another loathesome one).
I DONT CARE what steroids does to them 20 years from now. If their testicles shrivel up, their hair falls out or if they die. I DONT CARE. I have been entertained, and THEY have been well paid  As the bible says about them who seek the best seats in the synagogue - they have received their rewards. 
WHat would bother me is if they cheated, lived a great life as a result and then suffered no maladies. Then there would be no punishment, no just desserts as it were.  So you see i like to beleive that todays liars, cheaters and thieves will get whats coming to them, i only would like  it to be sooner, rather than later. What would you do if given the choice, live the life of A-rod by the supposed methods he used, or live the life you know have, that of clean wholesome living, albeit from paycheck to paycheck?  And thats assuming you arent guilty of your own lying, cheating and stealing, perhaps on your resume?, loan application? taxes, spouse?  The list goes on, Just ask yourself how you cheat in every day life and then remember another bible quote "let him who is perfect cast the first stone."

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Online Classes

 Found this about online classes from ACCREDITED  schools like yale, tufts, notredame, etc.

many diff. type classes too,
 what the hey, its free.  just havent yet found out if there is any cert. or something issued if u pass the class.  that would be imp.  also according to the site i found it on, he hasnt seen any loopholes or catches to the free classses. dont mean there arent any, just he hasnt found any. worth investigating tho. as i got it from a reputable tech site.
Direct link to classes here.