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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Clowns spread the Gospel


And this is news, why exactly? Ive been knowing this for a very long time now.
well anyway it sure beats the pedophiles that had been, and prolly still are, spreading the gospel (among other things).

Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa Claus Is Coming to Town

And you can track him using NORAD's Santa Tracker

 Good luck and Merry Christmas to all

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Huckabee angers some Catholics

And quite angry they are it seems.
Huckabee paid a visit to Cornerstone, "mega-church" in San Antonio, Texas & its pastor John Hagee, a man accused by some as being anti catholic, to wit:

  Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, the largest Catholic civil rights group in the United States, said "Hagee has a history of denigrating the Catholic religion,"   The Catholic League says Hagee is virulently anti-Catholic, and it is getting the word out that Huckabee is rubbing shoulders with an anti- Vatican figure.

 The Catholic News Agency ran the headline: "Mike Huckabee to speak at strongly anti-Catholic preacher's church."

One Catholic blogger said while Huckabee was an eloquent spokesman for the "culture of life" -- code for the anti-abortion cause -- his visit to "a church pastored by a raving anti-Catholic bigot" was deeply troubling.

In his recent book "Jerusalem Countdown," Hagee wrote: "Most readers will be shocked by the clear record of history linking Adolf Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church in a conspiracy to exterminate the Jews." In the same book, Hagee did applaud the late Pope John Paul II's efforts to reach out to Jews

 This all leads me to wonder what catholics will do?  Who or what will they remain faithful to?  their anti abortion fanaticsim or their equally fanatical devotion to their religion and its leader, the supposed reincarnation of Jesus himself - the pope?  This of course applies only to the fanatical catholics and their tiny narrow minded agendas. The bulk of catholics will vote based on a much larger agenda list, a list more in line with most normal americans.
 What will they do?  Can't honor both; not this time around.  Make  the anti abortion agenda their main voting point and they risk " dissing" their pope and their religion.   Make standing up for their religion and its leader their main voting point and well they just end up with no one to vote for.
Of course if Huckabee doesnt get the republican nomination then this question doesnt even matter, but then others will and i will cover them as they need be.  For right now Huckabee appears the one to beat.
.Full Story Here

Blair converts to Catholicism

Well That figures.
Couple ways to look at it, either one making some sense i guess
. First - what the heck Blair bets on the wrong horse every time, first following one of the worst, if not THE worst ever U.S . president, the lying, self proclaimed "born again christian" and alcoholic G.W Bush (whacker), following him into an ill conceived, poorly planned war.
 or a
Second way of looking at Blairs conversion is -  BECAUSE of his following the aforementioned idiot, Blair now seeks forgiveness, divine intervention and eternal salvation, if it exists.
 Hey I dont blame him for hedging his bets.  Good luck with that tho
Full Story Here