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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

My Photo

dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ah, Good to know, Thanks a Lot

31 cities' tap water has cancer-causing hexavalent chromium

Yeah i can downplay and laugh about this, simply because at my age, i drank enough of that water to kill an elephant and then some, so there is no sense worrying now.  Besides, judging from my "gene pool" time is short anyway.

But for those of you with small children, or those who think stopping now will help you (lol),  read the article

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Believe it or not, Niagra Falls, DRY!!!!!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

bernie madoff's son mark was the one who turned his own father in to authorities. He then faced two years of varied accusations, finally culminating in his own death, by hanging, "supposedly" at his own hands.  Me being the conspiracy nut that i am, i remain unconvinced it was a suicide. Many very rich new yorkers, and others, lost a lot of money as a result of bernie being "outed"
full story here

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Browser add on

There is a Browser add on that i have been using for years now called WOT, for Web Of Trust.  Its a community based safety precaution / adviser. That is, the Internet community are the ones who add  and alter the ratings of web sites.
. The only reason i have never recommended this to any of you before is that when i added it several years ago, it was only for firefox browser. i just recenyly noticed it is now available for both Internet Explorer And googles Chrome browser, so i am now bringing it to your attention
what it does is offer a rating of virtually any website you go too, that has had at least a little bit of traffic. my website for example, doesnt have a rating since no one goes there, lol.

Anyhow, the color system is stamdard green, yellow, red.  Again these are suggestions based on others opinions. it does not necessarily mean a site will harm your computer.
  so as with most sites and their ratings, its buyer beware, but you are free to make up your own mind.
 Porn sites get red ratings sometimes just because they are porn sites, duh, lol.  Other times they get red ratings because they deal in pop ups, or the attempted delivery of malware.  i have seen red labels on numerous sites, including supposed computer "help" sites, and other advisory type site. In all cases you can click on the rating and it will take you to WOT's site and show you the reasons for the rating decision. At this point you can make up your own mind
if you inadvertently click on a link that WOT rates as red, WOT will block it & you will not be allowed to enter the site until you click that you understand the rating and choose to go anyway,
 when i am without it, on someone elses computer, or a public computer, i feel like something is missing.  i cant tell you how many times in routine google searches, WOT will rate several results on a page as red and or yellow. You will be amazed at all the potentially dangerous sites. you would otherwise click on.

 You may think you dont need it, but from what i see in my emails. i am getting several emails a week from some of you, that are coming from your email address, but are definitely not from you. I have told you about this, but they still come. so your computers ARE already compromised.  This wont fix  what is already broken,  but will help make smarter decisions in the future

 So check it out for yourselves. Hompage here,
                                                   Download page here       The download links are about half way down the page.

