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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

My Photo

dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Bush Shrugs Off Setbacks, Vows Agenda Push

If they're going to be fair, and I doubt they will, then the U.S. government will move in a more centrist way. Regardless of who is president or when , there is always a large percentage who feel disenfranchised. What is so difficult about compromise? What is so difficult about reaching for common ground? Sure there will always be those who say you must pick a side, but those are also the ones always fighting a war, somewhere.

Bush is annoyed that his RepublicanSenate didn't stay the course, and instead sought a treaty as it were when the Dems. threatened to filibuster Bushes court nominees. We shouldn't have judges (especially supreme court justices), who have an "agenda" going in. The last thing that is, is fair and Democratic. Judges should have NO preconceived ideologies. They should "judge" each case on its own merits and in accordance with what the citizens may want, balanced by what is good for the country.

Bush has promised (yeah, I believe him - NOT!!), to consult across party lines when nominating a new supreme court justice. When questioned on his willingness to "compromise" with both Iran and N. Korea, he said we "are making some progress, but these things take time". To those who suggest military action in N. Korea,Bush said "For those who say that we ought to be using our military to solve the problem, I would say that while all options are on the table, we've got a ways to go to solve this diplomatically."
Funny, he didn't say that in Iraq, and opposed everyone else who was insisting on it. He also want to go ahead with a "free trade" agreement in Latin America, yet turns round and puts restrictions on China, which are straining our relationship with them. But ultimately its about the "bully" coming face to face with bigger, badder, foes. So what's a bully to do? The only logical thing; insist he isn't a bully at all, and make nice with the big boys, that's what.

Compromise, discussion, give and take, that's what makes a truly free Democracy. Without it, its merely a dictatorship.


National ID Cards?

Recently passed Real ID Act undermines civil rights, critics charge.

Be afraid, Be VERY afraid. This potentially insidious bill, had to be buried inside a larger bill, calling for emergency spending in Iraq and Afghanistan. And because it passed as an amendment to an emergency spending bill providing troop funding for American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Real ID Act did not come up for a vote on its own--or for full debate--in Congress.
Isn't it time we stopped allowing politicians to include their personal agenda's, in the form of amendments, inside a bill, that has NOTHING at all to do with the original bill. This isn't new, nor is it uncommon; rather it is done routinely and it even has a "pet" name. Its called "pork". Said almost tongue in cheek, like a bad inside joke, these "amendments" add huge amounts of useless spending, to an otherwise important item. On the other hand, for many of these amendments, its their only chance at getting passed. And some are important for a politicians constituents, albeit a small group.

Ahh, there I go again ranting. Back to the ID cards. These can and probably will compromise the freedoms we have come to love here in the United States, even more. Further they will contain more information than most people need to know about you. And watch out for tracking ability. Big Brother IS watching


Sunday, May 29, 2005

France rejects EU treaty, Europe faces crisis

Oops! Uh oh! Looks like the proverbial $h!t has hit the fan
French voters it seems have rejected the European Union's constitution, sending the EU into crisis mode, trying to fend off its impending doom. For all the possible ramifications read the story here.


UPDATE: My Stock Picks

Here's an update on my stock picks from 2 weeks ago

CSCO 19.79 close on friday 5/27; 2 weeks ago = 18.89; up almost 5%
MEE 40.04 close on friday 5/27, 2 weeks ago = 35.98; up over 11%
CNX 47.80 close on friday 5/27, 2 weeks ago = 43.10; up over 10%
ATHR 8.91 close on friday 5/27, 2 weeks ago = 8.25; up 8%
ADS 37.71 close on friday 5/27, only picked up on this one on may 16th @ 37.00; up 2%

Not bad folks! banks are only paying 3%; and thats PER YEAR!!

Heres my original posting with my "ins" and "outs":

Atheros Communications Inc (ATHR) 8.25 out @ 10.75 or 6.60
CONS ENERGY INC (CNX) 43.10 out @ 52.00 or 40.00
MASSEY ENERGY CO (MEE) 35.98 out @ 45.00 or 34.00
CISCO SYS INC (CSCO) 18.89 out @ 26.00 or 17.40

Benedict Pledges to Mend Orthodox Rift

Ok, just read the new pope pledges to unite the catholic and orthodox churches. To me that would call for some give n take, some compromises, etc. I don't see either church admitting it was or is WRONG about ANYTHING, so I'm just wondering what your opinions are? I don't know enough about the orthodox church (yet!) to say much, except that the orthodox church would seem to be much more strict than the catholic church. The catholic church has changed SOME with the times, while also incorporating other "things" to make itself more attractive, such as the "Mary" controversy. Oddly enough, for those who know me, I actually would side with the orthodox church SIMPLY because they haven't tried to "pervert" the word of God; at least for the last 1,000 years. Of course I still have problems with the first thousand years, but that's another story.

Anyway I am still interested in how you think this will play out. Let me know.


Saturday, May 28, 2005

United States Refuse to extradite Cuban Exile

Where's the fairness? The uniformity? There is none! More like a parent telling a child, do as I say, not as I do. Only problem is the U.S. is NOT the worlds parent. The sooner they realize this, the sooner the world will be a safer place. Yes I know China is booming; Russia is flexing its muscles, the European union is in peril,
North Korea is testing nuclear missiles, Iran wants to make them, and on and on it goes. The U,S. has dug this hole for themselves. When your the "fastest gun in the west", there will always be people out "gunning" for you. Such is the life of a "gunslinger". Those countries I mentioned WILL do what they want, regardless of what president "BUSH-whacker" says.. The U.S. will either accept that or the world will be over. We will finally find out what really happens at the end of the world. I think God will just sweep us into the trash where mankind belongs, and then maybe try again, or admit failure at creating the human race and stick with the animal kingdom. You see in the animal world, they only kill to eat . Territorial disputes do occur, but their "territories" are finite as opposed to our greed at wanting to own EVERYTHING, and their disputes are settled leader to leader. They don't send other "lesser" ones out to fight their battles

.......... Damn, there the "ranting" part of my blog for you; and you still have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?. Ok, ok
Venezuela wants the United States to extradite a hijacker, Luis Posada Carriles,a Cuban exile wanted for the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. Venezuela's initial request was denied as being inadequate with regard to evidence. A new request must provide more and better information. An interesting side note to consider is that Posada had been a CIA collaborator and on the "payroll" for years. Venezuelan courts had already cleared him twice, when he escaped from their prison in 1985, while awaiting the prosecutions appeal.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well then this one speaks volumes


Friday, May 27, 2005

Parents not Allowed to Teach their Religion to their Child

Christians take heart. Yours is not the only religions being discriminated against. Turns out Wiccans are feeling it too.
Wiccan practicing parents have been told by a judge that they cannot teach their beliefs to their own son, because it will confuse him due to the fact that the boy also attends the local catholic school. I think he actually has an advantage over most of the rest of the world. He will at least have a knowledge of more than one religion. The rest of us, for the most part, have been "assigned" our religious beliefs, by our parenst, so why shouldnt he?
Just another step in "am-BUSH-ing" the U.S. constitution


Pentagon admits Koran desecration

Now tell me, if the media prints a story, then later retracts it, because of governmental pressure, and afterwards it turns out to be true anyway, do we still have freedom of the press? I'm all for "punishing" falsehoods, as well as "stretched" truths, but this seems to go beyond that.
Recently a news magazine published a report describing a Koran being flushed in the toilet. It later retracted that story because of ? ......... pressure?....... It now turns out to have been a true story, with the U.S. government finally admitting it. So what gives here? censorship? or something else? your opinion?
My opinion is that the terrorists won on 9/11. the U.S. is no longer as free as it once was; not by a longshot. And to make matters worse laws, supposedly passed. to combat terrorism, are being used to circumvent our freedoms.
So, no matter the outcome in Afghanistan and Iraq and wherever Bush invades next, Americans have already lost something near and dear to them; something that took hundreds of years to perfect, their freedoms


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Stem Cell Bill

"The use of federal dollars to destroy life is something I simply do not support," Bush said at the White House. This from a man who IS using fed. dollars to destroy life in Iraq. Both Iraqi AND American lives.
A little something else to think about. Bush doesnt want fed money used to destroy life, right? Well don't fertility clinics receive federal funding? I think they do.And if so, what does he think happens to the left over embryo's? They are destroyed! And when asked what he WOULD do with the leftover embryos at fertility clinics he declined to answer.
But all is not lost. It appears as if a bill supporting stem cell research may actually pass. Who will win? Those who choose to think with their hearts? or those who think with their heads. Time will tell.
The medical promise of embryonic stem cell research prompted several House members of both parties who oppose abortion rights to vote yes nonetheless. The moral obligation, they argued, rested on Congress to fund research that could lead to cures.

The position of the religious wrong .... err ...... I meant religious right (I think ;-)). Who knows what their collectively thinking. I do know that the Catholic church is opposed to BOTH artificial production of life and its susequent destruction, an interesting predicament to be sure. Glad I dont follow their rules.
The facts: there are embryo's sitting in fertility clinics that will NEVER be used. The choices are: a) simply destroy them, or b) use them productively for stem cell research. The answer for me is clear; stem cell research it is.I mean really, the potential to help or possibly cure millions of people, maybe render a heretofore fatal disease or two (or more), cureable or at least treatable so it is no more than a nuisance. I hold grudges, and am vindictive. If I had my way everybody in America would register, and vote on it. Then God forbid they would get ill and need something gleaned from stem cell research, my answer would be "sorry, but you didnt want this cure found"
I know I'm wrong, I know I'm evil, but I cant help myself. Its time people were made to live with their decisions. No more renegotiating on a whim..You made your deal, now live with it! Or more precisely in this case, die with it! Sorry, its how I feel


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Senate breaks gridlock on Judicial nominees

Finally!, government the way it was meant to be. Compromise! Middle of the road is best to accomodate ALL peoples, not just some. Remember that no matter who gets elected to office, SOME people will always feel disenfranchised. The best way to avoid that is through compromise. Now I know we can't compromise on every issue, but dialogue and give and take are essential tools in a Democracy.
And so we have reached just such a compromise on some of Bushes' judicial appointees. And just in time: because Democracy itself was at risk otherwise. Thanks to a group of Senators headed by Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) (R-Ariz.), disaster was averted.
Sen. McCain has always been MY republican pick for president: This just proves I was right. (again)!. Alas after Bush finishes polarising, if not destroying this country, I fear McCain will be too old to run (72ish). Its sad that such a decent and deserving man will not get to the U.S'. most prestigious position, because the voting public screwed up. Oh well thats Democracy at its best.


No delay of execution for liver donor

Gregory Scott Johnson, a disgusting excuse for human life is justifiably scheduled to die by lethal injection on may 25th. Now I am NOT a death penalty proponent, unless there is NO DOUBT about guilt, such as bragging confessing, or video evidence of the crime itself showing the murderer. Well as justice would have it, he DID confess. Oh well, sayonara, hasta pasta, see you later, good riddance! For him I could / would "throw the switch" so to speak.
His crime? Oh he just killed someone. That's all. No that's NOT all. He robbed Ruby Hutslar, 82, then STOMPED her to death, to the tune of 30 broken bones, and then set fire to her house to cover his crime. Yeah he deserves to die. But that's not what this is about
This is about his sister, who needs a liver transplant. Her brother, the murderer, wants a stay of execution just long enough to give her part of his. The state parole board has refused the request. Their reasoning is, that this is just a ploy on the part of the condemned, to buy more time. Wow I didn't know you could "fake" the need for a liver, just to get your brother a stay of execution. Thank God the state parole board are smarter than me! Another reason is that the victims family fear this will allow him to die more as a kind hearted hero than the vicious killer he actually was. Now this I can understand, but still, to allow another "innocent" to die unnecessarily, is wrong and makes the victims family look not much better than killers themselves. In fact, anyone involved in the denial of this transplant is an accessory in the death of Johnsons sister, should that occur.
How about a compromise? Like maybe he should consent to donate ALL of his organs, in return for his sister getting his liver. Unscrupulous? probably, wrong? could be. Immoral? who cares. We can save lives here. Now I DON'T recommend this as mandatory for all death row convicts, because the potential for misuse and abuse by "officials" is too great. Before you know it we will be sentencing people to death based upon the quality of their organs! We cant go there!. Similar things already happen elsewhere.


Another Bad Hurricane Season Predicted

Batten Down the Hatches
Residents of the East Coast had better brace themselves for yet another busy hurricane season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting approximately a dozen storms, with between half and 3/4 becoming hurricanes. Of those 7-9 hurricanes, they expect,3-5 will become major storms.
The important unknown in all of this is the inability to determine how many will hit land and where. The advanced guess is that 2 or 3 will make landfall.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Preventable Medical Deaths

Why is all the emphasis on limiting doctors liability? Nowhere do I see anyone passing legislation to curb medical errors resulting in the deaths of nearly 100,000 people a year. Add to that the number of patients maimed and its something we need to look at. CLOSELY. NOW!
I mean two little children die from hard round candy and politicians are trying to legislate the banning of these candies. It just doesn't make sense. Hard round candies have been around for generations. What's new is the stupid, ignorant parenting. A little more toughness on these "sphincters", and the world would be a better, safer place.
Ahh, but I regress. This story is about the preventable medical deaths that occur each year. Little has changed since the report was first issued in 2000. Now get the excuses given for this tragedy. It has been said that some of the reasons for these errors are: the complexity of health care systems, a lack of leadership, the reluctance of doctors to admit errors and an insurance reimbursement system that rewards errors - hospitals can bill for additional services needed when patients are injured by mistakes - but often will not pay for practices that reduce those errors. READ THAT AGAIN! AND AGAIN. Keep it up until you understand the gravity of it. The lack of concern, for human life, by all involved. Yet we hear nothing about legislation to curb THESE PREVENTABLE deaths. Granted large multi-million dollar payouts are not really the answer. But then again, this is America, and the only thing Americans seem to understand, the only time you can get their attention, is when you are talking about removing money from their wallets!.
I'm not against reducing monetary awards. Hopefully that will lead to EQUALLY reduced insurance premiums. My idea is to treat medical errors CRIMINALLY! Ahh now that might also get their attention. Yup, you caused the death of so n so, due to negligence, therefore you are being charged with "criminally negligent homicide", "involuntary manslaughter", whatever. Just so long as the outcomes are similar. The patients life is ruined or worse, now, so is the negligent doctors. Simple, fair, and hopefully enough to lessen the occurrences of "death by neglect".


Friday, May 20, 2005

Saddam as an underwear model

Stories are here, here, and here.
Photos of Saddam in his underwear, and doing his laundry by hand in a bucket! This is just wrong. Plain and simple. I don't care what he did as president of his country. Imagine if someone snapped photos of Bush or his family in THEIR underwear! Bush and his war monograms cronies would be having us bomb them and the country they originated from!
Now there is a probe underway to find the party or parties responsible. It may even be a violation of the Geneva convention. The almighty and moral (?) United States, under the microscope once again. And they deserve it. They think they are above the law. Someday, somewhere, someone WILL teach them otherwise; or the world will end in the process. Examples:
The united states wont participate in Kyoto global warming pact.
They refuse to participate in the nuclear non proliferation act.
Yet they want, no insist, that other countries abide by it. Just more proof of the "bully" imposing his will on the weak. The U.S. fears nuclear weapons in the hands of "crazies", yet which is the only nation to use it on another country? And with devastating results.
Which other nation, who already possesses "the bomb", has a motto of "never again"? (or here)
It just goes on. WE supposedly attack, to prevent human rights violation and abuse, and then turn around and do exactly the same to those we are supposedly protecting and to our own people.
Who appointed the U.S. as world police? And how many really want us in that role? The self appointed is usually referred to as a hated Dictator or worse; and that is what they've become

Yes, we either need to find a decent president next time around, and for quite a few next times, or we need to find another planet to live on, because sooner or later we will destroy this one. Wake up America, learn, study, read and keep in mind another expression "know your history or you are doomed to repeat it


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A conservative, religious Bush selection

OK now, lets take an unbiased look into the world of the religious right; into the life, led by those that conservatives and the religious right would have us live.
We have here Dr.W. David Hager, an obstetrician-gynecologist, appointed by the Bush administartion to the Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs in the FDA. Speaking recently at Asbury college, a christian school in Wilmore, Kentucky, where Dr. Hager sits on the board of trustees and his father was a past president. Reading from the bible Hager told his audience he wanted to share with them how God has asked him to step into the "gap" regarding ethical and moral issues in our country. An author of 6 books, his religiosity appears to guide all his decsions as he asserts himself into the position as a leading conservative Christian voice on women's medical and reproductive issues, who is "fighting" what he percieves as " the war" against christians. Among other things, Hager recently opposed Plan B, an emergency contraception, product.
Now for the "juicy" stuff.
Sitting in the audience, his ex-wife & co-author of one of his books, Linda Carruth Davis, was upset, describing his speech as "one of the most disgusting things I ever heard". According to Davis, Hager didnt "practice" what he "preached". She "alleges" that Dr, Hager had "NON CONSENTUAL sodomy with her repeatedly during their marriage. She claims she probably would have stayed with him, had his sexual appetite not included "anal sex". She herself is a conservative, religios person who recently remarried a minister. Sex with Hager wasnt enjoyable for her, but she learned to live with it, even working it to her advantage. Hmmm, now there's a novel idea! Anyway it seems Dr Hager would often "switch" between vaginal and anal sex and when his wife would protest he would reply that it was an "accident" and that he "couldnt tell the difference".
THIS IS A GYNECOLOGIST MIND YOU! Eventually their sex life became more like prostitution, where he would "pay" differing amounts to his wife, dependant upon what he wanted, sexually speaking. this deteriorated even futher, to a poiint of it being potentailly crimina rape
On and on it goes; you really gotta read this story
It seems the biggest difference between the liberals and conservatives is merely that the conservatives are still in the "closet"
Well thank God for the conservative religious right. I feel soo much better now knowing that I'm protected by these "conservative"?, "morally upright"?. men. Don't you women feel the same? All I know is, if this is a morally upright, religious doctor, then I;m a SAINTLY BRAIN SURGEON! Email me for a free consultation!


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Burn the Koran

War IS Hell!
Ok, now I've ALWAYS opposed the war in Iraq. And the war in Vietnam.
Having said that, lets get on to real life. War is hell. Always has been. Always will. Lets stop trying to make is something its NOT. Its NOT nice; its not polite; its not friendly; its not RESPECTFUL of others. And above all, its NOT THE ANSWER

I'm tired of hearing people bemoan the beatings and abuse at Abu Graib and Guantanamo Bay. I'm tired of the military getting flak for this "abuse", especially the "lower ranks", as if they did it on their own; yeah right! As if Lt. Cali really acted on HIS own at MeLai. Sure he took the "bullet" for it, but he didn't act in a vacuum.

The latest nonsense, the public is "wringing their hands" over? The burning of the Koran. I'm tired of the media and the public "crying" over the burning of the Koran , and other "interrogation tactics". None of this is new. And no Muslims aren't exempt. They fail to denounce "naughty" things done to our "sacred" objects, so screw em!.
War is Hell. It is what it is. Innocents die, get crippled or maimed over there every day and NO ONE even mentions that. What? You really believe the hype that our "smart" missiles really go down, look around, and if they realize its a hospital their going to blow up instead of a "WMD" factory, they return to the plane that dropped them? Wow you are a patriotic American, to believe that B.S. I know its a hyperbole, but sadly some of you think its real! You, then, would be giving more credit to our smart bomb's intelligence than you do to the military "humans intelligence"
Get over it, or, Do away with it. ......... War is hell Sorry........ Bad things happen in war. People even DIE!! WOW there's a thought. Complain about that and then you really WOULD be doing something! Peace!


Monday, May 16, 2005

Stock Picks

Ok now for something completely different.
My most recent stock selections, in no particular order, with my "buy" price and my imaginary Hi/Lo "sell" price

Atheros Communications Inc (ATHR) 8.25 out @ 10.75 or 6.60
CONS ENERGY INC (CNX) 43.10 out @ 52.00 or 40.00
MASSEY ENERGY CO (MEE) 35.98 out @ 45.00 or 34.00
CISCO SYS INC (CSCO) 18.89 out @ 26.00 or 17.40

Let me know what you think.
Disclaimer: DONT try this at home!!! I am a professional fool; your results may vary

Saturday, May 14, 2005

First Blood: New Pope Executes first Heretic

The lines have been drawn. Actually they have been there for quite awhile, since pope Benedict XVI was known as cardinal Ratzinger. A smart man know that's when the person you are feuding with, becomes "the boss", the "Capo De Tutti Capi", you better decide on a new profession. And even though no actual blood was shed: the blade was none-the-less just as sharp and just as swift as the guillotine fell on father
Thomas Reese.

Reese was editor in chief of America magazine for seven years, improving it tremendously and increasing circulation, but he had problems with ratzinger several times over the years, specifically on articles concerning Christ as the unique savior; same-sex marriage; stem-cell research; reception of Communion by Catholic politicians who support abortion, homosexual priests, clerical celibacy, inclusive language in the liturgy and the appropriateness of some Vatican actions and documents.
"With Cardinal Ratzinger elected pope, I think (Father Reese) thought it would be very difficult to continue his line of openness, without creating more problems. He had been at America magazine seven years and he improved it tremendously, so I think he understood it was time to go," the Jesuit spokesman said.
Over a year ago the Vatican threatened to censure father Reese unless changes were made. He agreed to an internal review of his articles before they went to press. But even that wasn't enough to appease the Vatican, which expected, no, demanded blind obedience, as they do all their followers, of ANY edict coming from the Vatican even if that doctrine DIDN'T fall under their "Infallibility" concept, (which in itself is another story) his sin? Well he presented BOTH sides of a story, fatal in Catholicism. Father Reese appears to be a smart, honest, dedicated, sincere, religious man. His nemesis Ratzinger aka: pope Benedict xvi appears to be a smart, dedicated, religious man. You do the analysis and the math on what important traits may be missing from one of the men. I've done mine and it seems as if things in Rome haven't changed much over the millennia: Emperor, Dictator or Pope, names and titles may have changed but it still stinks.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Giambi To the Minors?

Gotta Love it!
80 million dollars still owed this guy and he may end up playing in the minor leagues! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. No not Giambi; the BOSS, George Steinbrenner. He deserves this for the ruination of baseball he caused , by his overpaying men to play a childs game.
Heck even the Boss' horse, thumbed its nose at him in the Kentucky derby by finishing 7th, after being the favorite! Unfortunately for the horse, he could end up being dog food soon! I know the boss would like to do that to Giambi about now!


Pastor Quits!

Update to Dems Voted Out of Church on May 07, 2005

Hooray! Mob rules. No, more precisely, righteousness rules.
You see as i always say the general, normal, religious "faithful" can run a church the RIGHT way. We do not have to put up with "wrongs" just because the person doing them is "the boss"
Pope Benedict XVI, and the Catholic church take note!! We CAN help make important decisions. We ARE the church. Jesus said, "where two or more are present, in my name I will be there" Doesnt mention the need for a priest, pastor, bishop, etc, etc.


Judge Approves End of United Pension Plans

It ought to be mandatory that pensions have enough money set aside to pay the retirement salaries of its employees, and that money MUST NEVER be used for anything else. And NO we cant use the honor system, it doesnt work. It MUST be law.
When are we going to stop bailing out greedy, self serving coprporations? We DO NOT need ALL the poorly run airlines we have. Look no further than Jet Blue to see what can happen if a corporation is properly run. When are we going to stop paying CEO's millions in yearly salaries, and many more milions in severence packages and fringe benefits?
Then when the going get rought the CEO leaves and takes his millions with him, while the average employee then stands to lose their meager pension plans! When is the "average joe" in this country going to wake up to fact that if we dont fight the greedy Now, we are doomed.
We will end up working FOREVER, because of the greed of corporate business. The "elite" of these companies never suffer! They get out while the going is good, WITH their substantial stock options and other financial incentives.
these are public corporations, meaning we/you own them through stock purchase!! Make your voice heard. Stop thinking that husband and wife, "two income earners" is the way to "get ahead". Its NOT! At best, its only a way to "get even"! And more often these days, its only enough to keep our heads above water! Wake up America, stp "treading" water and learn how to swim! Damn it!!


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Grenade Thrown at Bush?

Who knows;
The report at this time is debatable as to whether or not it even happened, but that's besides the point
Who cares?
You better! Regardless of your feeling about Bush just THINK of the alternative ........... CHENEY !!!




IDOL Final Four! May 10th, 2005

I love ya, but I'm afraid you may be odd person out. Prior to the show, I figured Anthony to be the one to go, but damn if he didn't pull a rabbit out of his hat! Kudos to him.
Bo, I liked both of his also
Carrie I liked the first (if its possible to like country, yuck!!), but the second was terrible
Vonzell, first was not good, but second was great. Good luck girl
After the Constantine fiasco, noone is safe!

Bush Hails Democracy in Georgia

Bush declaring that oppressed people "are demanding their freedom and they shall have it." "Freedom will be the future of every nation and every people on Earth," he said. The president's words were likely to irritate Moscow, which already complains the United States is meddling in Russia's backyard. Russia had objected to Bush's stop here and in Latvia, another former Soviet republic.
Hey who made Bush president of the world? Where was I, when this happened? As Putin said it time for Bush to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations, whether right or wrong. After all I'm sure there are nations that feel the United States needs a "regime" change. Even among some of our own citizens. Yet Bush would view any attempt at "regime" change here as a terrorist attack, and rightfully so. But then why isn't his regime changing plans for other countries, considered a terrorist attack? It is, but not by him


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Dems Voted Out of Church

Wow, does this pastor REALLY think he's "doing the work of the Lord"? When he dies, hes going to meet his maker just long enough to be told that he was the antithesis of Jesus! And when I get to hell, i'm gonna give this pastor a piece of my mind too!
in the meantime, do you see a pattern of "abuse" emerging here by the "religious right"? I think more appropriately called the religious wrong, since most organized religions are now SOOO far removed from "Jesus way" that they may never get on track again. We are the church! Stand up and let them know


Friday, May 06, 2005

U.S. Rejects Nuclear Attack Ban - May 5, 2005

Ok, so the united states rejected the call NOT to attack any nation who does NOT possess nuclear weapons. You are surprised? Big Bully, err, sorry, I meant big brother, is never going to give up its military superiority. I mean who was the first nation to ever use a nuclear bomb? Which nation uses them for most devastating effect? Which nation has the largest supply of weaponry, while continuing to develop newer, more devastating weapons? Ahhh yes, thank god its all in the name of "democracy".

Actually, I have to agree with them on one front. That being , the need to discourage non-nuclear nations from using their chemical and biological weapons, on us. Chemical and Biological weaponry should be viewed in the same light as Nuclear weaponry. All wreak death, & destruction, along with inhumane pain and suffering. So I'm in a catch 22.
Help me out. What think thee?


Terror Suspect Gets Bush Fundraiser Invite

OK, So why am I not surprised? I mean this is the same president that kisses and hold hands with a Saudi Prince!
So Muslim businessman Syed Maswood is on a no fly list also. That means he's a potential danger, right? Well guess what? Ted Kennedy also made the no fly list! Is he a threat? Depends on who you ask......


Wash. Mayor Denies Molesting Boys

A Republican foe of gay rights, was accused in a newspaper story Thursday of molesting two boys decades ago and was caught by the paper using the trappings of his office to try to court a young man on a gay online chat room.
Mayor James E.West on Thursday denied the molestation allegations, but acknowledged he "had relations with adult men."

Don't you just love those "morally perfect" conservative Republicans!!


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Why Bush Won the Election

Voting Improprieties
Thanks to the Patriot Act and Homeland Security, theories as to how and why Bush won re-election, are now coming to light. Its why the American public MUST remain vigilant, during their daily routine activities. Sometimes, something so simple is SOOO important.
Proof of this came to llight last week after Constantine, got "voted" off American Idol, instead of the MUCH more obvious choice, Scott.. Due to the wonders (or not) of modern technology and the ever vigilantAmerican public, a Web site was uncovered that may yet be shown to belong to some insidious anti-democracy faction. For now its url is known as "votefortheworst.com". But fear not, thanks to the Patriot Act, the FBI, Homeland Security and a bunch of fifteeen year olds, America is again safe! It seems a sudden Infusion of curious, nosey, Patriotic Americans bombarding the site all at once was nuclear enough to shut it down! Proof that we are safe for now came last night on American Idol; Scott was finally sent packing! True, he wasnt really the worst on Tuesday's show, but at least Bo, Carrie, and Vonzell were spared.
Uncomfirmed rumors have it that the owners of the afore-mentioned site may include the Republican party, Halliburton, the Bush family, or the royal Saudi family. a longshot is the Democrats themselves, though its unclear at this point as to just WHO they were trying to elect! Making the waters even murkier. is the fact that although Bush clearly was the worst, Kerry was no prize himself, hence the possibilty that the Democrats may have owned the website. trying to push their candidate over the top.
A little side note here, something we need to think about also. Very recently another VERY important man was elected. Here's hoping that the Cardinals didnt follow the website creed, in their voting for the new Pope!!

Darwin on trial Evolution hearings open in Kansas

I'm sorry, I hate to "ride the fence" but on this issue I see it both ways. Certainly there is proof that life forms today "evolved" from something similar but different. For example, man today is decidedly more intelligent than he was when Homo - whatever first walked the earth. Dogs today are born more predisposed to being domesticated pets than their wild ancestors were.. There are animals with lungs, showing remnants of gills. Humans still have a "tail" bone! Explain that please! Wooly mammoths and todays elephants - similar, yet different. The list goes on and on
On the other hand, take a close look at the "perfection" needed to sustain this life. Heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc. all working in harmony and all controlled by the brain! And I am to accepts that All this evolved from a single celled life form? A bacteria maybe? I think not. Sorry, but what keeps life "living" is just too perfect to have been a complete "accident"
So go ahead, teach BOTH ideas in school. I have a hunch science would go along with it, but would the religious sector? I doubt it. But they've been proven wrong before when doubting science. Look up what the Catholic church did to Galileo. There are many differing accounts as to what exactly the church did to him, so look it up and pick your own. I took the "gentle" version, to be nice to the church for a change.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Steroids and Baseball

The 2005 season so far is boring! And too many injuries, lousy pitching, & hitting. Who cares what happens to them in their old age; I want better entertainment NOW! besides their sooo overpaid, they can afford the best doctors to keep them alive later on!!!! their certainly not worrying about me! Their using the fans, to pad their bank accounts, and we should use them for our entertainment. And 2005 hasn't been very entertaining so far, unless of course, like me,you just LOVE to hate the YANKEES! Now THAT'S entertaining, 200 million dollars worth of junk!
now I don't have any more use for Barry Bonds as a person than he does for me, BUT I must agree with him when he said that he is an entertainer.
We shouldn't dwell on the "purity" of the game; that's being facetious. performance enhancing products are part of everything in life and has always been. much of what the ball players have been taking is / was over the counter, legal stuff, that was only banned recently. Why? There will always be new ones. Get your head out of the sand. This is America, the most greedy, selfish place on earth! Embrace your ballplayers! After all We created them