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Thursday, November 24, 2005


TURDUCKEN A foreign word? Not at all. Its just a recipe that was on TV last night and it actually caught my attention and sounded good (at least to me). CAUTION: this IS ALOT of work AND slow to cook.

Its called "turducken" and what it is is a chicken, inside a duck, inside a turkey! Its origin is unclear to me. On the news program it was said that a man walked into a butcher shop,(Hebert's Specialty Meats),in 1985, with the 3 ingredients, and the instructions and requested they make it up for him. Research indicates that it "may" be the invention of chef Paul Pruhomme, and or originated in Cajun Louisiana. It matters not for this story though; for this story is about food.

Quickly what you do is "debone" all three. Then lay out the turkey flat, layer it with stuffing, put the duck on top next, followed by more stuffing and then the chicken. Tie this all together so that it resembles the original turkey. Then cook at 225 degrees, for about 8 hours!

It sounded interesting and tasty to me so I thought I'd "blog" it for you today.
Pictures from start to finish are here, and they sure look good!

Now if you want more of a joke (although its reportedly true), try the whole stuffed camel recipe! That one calls for a camel to be stuffed with whole lamb, large size, 20 whole chickens, medium size, 60 eggs, 12 kilos rice, 2 kilos pine nuts, 2 kilos almonds, 1 kilo pistachio nuts
recipe here http://home.tiac.net/~cri_d/cri/1997/camel.html


RECIPES: here and Chef Pauls here

ORIGIN theories: here and here


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