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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Poland to award Reagan with highest distinction

Well, I liked reagan and voted for him twice but really, Poland?  Hows that for a back handed compliment.  surely youve heard al the polish jokes. could this just be another?  I mean its also a mostly catholic nation. need i say more???
Just to let G.W.Bush know,
NO this isn't what the future holds for you.  Want a peek into what your future headlines may be?
  • Bush blamed / credited with downfall of America / democracy
  • Bush the devil worth $666 billion dollars
  • Bush elected pope
  • Bush effectives brings end to world


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Spirit of Cooperation? Putin Calls Bush' Bluff

         Bush insists hiss ( deliberate use of hiss to portray Bush as the snake he is)  anti missile defense system is not being planned because of what Russia and China are doing, so Putin called his bluff, by essentially saying ok lets us help and work together on this. Bush has yet to reply to this latest offer. Checkmate Mr. Bush-whacker. If you refuse, your motives become even more suspect. If you agree then your real plan of countering Russia and Chinas missile capabilities is nullified.    Full story here

British Terror Probe Focuses on Doctors

At least four of the eight suspects directly tied to the terror investigation were identified as doctors from Iraq, Jordan and India.
Full story here
             Well NOW we're in BIG trouble!  Who needs an actual bombing or war with bullets and stuff when you have Drs. from Iraq, Jordan and India who hate the west and want to do them harm.  I mean, I don't know about where you live, but in the two main places that I call home,  over 50% of the Drs come from these countries and or are Muslim.  Imagine if you dare, the carnage that can be created by our medical care 
professionals if they want to harm us?   Would you go to a Dr. who hates you?  I think not.   This is scary.   Hmmm maybe thats why we are offered drugs, vaccines and food products in our daily lives that have the potential to kill us, instead of help us. but thats another story.  And why arent our children becoming Drs. in sufficient numbers like they are in other nations (as mentioned above) and also including China? 
Because we are a nation of lazy kids, and medical school requires alot of work thats why. But thats also another story and todays story is scary enough. Read the article and let it sink in.  Ending the hatred of the West by the East can only be achieved through compassion, cooperation, and respect of all natiions autonomy (read LEAVE THEM ALONE!)  Only after of that has been tried exhaustively, i f they continue to attack us, hell bent on controlling or ruling us, then and only then can we blow them all to hell.  ....     Peace

Iran Implicated in Attacks by Opposition Forces

According to the U.S., Iran has been arming and financing Iraqi militants
Oh how i wish this blog got more views, because I really want to know how this differs from when the U.S. backs opposition forces IT favors, against governments IT opposes?  They (U.S.) backed Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran (80's). They (U.S.) trained and backed Osama Bin Laden in his battle against Russia in Afghanistan, also in the 80's.  There are others but these are the most noteable. And they are facts. Google it yourself if you doubt it.  The U.S does this all the time.  Its the least dangerous way to overthrow a Government you dont like. If its alright for the U.S. to do, then why noy Iran?  Oh, cause there killing our children? Is that why its wrong? Then get the hell out, and stop meddling in other countries affairs unless they explicitly requiest your help.  And NO thats NOT what happened in Iraq.

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Continued Disgracing of America

in his latest abuse of power the Bush - whacker has commuted the sentence of his loyal soldier Libby, sparing him from the 30
 months he was sentenced to. Full story here