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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Thank you for reading the Quote in the Post below this.  Please leave comments 

and help yourself to some of my other thoughts, feelings and observations

Americas New Name?

 All Extremism, be it Politics, + Religion + Greed, result in all Ruling the same Nation  - RuiNation, what America is now facing as a result of years of the above    RJC 3-29-2009

use the quote as much as you want, just give credit where credit is due, Link back to this page & leave in  RJC 3-29-2009 thanks

Israel admits killing 189 children in Gaza campaign

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sarah Palin's Daughter and Boyfriend Break Up

Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol Palin and Bristol's fiance, Levi Johnston, have broken up a little over two months after the birth of their out-of-wedlock son, Tripp.

These two are not only poster children FOR birth control, But they give me a new idea for condom use. They each should have put one over their heads prior to having sex.

Its Hard to Feel Bad for Them, But

The number of billionaires worldwide, fell to 793 from 1,125 last year     Now dont you feel bad for them?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Death by Medical Accidents; WHY???

Think about this, ....
If a full Jumbo Jet were to crash, with no survivors,  each and every day for a full year,  we would be in an uproar, wouldn't we?  Preventable deaths in those numbers would appall us. We would be screaming for answers, for accountability, for PREVENTION, right? Of course we would.
  Then why don't we demand the same from our Doctors and Hospital?  Yes people, thats how many patients die each year from PREVENTABLE MEDICAL ACCIDENTS.  Approximately 100,000, the same as if all those planes had crashed.
 Yet not only is not enough being done to reduce and hold accountable, the Medical community, but we are not even hearing enough about it from our media and politicians.

Now more bad news.  At first glance the Obama administrations vow to try and get national health care for all,  seems like a great idea.  But wait; do you think for a minute that the accompanying deaths caused by medical errors wont also increase?  Maybe even more due to over worked Doctors and nurses at understaffed hospitals.  Sorry to burst your bubble, but health care for all will mean increased risk for all.
 Now for those who presently have NO health coverage, this risk may actually be an improvement in their lives. But what about the rest of us?  Sorry to be selfish, but thats unacceptable to me.  Tax me more to take care of the poor, maybe, but increase the risk of death of my loved ones, in order to accommodate the currently uninsured, sorry, HELL NO! 
Finally add to this an increased wait time for routine tests. Canada has a national health care system, and a friend of mine who lives there confirmed LONG WAITS, months, many months in some cases, for what we consider routines tests. That also will increase the death rate simply by delaying diagnosis.
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Bachelor Bum Jason Mesnick

check out a bachelor bum spoof here

Floridians Demands it THEIR WAY

What is up in Florida?  3 times in the last 7 months people have called 911 to complain about their fast food.

August 04, 2008  JACKSONVILLE, Fla - a man called 911 to complain that Subway left the sauce off a sandwich

February 09, 2009 BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. a man called 911 to complain that a Burger King had run out of lemonade

Feb 28, 2009 Fort Pierce Fl. woman called 911,  3 times to report the"emergency" at Mcdonalds saying they didn't have McNuggets,

Monday, March 02, 2009

Born Again, Also .....

       Porn again it seems.

A new study (link1link2) shows that the states that consume the most porn tend to be the more conservative and religious states.  8 of the top 10 Porn-Consuming States Voted Republican in 2008 Presidential Election. And another one, Florida voted Bush in 2000 AND 2004. So that effectively 9 out of 10 of the more religious and more conservative states are the biggest porn consumers. This isnt new either. Been going on for years. Roy Cohn, staunch conservative lawyer during the McCarthy era of the 50's, died of AIDS, And it WASNT from a blood transfusion either.

At first glance this could be laughable and we could shrug it off as who cares. But then we must take a second, closer look at whats happening here.  It is following a pattern.  It follows with all the conservative civilians, politicians, evangelicals, pastors, ministers, priests, what have you, who continue to publicly preach one life style, while practicing something vastly different themselves. Im not suggesting that they all are guilty, but certainly some of the more hi profile ones have been exposed.  Ted Haggard (Leader of the National Association of Evangelicals ) is a prime example. Now two or more years since he got caught and "fixed", cured of his homosexuality, Ted Haggard admits that he still has homosexual thoughts and tendencies. Only difference is he says he no longer acts on them.  Im sure this doesnt feel right to the holier than thou religious conservatives in this country.  Im sure they wish Haggard would just go away. You see he isnt really "cured" as most religious assure us is possible, rather he has learned more self control.  i saw his documentary on HBO, he is still not a happy man, and probably will never be as long as he is forced to "control" and hide his real self.
 And lets not let those conservative repuublicans get off the hook here,.  you almost lose track, there have been so many conservative republicans caught with their pants down so to speak.  there is  republican Larry Craig, U.S. Senator, in a Minn airport bathroom, there is republican Foley (U.S. Representative )  in Florida with young male interns, I mean just google "republican scandals"
 And then we have all those catholic priests who molested all those children over the last 40 years AT LEAST.

So you see, we have a do as i say not as i do type thing going on here.  Laws, and rules (doctrines anyone) are created by those who feel THEY dont have to obey them, THEY are ABOVE them  .But they insist that WE DO have to abide by them. This is a ridiculous proposition.  Since childhood, i have always despised hearing that famous "do as i say, not as i do" line.  Isnt it time they literaly "practice what they preach"?  Isnt it time WE MADE THEM.

 Every day now we are learning to trust NO ONE as some of our biggest leaders in all different fields fail us, from the highest financial wizards and business men to the highest politicians, to the highest echelon of religious, clergy, priests, ministers pastors, bishops, cardinals etc....All have lied to us at the very least.  Who and what is there left for us to trust.

 Democrats dont have this problem, simply because they will tell you to you face if they are gay, if they like porn, and hell yes they do like sex, just maybe not with their spouses .........