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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Are These YOUR Ideals?


Sound like some fanatic Muslim controlled Government? Certainly could be; in fact those already do exist.  Sound like something the religious conservatives in America would embrace?  For sure, it is their dream.  But ironically, these imposed "ideals" were from the Communist Government in the People's Republic of China . Yes i find this extremely funny and yet sad at the same time. Many of the same people who believe in fighting to "protect our freedoms, our rights, are the same people who would take them away if given the chance.   If the pope ruled the world, THIS IS how it would be. The irony of it all; The communists also ban religious freedoms, yet embrace many of the same ideals, typically both the  fanatical religious, and the  communists both also believe in a "do as  i say or else", types of governing.   so many similarities, yet publicly outspoken against each other. why is this?.  Perhaps its because that which we fear most is that which we are most like.  That would also help to explain why most religions also oppose each other. 

In a related twist of irony  i recently saw a test done on two groups, one group very much opposed to homosexuality and the other group much more accepting. both groups were hooked up to a technology that measured their sexual "arousal" and were then shown "gay" porn. Yes, as you might have guessed, time after time the group most opposed to homosexuality were also most aroused by the gay porn ( 80%).  It might help to explain alot about why there are so many "hidden" homosexuals in the most conservative christian communities, that all of a sudden get "outed" and the rest of the community is shocked.
 Tho Not the test that i saw, the results toy can see here are the same

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

3 = 11 ......I love Math

I have always said I love Math because you can get numbers to "do what you want"  eventually, if you keep at it. The following is supposedly an example of that. However i am too far past that type of math to even remember if this is true, tho it looks to be. you can change the number to suit your needs.

Write 'Given a=b' on a new line.

Perform the following mathematical operations:

3a = 3b     (multiplying both sides by the real number)
11a = 11b     (multiplying both sides by the "real" number)
3a2 = 3ab     (multiplying by a on both sides)
11ab = 11b2     (multiplying by b on both sides)
3a2 - 11ab = 3ab - 11b2     (subtracting the above two equations to make one)
3a2 - 3ab = 11ab - 11b2     (subtracting 3ab and adding 11ab to both sides)
3a2 - 3ab + ab - b2 = 12ab - 12b2     (adding ab and subtracting b2 from both sides)
3a(a-b) + b(a-b) = 12b(a-b)     (factoring out common terms)
3a + b = 12b     (removing common terms)
3a = 11b     (subtracting b from both sides)
3b = 11b     (substituting a for b, remembering that they are equal)
3 = 11     (removing common terms)

Thank you Wiki-how

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Minnesota "Toe Sucker" Caught

After robbing a woman, a Minnesota man then told her "Now I'm going to suck your feet." Which he did, before fleeing
  full story here

Maybe THIS is what Larry Craig wanted when he stuck his foot under an adjoining stall in a public bathroom in a Minn. airport ?
In fact maybe , just maybe he was working undercover to catch this criminal:


Gorillas now 'critically endangered'

"Great apes are our closest living relatives and you know you gotta take care of your "family"
The Western gorilla is now "critically endangered," one step away from global extinction, according to the 2007 Red List of Threatened Species. The rate of decline is dizzying. If it continues, we'll lose them in 10-12 years.".

On a related note In all,

  • 16,306 species are threatened with extinction, 188 more than last year, IUCN said.
  • One in four mammals are in jeopardy,
  • as are one in eight birds,
  • a third of all amphibians
  • and 70 percent of the plants that have been studied.
  • As I've written before, the Yangtze River dolphin is now "possibly extinct." There have been no documented sightings of the long-snouted cetacean since 2002.
  • The Redheaded Vulture soared from "near threatened" to "critically endangered." And its reason for decline is interesting. A painkiller called "diclofenac", given to ill or injured farm cattle so they can still work causes poisoning of the vultures when they feed on the dead cattle carcasses.
  • Only 182 breeding adults of the Gharial crocodile (from India and Nepal) remain, down almost 60 percent from a decade ago.
  • The woolly-stalked begonia is the only species declared extinct this year. Extensive searches have failed to uncover any specimens of the Malaysian herb in the last century,
  • 785 species have disappeared over the last 500 years.
  • A further 65 are found only in artificial settings such as zoos.
Full story here

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


FREE printer cartridge refill. Offer good only on Wednesday , September 12, 2007.

Offer excludes Canon and Epson cartridges.
See the complete list of refillable printer cartridges.


Russia's New "Superbomb" is Environmentally Friendly

...... stresses that the action of this weapon does not contaminate the environment, in contrast to a nuclear one."


..... reports said. "All that is alive merely evaporates. the resulting area  looks like a lunar landscape"
full story here

Sorry but that just struck me as perversly funny


Monday, September 10, 2007

With friends like this ..........

            Have you realized the U.S. so called "friends" aren't really? Russia, China, Pakistan to name a few. Russia and China and the U.S all upping the ante, the military ante that is, increasing their military spending, presence and muscle flexing in the world.  The U.S. makes it seem normal not to trust your friends, but thats probably because they really arent our friends but merely bought and paid for "paper allies."   Or Pakistan, our "ally", a Dictatorship who assumed power in a coup from a Democratic government; WHAT!  yeah the  U.S. 
tells everyone its mission is  to bring down tyranny and promote Democracy, but ......    yeah do you befriend people whose ideology threatens 
yours?  I think not. You see the U.S. has only one real friend, England, a small inconsequential nation.

Due process Under the Law?

Republican presidential contender Fred Thompson said Monday that while Osama bin Laden needs to be caught and killed, the terrorist mastermind would get the due process of law.

      Isnt that an oxymoron? needs to be killed but would get due process first?? That makes due process a moot point if you have him executed as if he already had so called "due process." Sounds kinda like a "how do you plead", followed, before his answer by a bullet piercing his skull, as the government then answers for him, "guilty" ..........

I'm tired of words like "due process" being bandied about as if it really meant somethging.  The U.S justice system, like its president is becoming the laughing stock of the world

Pakistan Deports Sharif

           Emboldened by the Pakistan Supreme Court's view last month that the former premier had the right to return and the government should not try to stop him, former (Democratic) Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif returned home from exile, vowing to return Pakistan to Demovracy and end the rule of current (Dictator) President Pervez Musharraf.  In a weak response a White House spokesman said Sharif's deportation was an internal matter for the Pakistanis to work through. Full story here

So much for the U.S. stated mission to end tyrannic rule and bring Democracy to the world.

U.S. vs. Russia Part 2

        In previous blogs back in Jan07 & Jul07 I decried Bush's plans to deploy a so called missile defense system in Poland and a radar station in the Czech Republic.
         Well now Russian President Vladimir Putin has made his counter move in this sick game of chess, where humans are the chess pieces, and the poorest are the pawns. Putin has offered to let the U.S. use Two sites that Russia uses, a radar station Russia rents from Azerbaijan and a site in southern Russia, in a sort of hoped for "joint" venture. It kinda like the old adage "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." So with the "ball" being in their court the U.S. responded with a "we'll take it under advisement" kinda non committal response, all the while adamant in its intent to still go ahead with its original plans. Full story here

When The Religious Right Were Left, But Right....

          The religious right wasn't / isn't always wrong, sometimes they were / are right, but this usually occurs when they are left, got that??? Sounds like right out of the Abbott and Costello, who's on first skit.

Anyway .....
On Tuesday September 11 at 10 pm PBS TV, will air the story of The Camden 28, 28 anti (Vietnam) war activists who were arrested in 1971 for conspiring to break into a draft facility in Camden, New Jersey and destroy records.
Arrested on site in a clearly planned sting, the protesters included many members of the "Catholic Left," four Catholic priests, a Lutheran minister, and 23 others.
The Camden 28 was distinct from other famous anti-war activist groups. For starters, all of those arrested were practicing Christians who believed that their faith compelled them to oppose the war. With the exception of a Lutheran minister, they were all Catholics, and part of what was then known as the "Catholic left."
Catholic Online -
America: The National Catholic Weekly 

Want more? try these:

  • The Catonsville Nine, ALL catholics, (including the (in)famous Berrigan brothers, BOTH catholic priests) entered the Selective Service Offices in Catonsville, Maryland, On May 17, 1968, and removed several hundred draft records, and burned them with homemade napalm in protest against the war in Vietnam.  http://c9.mdch.org/index.cfm
  • Plowshares Movement, BOTH Berrigan (priests) brothers again, and six others,illegally trespassed onto the General Electric Nuclear Missile facility in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, where they damaged nuclear warhead nose cones and poured blood onto documents and files. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plowshares_Movement The Baltimore Four - Philip Berrigan, again, artist Tom Lewis; and poet, teacher and writer David Eberhardt and United Church of Christ pastor Rev. James L. Mengel) poured blood (including Berrigan's) on Selective Service records in the Baltimore Customs House. . As they waited for the police to arrive and arrest them, the group passed out Bibles and calmly explained to draft board employees the reasons for their actions. Berrigan stated, "This sacrificial and constructive act is meant to protest the pitiful waste of American and Vietnamese blood in Indochina".  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Berrigan

continues to maintain a level of activism and protests, including protests against American intervention in Central America, the 1991 Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He is also a prominent pro-life activist.

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Gospel Reading Of Sunday 09/09/07

I enjoyed todays (9/9/07) gospel reading because i was able to relate it to current events, especially this part  - Lk 14:28-32.

Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion?
Otherwise, after laying the foundation and finding himself unable to finish the work the onlookers should laugh at him
and say, 'This one began to build but did not have the resources to finish.'
Or what king marching into battle would not first sit down and decide whether with ten thousand troops he can successfully oppose another king advancing upon him with twenty thousand troops?
But if not, while he is still far away, he will send a delegation to ask for peace terms.

click here to read it or here to hear it.
immedately following the reading, i answered the question (with gods help of course) of who would not take these precautions, and the answer was a resounding - George W. Bush, thats who.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Apple I-Phone .... . Take 2

      Apple has lowered the price of it I-phone bt $200.00 less than 10 weeks after it hit the market June 29 for the first time for $500.00, with CEO Steve Jobs apologizing to purchasers but adding, "the technology road is bumpy," and there will always be people who pay top dollar for the latest electronics but get angry later when the price drops. "This is life in the technology lane,"        

          I  don't think he has anything to apologize for, he was just doing what all corporations do or strive to do, that being to take full advantage of the American consumers greed and need for one-upmanship. I think those who waited online to buy the overpriced toy on the first day of sale got what they deserved, instant gratification followed by the big letdown, similar to what a sugary will do for you.
But this being America, who caters to the stupid and greedy, Jobs is offering $100.00 back to these buyers, just as Bush recently announced he was helping to bail out home buyers who purchased homes they couldnt afford, and banks who gave loans to people they knew could afford them.
I-phone story here

New Math

What do the following add up to?

  • 660
  • 198
  • 100
  • 84
  • 84
  • 56
  • 52+ 20
  • 48
  • 35
  • 25.7
  • 22

it adds up to A disgraced, morally bankrupt religion
it also adds up to some of the larger payments made by the catholic church to some of their victims of child abuse at the hands of their priests
1.4 BILLION in SETTLEMENTS made in just the lat 5 years, instead of going to trial. That is very telling,fear of facing the  WHOLE truth in open court, and of course fear of facing the peoples wrath. Some Diocese filed for bankruptcy in order to protect (hide) their assets, but at least one judge stood up to them declaring that if they dont reach a fair settlement he will throw out their bankruptcy claim. Thankfully there Is a god and he spoke to THAT judge.     Full story here

Bush Again an Embarrassment

Bush attended an Asian / Pacific business summit and again embarrassed the U.S. with his stupidity and self-aggrandizing ego with the following:

At the podium Friday, Bush briefly discussed trade , preferring to focus on the threat terrorism poses to economic prosperity. He confused the occasion for the speech, thanking Australia for inviting him to an OPEC summit of oil exporters, instead of the APEC summit of Asia-Pacific economies that brought him to Sydney. He called Australians "Austrians" and fumbled the name of Myanmar's democratic opposition leader.   Full Story here
I mean this isn't you or I screwing things up, this is THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. doing it. At what age or IQ do you figure one would know that Australians ARENT Austrians?

Oppression BY ......

Religion, leads to repression, which leads to obsession, which leads to .....

THIS story.
It seems a college student, wearing "a white denim miniskirt, high-heel sandals, and a turquoise summer sweater over a tank top over a bra, ( see picture here), was asked to leave a flight on Southwest airlines for being inappropriately dressed. (Again see photo or description above).
She was eventually allowed to resume her flight unmolested (pun intended).

The question in my mind is this: Did someones "faith" however misguided, play a role here? Was their obvious sexual repression religiously inspired? This was a man who claimed her outfit was offensive, not a jealous woman. I mean what was his problem? Is he gay? Nah, I doubt it. If he were gay he probably would have complimented her and asked where she bought it. So he wasnt gay, & he wasnt a woman so where are we?
A call (supposedly) placed to Southwest Air inquiring if a passenger would be permitted to fly wearing a bikini was answered with a yes as long as all the appropriate areas are covered. So where did this confrontation arise from?
Probably another passenger complained and caused all this, but why? what was that persons problem? All the above possibilities still apply, but where again does that leave us? It leaves us unfortunately right back to a person oppressed by religion.
Disagree?  Fine, what then are your thoughts?


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Microwaved Popcorn

       I think we might all agree that popcorn and microwave ovens were made for each other. it vastly simplified the popping procedure.
Well as luck would have it,  it may also be killing us.
 Seems a man has contracted "popcorn luing, a disease previously seen only in those who worked in pocorn factories,. and even that we hadn't heard of until now, or at least most havent. full story here

Monday, September 03, 2007

Brit Generals Also Doubt Americas Intelligence

As if we needed yet more people to tell us that the REAL WMD's are in the Whitehouise (WMD's = Wholly Misinformed Dumbasse's)
2 more British Generals have added their two cents or is it two pence....    story here

Sunday, September 02, 2007

a unique baseball story

Dave Bresnahan, a man, a dream, a prankster


Saturday, September 01, 2007

Mexico's truck drivers allowed on U.S. highways

Story  here

NOW, If the teamsters of today, are as they were in the past, then you will see home grown terrorism.  Why? because they wont tolerate competition,
- they can't tolerate competition. They earn more than their worth and Mexico's drivers for sure earn less than their worth.  And allowing the two 
to drive the same roads, delivering the same goods, or worse, delivering goods that USED to be delivered by teamsters drivers is just asking for
 trouble.  Stay tuned.......   

Too Cliche ......

........  even for me .......
It sounds like a bad joke only it isn't.  The next step in former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey's life is ......you won't believe it, you would never guess it unless you went with the currently popular, politically incorrect, sterotype .......    click here