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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hackers Rig Google to Deliver Malware

Bad guys loaded up more than 40,000 Web pages with malicious software and thousands of common search terms. They then employed an automated network of malware-infected computers--known as a botnet--to link to those sites in blog-comment spam and other places. The mentions elevated the position of the poisoned sites in search results, often to the first page.

The malicious sites had no useful information. Instead, a simple click on a link to such a site in the search results was enough to launch attacks against your PC. If the attack found any of a number of vulnerabilities in a range of programs, it would load.


Windows 7 Milestone 1 ..... A New Operating System from Microsoft?

Windows 7 would be the follow-up to Windows Vista, and would likely be released in late 2009 or early 2010.

JUST LIKE Microsoft to start work on a new OS before even or without even fixing their VISTA disaster first.  Whether windows seven is real or imagined remains to be seen i guess

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

STOP! Don't Eat That!

In fact don't eat anything at all.  That seems to be the only way to avoid getting sick and or dying from something you ate.  Of course the one setback to my suggestion here is that after a few short weeks you'll be dead anyway, and prior to that you'll probably be wishin you were dead. Aside from that my plan on avoiding food borne illnesses is foolproof.
Seems researchers have now discovered, or perhaps are just now revealing, that long after a bout with food poisoning your body may suffer an even more devastating illness as a result of the food poisoning you suffered 10- 20 years ago.

they described high blood pressure, kidney damage, even full kidney failure in those who survived severe E. coli infection as children, arthritis after a bout of salmonella or shigella, and a mysterious paralysis that can attack people who just had mild symptoms of campylobacter.as some of the illnesses
Fortunately These late effects are believed to make up a very small fraction of the nation's 76 million annual food poisonings, although a bigger question would be what other illnesses could yet to be scientifically linked to food poisoning.

Full story and Details here

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ever Hear of Fr.Dale Fushek, Catholic Priest?

               The catholic priest who founded "life teen," former Monsignor Dale Fushek, was suspended  by the catholic church back in  late 2004, when allegations were raised that he had engaged in improper sexual conduct with teens. A year later he was charged with several misdemeanor criminal counts of assault, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and indecent exposure.
          Fushek was suspended when he was accused in a civil suit of sexual abuse involving another priest and a teenaged boy.  The parties reached a $100,000 settlement outside of court.
Later, Fushek was accused of the sexual exploitation of a minor and indecent exposure from relationships with five teenage boys between 1984 and 1993.

           All this comes to light anew amid the revelation that he and another less than stellar former priest, have started a new kind of  service ('Praise and Worship Center') that is gathering crowds.  So much so that it has prompted the catholic church to issue a statement warning "good, well meaning" catholics to avoid these services.  Whether this warning is because of the sexual misconduct allegations against Fushek or because of the threat of competition he poses is debatable. Me, im leaning toward the competition angle since, after all, the church has NEVER been very forthcoming with warnings about their pedophile priests before, now have they ........

          Jim Dwyer, spokesman for the Phoenix Diocese, told CNS that it's unclear what the plans are for the Praise and Worship Center, Dwyer said. "In a sense, it's competing with the Catholic Church. If they're not trying to draw people away, why are they trying to get people to contribute to building up something?"
Brad Kuluris, a Catholic and spokesman for Fushek's 'Praise and Worship Center', said "I think people are looking for a style of preaching that's new and invigorating," Kuluris said. "You've seen these mega churches. People are looking for preaching that brings new life to ancient ideas."

Stories here & here



Friday, January 18, 2008

Just Asking

god is love. Surely weve all heard that line among the many others, all positive.
God made man in his own image and likeness. Another line we've all heard over and over again.

With that in mind i ask:
 Look around at the world we live in; people starving to death, people, innocent people murdered, raped, maimed etc. Man destroying his environment, polluting, using up resources with little regard toward replenishing it.  Abortion being used more and more as a routine form of birth control, instead of a terrible last resort. The economic disparity between the rich and the poorer ever widening.  innocent, young people sick, dying of cancer and other non curable diseases.  

 And now science telling us that its possible (or likely) humans have a propensity for violence, and for no apparent reason other than the rewarding feeling. And its not just humans, but vertibrates in general and mammals in particular.
 Why would god allow this?  why would god even create beings capable of such behavior? What good, loving, perfect, all knowing god would create such a world?

Throughout the ages mans ideas of right and wrong have changed, progressed, improved, evolved. .  What the catholic church allowed, condoned or participated in during the middle ages, the 1700's, the 1800's, the 1900's, even today is ever changing. Why?  If god is all knowing , perfect and loving, and if indeed the catholic church is THE church he created, why was any change necessary?  Surely, what Is evil and wrong today was also evil & wrong from the beginning of creation.  
Why was there no electricity, no computers, no cars, no refrigeration in the beginning? Surely god knew how to allow man create these things all along.  Why is it still necessary for young innocents to die?  Surley god can prevent this.

 did god possibly throw science a "bone" when he allowed them to discover potential uses for stem cells? for cloning?  And what of mans discovering the ability to destroy enmass? Why did god allow that? why is such technology even necessary?  I could go on forever with the wondering why, but enought for now. Why, Oh why god? that is what i ask.

 The self annointed religious know-it-alls will surely tell me, as theve done before, all the bad things are not something god did but rather something the devil did. and when i ask why god didnt prevent them then, they'll say god gave man free will to make decision for themselves, right or wrong. But then i must ask WHY again? Why, if god is all knowing loving and perfect and created us in his own image and likenness, would he allow us to even have the capability to be evil?

I think i understand the reward aspect of religion, the eternal salvation thing. God, as is his perogative,  may well reward those who spent their lives loyal to him, those who followed him unquestioningly.  That may also explain the god is good to a small extent. the good only meaning that god is good to those who are / were loyal to him.  It would not however explain the term good in the broader sense as in the positive, benevolent aspect of good.
 For all the bad, all the evil i mentioned above, for all the other bad & evil you can think of,  we must question why.
 Evolution would be agood explanation for most or all of it, but alas those religious know it alls again wont allow for evolution, so we are left wondering why, why it was necessary for the defintion of right and wrong and the accompanying rewards and punishments to change over time.  certainly an all knowing, perfect god knew all along what was good and what was bad and what to do about it. His ideas on this havent changed over the years for he is perfect.  why should it be necessary for us to change our ideas of right and wrong?
 A truely loving god would not put us through this. An evil god with a warped sense of humor would.

Im tired. Ive rambled enough. maybe another time, another day we'll do more. in the meantime i await your helpful (or not so) replies. .,.,...........

Want another scary thought?

The most conservative of Republican voters would overwhelmingly find nothing wrong with the justice system story below and instead would convince themselves that indeed the right person would be convicted of the right crime in every case, so where is the problem.

These same republican voters overwhelmingly oppose ALL abortions, yet fail to follow the lives of these "children", after birth, many of whom are unwanted, unloved and end up institutionalized in our prisons, and yes some on death row. Death row inmates are disproportionately from dysfunctional, one parent households, be it their mothers or grandmothers, or worse raised by a collection of foster homes and "group homes" (read: orphanages).
Worse these same republicans wouldnt even understand the relationship between preventing abortion and showing an interest in the persons life AFTER birth.  Yes they seem to think their job is done once the abortion has been prevented

Note to all dealing with radical anti abortionists:
Just ask them where the children they "protected" from abortion are now, Ask who they are, what they are doing. Ask them to just name one child that they actually "cared" about after birth the same way they claimed to have cared for before birth. The silence will be deafening

A Scary Thought on the U.S. Justice System

Most, agree that the U.S.  justice system is the best in the world, yet, note the following:
Suspects have been brought to trial — and convicted — in cases where not only is the body missing, but physical evidence linking the suspect to the crime doesn't exist

If there is no body, how does one prove any death has occurred? much less a death resulting from so called "foul play"
If there is NO EVIDENCE linking the suspect to a crime, that in itself, also cant be proven to have even occurred, then just how does someone vote for conviction?
THAT IS a scary thought indeed. It makes no logical sense, at least to me, and represents an excellent reason against the death penalty. Not that the death penalty would be sought in such a case, i doubt it would, but still, it does show how someone could receive the death penalty on less than solid evidence.
Now i readily admit that if it were a loved one of mine missing, i too would want SOMEONE, CONVICTED of SOMETHING. I also admit this is a foolish stance, a selfish stance, one taken out of my misery rather than out of seeking " justice"

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2008's First Instant Heart Attack Food Idea

A Beer-batter dipped, Deep-Fried, Cheese-Stuffed Burger made from 100% ground Bacon. go here if you dare

"Compulsive" Republican's Head Examined

a self proclaimed  "Compulsive" Republican voter is undergoing a court ordered psych exam after being arrested for threatening and sending a white powder to several so called "liberals."  Full story here

I say ANYONE who votes SOLELY along party lines without even listening to what candidates are saying, needs to have their heads examined. .....

Flash Attack Could Take Over Your Router

By tricking a victim into viewing a malicious Flash file, an attacker could use UPnP to change the primary DNS (Domain Name System) server used by the router to find other computers on the Internet. This would give the attacker a virtually undetectable way to redirect the victim to fake Web sites. For example, a victim with a compromised router could be taken to the attacker's Web server, even if he typed Citibank.com directly into the Web browser navigation bar.
Full Story here

Bush & Cold, Bad Weather hit the Mid-East

Frigid winds, rare snowfall, & overall nasty, miserable weather has hit the Mideast as has Bush- whacker;
And why not, after all nothing this side of the devil himself could be more cold, frigid, nasty & miserable
than the current U.S, figure head president.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Birds of a Feather ........

As Gov. of Texas, Bush-whacker ok'd the execution of more people than any other state in the U.S., by a lot. As president, he found a way to top that by overseeing the killing of more than 3,000 Americans in Iraq, as well as tens of thousands (or more) innocent Iraqis and others.
 His best friend in the middle East is Saudi Prince Abdullah whose country last year  beheaded 137 people a sharp increase from the 38 in 2006.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Another Wrong Message to our Youth

I HAVEN'T followed this story very closely simply because i personally dont have a problem with professional athletes abusing there bodies as they "entertain" us. 
Granted, right or wrong i DO hold Olympic athletes to a higher standard. I guess thats because i just think its a more "pure" competition, done for a more "pure" reason, that NOT being the greed that pervades other professional sports, but rather "national pride". 

Having said all that i feel that Marion Jones got a raw deal IF, If she voluntarily admitted her guilt, without the pressure of a trial looming.   i don't know if that was the case or if the law was closing in on her.  If it was voluntary, something she could have gone on denying, had she wanted to, then she indeed got a raw deal.
 I say that because its NOT the message that we want to sent to our young people, that if you come forward and tell the truth, you will be punished for it. Where is the benefit of being truthful? 
Certainly I'm not  talking about exonerating "REAL" criminals who confess to their crimes, they must still be imprisoned, if the crime calls for it.  However even in the case of whatever you consider serious crimes, if the defendant comes forward and confesses he / she is saving the government countless thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars in some cases. In sensitive cases such as rape, confessing will be saving the victim unbelievable torment from having to testify.That is worth cutting some time off of a sentence, and it is done every day routinely.
      Why in the case of Marion Jones minor offense does the judge find it necessary to send her to jail at all?
Please let me know what you think.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

U.S. Government, a Dead Beat Customer

All the back and forth "hoopla" about government wire tapping and the morality & invasion of privacy of it all; all the expense, arguing the case in court, all this could have been avoided by just treating the U.S. Government as you would any other customer; to wit:
 the FBI has fallen behind in payments on more than half their wire taps and as a result the phone company has cut their service on those cases that fell in arrears. Story here.

You know, i would like to see the U.S. Governments Credit score IF they were treated as the rest of us are.  I'll bet they would find it hard to get a loan.  Sub-prime anyone?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

When Obese, Traditional Women are Better .....

than skinny, thong wearing girls. .......

Two guys were frying bread when the pan caught fire. Quickly thinking they grabbed the first large cloth they could find, wet it and put it over the fire, which was quickly extinguished.  The hero item:   his aunt's size XL traditional panties.
 Now what might have happened if they instead lived with skinny, thong wearing women?
Moral to the story? 
 Thong underwear is about as useful as it seems & protects about as much of your ass as it covers .......
Full story here