Innocent Until Proven Guilty
I've long opposed publishing the names of "accused" criminals in the paper. It just seems to fly in the face of everything our justice system represents itself as, that being, innocent until proven guilty. Some crimes to be sure are worse than others to be accused of. Sexual crimes is one of them. Having worked many years within the legal system, I can tell you that being accused of a sexual crime won't win you many friends even in jail. Some crimes will gain you respect but not those of a sexual nature. No, those can only get you killed. And inmates ironically enough are a very judgmental lot. Here they sit protesting their innocence, but let an accused rapist enter their midst and he doesn't stand a chance; he's toast! Forget due process, forget innocent until ...., no, if you are so much as accused of a sexual crime, you better be able to make bail.
And being out on bail isn't much better. Sure you'll most likely avoid the beating you'd get in jail, but you won't avoid all the other guilty judgments the public will heap on you. And even if found innocent, rest assured you will NEVER be able to forget it. You will have to move away from your neighborhood if you are to have any solace at all. Its just one of those things that once accused, always associated with, forever.
Which brings me to what prompted me to write this today, an article in the Orlando sentinel.
Not only did they print the name of a Doctor accused of fondling a patient, but they also printed where he worked AND his photo! Regardless of the outcome he will NEVER again be able to practice there again. Odd how in this bible belt state I've never seen the photo published of any of the priests accused of child molestation. See how unfair it can be?
And then we have the cases of deliberate false accusation, done for financial (lawsuit) and other reasons. In the most recent case involving a well known person as the accused, once he was "outed" he lost a lot of money in lucrative contracts. And this was before any conviction. He was eventually exonerated and has successfully resumed his career, but the accusation will never go away. And the accuser was never charged will filing a false claim or sued or anything beyond being called several derogatory names. And even that isn't universal. There will always be those who see her as a victim and "him" as a criminal who got away with it.
Don't get me wrong now, if and when a person is "convicted" by our system then I suppose it's fair to publicly "out" him or her, but before such time it can be hazardous to your health as well as your rights.
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