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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Monday, March 29, 2010

Most Definitive & Scathing Report Yet

"There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.

Matthew 13:13
: : : 13:13
This is why I speak to them in parables:    "Though seeing, they do not see;       though hearing, they do not hear or understand.       
 Jeremiah 5:21
: : : Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:


The Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse, an investigative body commissioned by the Irish Church just completed a 9 year inquiry into  child abuse at Catholic institutions in Ireland has found church leaders knew that sexual abuse was "endemic" in boys' institutions.

decades of cover-up in the Dublin Archdiocese involving approximately 170 priests 

The leader of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, said "This report makes it clear that great wrong and hurt were caused to some of the most vulnerable children in our society,"
"It documents a shameful catalogue of cruelty: neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, perpetrated against children."

The five-volume study concluded that church officials used rape, and  encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders' pedophiles from arrest amid a "culture of self-serving secrecy".

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, said those who perpetrated violence and abuse should be held to account, "no matter how long ago it happened".
"Every time there is a single incident of abuse in the Catholic Church, it is a scandal. I would be very worried if it wasn't a scandal... I hope these things don't happen again, but I hope they're never a matter of indifference," he said.

The commission said overwhelming, consistent testimony from still-traumatized men and women, now in their 50s to 80s, had demonstrated beyond a doubt "It was systemic
Irish complaints that have topped 15,000


Father Thomas Reese, a senior fellow at Georgetown Univeristy's Woodstock Theological Center, responded: "I'm afraid that in Europe they may be making some of the same mistakes that the American bishops made. It does no good to attack the media. This all sounds like excuses."

It's inevitable that all bishops of the day, including Ratzinger, handled abuse complaints against priests in-house, said the Rev. Fergus O'Donoghue, editor of the Irish Jesuit journal Studies.

"The pope was no different to any other bishop at time. The church policy was to keep it all quiet — to help people, but to avoid scandal. Avoiding scandal was a huge issue for the church," he said. "Of course there was cover-up," he added. But worse was "the systematic lack of concern for the victims."


The Vatican hierarchy has been swamped with accusations concerning sexual abuse of children perpetrated by priests in Wisconsin, Germany, and Ireland. The emerging stories all suggest that church leaders had been, at best, grossly negligent in handling the abuse charges brought to their attention. And at worst, they suggest that the Vatican had a hand in covering up crucial details in all cases.

From 1981 to 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who was elected Pope Benedict XVI n 2004, headed the Vatican department responsible for investigating and acting on such allegations, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy molested approximately 200 young boys at a for deaf children.  Several bishops alerted the Vatican,  though his behavior was never brought to the attention of local law enforcement. Instead, Murphy was quietly transferred to another parish, where he worked with children for another 24 years.
Wisconsin bishops finally initiated disciplinary action against Murphy through a secret canonical trial in the mid-'90s.
Murphy wrote letter of protest to Cardinal Ratzinger. Shortly after Cardinal Ratzinger received the letter, the trial was halted. Father Murphy died a fully decorated priest..


German priest Peter Hullerman working in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, which Ratzinger then administered, was accused of molesting boys. Hullerman was subsequently permitted to resume pastoral duties — a move that Ratzinger approved.
Hullerman continued working with boys, and was convicted in 1986 on sexual molestation charges. Even so, he retained his position within the church until earlier this month. A man whose wedding was to be officiated by Hullerman revealed his criminal history to his congregation — and only then was Hullerman suspended from his work as a priest.
"The German cases are growing every day," said the attorney appointed by the German church to investigate abuse charges.

There was immediate skepticism that Benedict, as archbishop, would not have known of the details of the case.
The Rev. Thomas P. Doyle, who once worked at the Vatican Embassy in Washington said  "Pope Benedict is a micromanager. He's the old style. Anything like that would have been brought to his attention.

Austria suspended five priests pending investigations into allegations they had molested students.

The church in the Netherlands has said more than 200 people came forward in recent weeks.

A Switzerland abbot said in an interview published Saturday that 60 people have reported being victims of abuse by Catholic priests in Switzerland.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.

Matthew 13:13
: : : 13:13 This is why I speak to them in parables:    "Though seeing, they do not see;       though hearing, they do not hear or understand.       
 Jeremiah 5:21
: : : Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Greed, Sin, Crime; Why America Sucks

Watch the VIDEO HERE

Farmer in Florida are destroying their Strawberry crops rather than sell them cheaper.  It seems the method used to protect the berries from freeze (watering them) this winter, had unwanted consequences. All the berries are coming ripe NOW at the same time. Thus Strawberry prices have plummeted from about $1 a pound to just 25 cents for the farmers.  So what to do? Well this is America, land of greed, so we destroy half the crops, create a shortage later on and prices for what is left will go up. Ah simple capitalism, dont ya love it.
At a time when the economy is still reeling, wouldn't it have been nice for consumers to get a break on something as simple as this.
Disagree with my thinking? fine, then get this. another "side effect" of the water the farmers used.  They used SO much water, that it caused wells to go dry and sink holes to open up, danaging houses and causing others to be condemned. Who do you think will end up paying for that?
Yes, there was at least one farmer who is allowing anyone and everyone to pick berries at his place FREE and he is to be commended. He is my role model of the day, week and maybe year, we'll see...

Watch the VIDEO HERE

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Plausible Deniability: And the Beat Goes on ..........


 Not only am i  not surprised, but it is something that i have claimed must have occurred the whole time. the infamous  Plausible Deniability.  i know it because it was the norm where i worked, and seems to be the norm in all high places along the organizational ladder.
 Story here

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What a Waste

of my time since not many of you ever want to hear of global warming again, but the thinking among you should at least want to read the current "guesses" going on, just in case "heaven" aint in your immediate future

High-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain

Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.
high-fructose corn syrup also led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in the abdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides.
Full Story HERE

A Long History of Untrustworthiness

Did the CIA test LSD in the New York City subway system?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ore. town uses geothermal energy to stay warm

 Very ingenious, and they say it can be artificially created elsewhere, BUT at a potentially dangerous, even deadly cost.  Scientists say they is no danger, tho it can be disconcerting to those living above it.
Read the whole story before making a decision. And beware the old adage, "its not nice to foll with mother nature"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Obamacare; What the New Health Care Bill May Mean to You


"Office of Foreign Assets Control"

Almost 150 years after slavery "technically" ended in this country, we still have reminders of it. Oh im not talking about the religious rednecks hating on Obama, no,thats for another day and a far longer story.

This one today is simple and about baseball.
 There is an  "Office of Foreign Assets Control" that deals with, among other things, foreign baseball p[layers rights, yeah now tell me that doesnt sound like a property office?  But it isnt.  in reality its an office dealing with baseball players. Foreign baseball player, almost all non white.

Now dont misunderstand. i dont feel sorry for them, considering that if they make the major leagues they will all be millionaires, at least several times over. and some even sooner like the kid in the article is a millionaire now without ever playing in the major leagues. 
my whole point is the wording. At a time when every word out of our mouths is scrutinized by the politically correct police, this phrase gets no attention.
Sarah Palin recently got upset over the use of the word "retard", but a little research would have revealed that retard is actually already a politically refined choice.  Year ago idiots, imbeciles and morons, were the words used to describe non typical people, but again that is a topic for another day, another loong topic indeed

Friday, March 12, 2010

Check Your Tax Refund Status

Just came across this page. You can track the status of your Federal refund check online, very very easily.  you are required to enter your social security number however, so this is not recommended on a public computer. 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obama a Bi-Polar Fraud???

ok so most of you love to hate on obama, so im gonna make your day.
 two funny video clips about him from, YES,  my favorite spoof site;  the onion . com

Obama is bi-polar and now entering the depressed phase       i thought all of this was funny

Obamas great oratory skills nothing but Lip syncing      watch it to the end, they have a clip of him talking without the aid of a voice over, its funny

even tho i will repeat again that this is satire and NOT real,  there are some of you ("birthers"??  you know who you are) who will still believe this is factual video news,

Friday, March 05, 2010

Politics and Parlor Tricks .....

sound alike, .........   coincidence????  
just my thought of the moment

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sanctity of Confession; Where does it End?

To me what this priest did was right and proper.  Some have complained that he wasnt supposed to say anything, but as far as i can tell from the story he DIDNT.  All he did was make clear to a penitent, that her only recourse was to get a lawyer and do everything in her power to free a man wrongly convicted of raping her. Wrongly convicted SOLELY because of her perjurious testimony.  the priest did contact a lawyer and put that lawyer in touch with the woman. What he told the lawyer, I dont know
Full story here 

This brings me back to all the children molested, and worse, by catholic priests over the last 50 years or so. A crime and a pain made all the worse by the fact that it was routinely covered up by the church, in many cases only to happen again and again. Why? Well in some cases the priest confessed, but under the cloak of priest / penitent confidentiality; NOTHING was said to law enforcement.
 But what this priest here did was simply perfect. Perfect in that he was able to keep his vow of confidentiality, while at the same time trying to do something to right a wrong.  What would he have done if the girl did not go the police and confess? would he have taken the next step and gone to the police himself?  That would have violated the confidentiality, BUT, in my opinion, it would have been the only right thing to do. There is NO WORSE crime to be in jail for than rape, or child molestation.  Spending ANY time in jail on these charges is like a life sentence and in some cases a death sentence.
     Why was this tact seemingly not used over the years in the priest / child molestation scandal?  Why did the priests hearing the confessions.of their peers, not instruct them as did the priest in the above story?  Or did they?  Obviously i dont know, and neither do you. But what is also obvious is that they did NOT take the next step. They did not report these heinous crimes to law enforcement. And this failure makes them complicit in the crimes.  Ironic wouldnt it be if / when they face their maker (?) and find out they are no better in HIS (or HER) eyes than the actual perpetrators.  Yes justice will finally be served if you believe in all that, but for me, i want it served HERE and NOW.  I know far too many fanatical believers who are still in denial over this issue.

Meanwhile, my gratitude and congratulations to Father Zeljko Guberovic of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Union City, New Jersey



Various Background Checks

  Useful Information for those of you who may be hiring people or renting out properties etc.
you just might wanna bookmark it for future use
 Below is a list of what you can find out about someone

  • Employment History Reports
  •  Tenant History Reports
  • Auto & Home Insurance Claim Reports
  • Credit Bureaus Reports
  • Full File Disclosure/Personal Information Reports
  • Check Writing History Reports
  • Health History Reports
  • Prescription Drug Purchase History Report
  • Social Security Statement
  • Purchase Returns History Reports
  • Gaming Patron's Credit History and Transaction Data
  • Utilities & Telecommunications Reports
Here is the site with all the appropriate links:

Monday, March 01, 2010

Latest Sarah Palin Speech Opens Sixth Seal

Latest Sarah Palin Speech Opens Sixth Seal