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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Praise The Lord ....

Praise The Lord ..... they may be finally seeing the light, ........ you've been had!

David Kuo, a former aide in the White House faith-based office, wrote that Bush aides privately called conservative Christians "nuts," "ridiculous" and "goofy."

Kuo, a born-again Christian, said Republicans have failed to fulfill campaign promises to evangelicals, yet have kept Christians on their side by portraying Bush as "pastor-in-chief."

"So much of the support for his presidency comes purely on the basis of his Christian faith," Kuo said in a phone interview. "The biblical notion is to defer to your pastor. Christian political leaders have taken advantage of that — portraying themselves as spiritual leaders — but they're not. They're political leaders."

James Dobson of Focus on the Family said that Republicans have made no progress on issues important to Christians who helped put the GOP in control.
The complaints are familiar. Through every Republican victory since the Moral Majority was formed in 1979, abortion remained legal, gay couples won greater acceptance and prayer was still barred from public schools.

In 1999, Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson, both veterans of the Moral Majority, examined these failures in their book "Blinded by Might," and concluded that politics was too corrupt to be used to spread Christian morality in America. A few other evangelicals suggested conservative Christians withdraw from politics and focus instead on faith.

The retreat never happened. Between 1999 and 2004, the share of white evangelicals identifying themselves as Republican grew from 39 percent to 49 percent, the Pew Center found. It's unclear whether this campaign season will be different.

Like many other Americans, evangelicals are upset by U.S. strategy in

Iraq, corruption in the Republican-led Congress, and the case of former GOP Rep. Mark Foley, who sent sexually explicit e-mails to pages.

But conservative Christian grievances go further.

Dobson and other evangelicals have accused Congress of ignoring their policy agenda on marriage and abortion.

Disillusionment has led to a backlash. Some evangelicals are once again warning that lawmakers are using Christians for their votes and politics is corrupting the church.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The complete works of Charles Darwin online

I figured it might be interesting to some or of use by students you may know.


The complete works of Charles Darwin online. Its not finished yet, but quite a start, about 50 percent of the materials that will be provided by 2009, the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of 'The Origin of Species.'"
This site currently contains more than 50,000 searchable text pages and 40,000 images of both publications and handwritten manuscripts. There is also the most comprehensive Darwin bibliography ever published and the largest manuscript catalogue ever assembled. More than 150 ancillary texts are also included, ranging from secondary reference works to contemporary reviews, obituaries, published descriptions of Darwin's Beagle specimens and important related works for understanding Darwin's context


basketball incentive

i know i'd have been a star. with that kind of incentive i'd have practiced day and night, 24/7



Transgender people yesterday won the right to use any bathroom they choose at MTA rail stations after a "woman" who sued for that privilege reached an agreement with the transit agency. The landmark pact - which lets people use the restroom for whichever gender they consider themselves - settles a complaint filed by a 70-year-old "woman" with the city Human Rights Commission who was arrested three times after using the women's room at Grand Central Terminal.

Now I admit they have a problem (several maybe?), which maybe ought to be addressed in the name of humanity? maybe covered under the persons with disabilities act? But more than that it raises some questions for me. namely:

  • what about the "straight" (normal) people in that restroom? dont they too have rights? its got to be at least a little disconcerting to be in the bathroom with a person who appears (at least somewhat) to be of the opposite sex?
  • what about non trangendered but obviously "gay" people. should they be allowed to use whatever bathroom they want, based on how they are "feeling" about themselves?
  • what about "straight" people? if they enter a bathroom and see someone there whose questionable sexuality makes them uncomfortable, are they allowed to then go into the other sex bathroom? It seems the more we "accomodate" the worse things get.
  • There is a real syndrome known as "shy bladder". i imagine that has to be exacerbated by seeing someone in the bathroom with you, who obviously doesnt belong there.
  • dont "normal" everyday people have rights too?
  • The only really satisfactory remedy I see is a "gender neutral" bathroom, or unisex if you prefer. then its "let the user beware" believe it or not they already exist on some of our college campuses! If only i had known, I'd still be a student!
As for me i'm gonna take advantage of the new law and enter the womens bathrooms every chance i get!!!!!!!!!! I''ll just keep a lipstick in my pocket as "proof" i belong there in case i get "caught". well gotta go, im off to Grand Central Terminal for a "bathroom break" ......

In reality I dont have the "re$ource$" to put this new law to the test. but someone will and should. Its seems a guaranteed failure if it does get tested. after all the law states whichever gender they consider themselves which effectively makes prosecution of a "peeping tom" or other "voyeur" type type offender untenable. after all maybe the'yre just "checking" to see if the stall is "available" ...........


Monday, October 23, 2006

Computer warnings ......

For those of you who have not yet discovered and started using "FireFox Browser" fear this if you are still using IE (Intenet explorer) as your internet browser
Drive-By Downloads Cruise Through IE They could lurk in booby-trapped banner ads on a site you regularly visit, or in a poisoned HTML e-mail. And because of new holes, such drive-by downloads can bust your Internet Explorer 6 or Outlook client and fill your PC with malicious software.This latest risk for IE 6 on

Windows XP (SP1 and SP2), 2000, and Server 2003, plus Outlook 2003, involves a Microsoft-only Web graphics format called Vector Markup Language. It's like a little-used basement window you forgot to lock. Worse, you'd only have to read or preview an e-mail or visit a poisoned site in IE to be infected, no click required.
IE 6 has another graphics bug, this time in the way it handles movie or game files that employ DirectAnimation. Exploit code for the hole is already on the Web. Like the VML problem, this one also facilitates drive-by downloads, and the same versions of Windows are affected. Note that Firefox, Opera, and even IE 7 are unaffected by these holes. If you've been waiting for a good reason to drop IE 6, this might be it.
As if that weren't enough, Adobe patched critical holes in its Macromedia Flash Player as well. Version 8.0.24 and earlier could open you up to yet another drive-by download if you simply view a doctored Flash movie. Microsoft distributed vulnerable versions with Windows XP SP1 and SP2, and with XP Pro 64-bit.
For the fix, upgrade to version (or use Flash's auto-update feature); see the details here.

And just to show that media across the board is unsafe this month, Apple patched six critical holes in all QuickTime versions prior to 7.1.3E running on Windows 2000 and XP. The popular media player has playback flaws with several file formats, including H.264 and native QuickTime movies . http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20061023/tc_pcworld/127492

Want to try FireFox? click here, and NO i dont make anything from this click except for the satisfaction that another prisoner has been freed from Microsoft's clutches.
There is also an "outlook" replacement made by the same people called Thunderbird. tho since i dont use outlook for my mail i have no need for this and thus havent tried it myself, but other i know, have tried it and love it.

more very good, free programs that help protect you from or rid you of malicious software
Spybot search and destroy
Ad-Aware SE Personal
And of course all of you should by now have some sort of anti virus program on your commputer, but if not, a good free choice is AVG anti-virus
after downloading any of these be sure to "update" them before using to ensure the latest protection.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Foley singled out "hot" boys: report

Its good to see .......
at least he had standards .................
you know I've discovered the real difference between republicans and democrats ...........
democrats are very open about their perversions ................

..........Two years later, the page, now 22, said, he wrote Foley to ask about hotels in Washington. "You could always stay at my place. I'm always here, I'm always lonely, and I'm always up for oral sex,"
Hmmm must be how he "polished up" his "oratory skills"
Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley ( news, bio, voting record) made friends with a wide circle of teenaged House of Representatives pages, then singled out "hot" boys to write to, The Washington Post reported on Sunday.

The newspaper said it had identified four more former pages who said they were sexually solicited by Foley, who has resigned since the scandal broke last month.

One former page, who was not identified, said Foley sent him e-mails when he was 16 asking about "my roommates, if I ever saw them naked." Later, the former page said Foley hinted about a job opportunity "because I was a hot boy," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

Two years later, the page, now 22, said, he wrote Foley to ask about hotels in Washington. "You could always stay at my place. I'm always here, I'm always lonely, and I'm always up for oral sex," he quoted the disgraced former member of Congress as saying.

Another former page said he felt he had to flirt with Foley, who has said he is homosexual and an alcoholic and that he was abused by a priest as a child.

Republican leaders have said they did not know about the explicit e-mails sent by Foley before media reports, but a former top aide to Foley has said he told senior aides to House Speaker Dennis Hastert about Foley's behavior three years ago.


Saturday, October 21, 2006

the devil leads them

the catholic church callled foleys bluff, asking that he divulge the name of the priest who molested him.
in my opinion it was their hope that he would not give up the name, that he instead would recant his statement, perhaps even saying he lied, thus letting them ( your pius religious leaders) off the hook yet again. You see, its a case of putting the victim on trial in the hope that they would rather die than relive the experience. a tactic used often in defense of rapists. How honorable your church is.

Well surprise! foley not only did divulge his molester, but the priest admitted to basically everything but trying to impregnate the boy.

A reminder again, you needn;t follow the church led by the devil in order to get into heaven. all you need is a good relationship with god and the living of a good life of honesty, humility, love and kindness. Most of you have that. dont let the devil led catholic church diminish that in you.
if they are not led by the devil, they are certainly sleeping with him ( or her)

just look at what this "man of the cloth" believes -
Roman Catholic priest Anthony Mercieca, 72, told the daily that after he moved from Brazil to Florida in 1966, he and Foley became close friends and "loved each other like brothers." Foley would have been 12 or 13 at the time.
then once maybe I touched him or so. But it's not something you call rape or penetration or anything like that, it was fondling," Mercieca said
i hope not.

Now before you dismiss this as the acts of a "few"(?) individuals keep in mind the orders (or condonement of) to keep down the cost of paymment to these victims, goes all the way to the top, just as it would in any corporation.



Friday, October 20, 2006

Churches Must Pay Birth Control: Court


NCatholic and other religious social service groups must provide contraceptive coverage to their employees even if they consider contraception a sin, according to yesterday's ruling by the state's highest court.

The 6-0 decision by the state Court of Appeals hinged on defining Catholic Charities and the other nine religious groups suing the state to be social service agencies, rather than only operating as churches.

The court said the fact that the organizations hire employees outside their faith is a critical factor and they deserve the rights sought under the law. he court noted that while the groups are affiliated with the church, they function as social service agencies and often employ non-Catholic workers.

The Church Said "I think it reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of Catholicism, which teaches that to be saved, Catholics must perform works of mercy," Poust said. "Faith alone is not enough . . . and the way the church performs its works of mercy is through its Catholic Charities, its schools and its hospitals - all of which the state has now held is secular."

NARAL leader Kelli Conlin said "No employer should be able to force their beliefs upon their employees, especially given that 97% of Catholics report using birth control"
