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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

No delay of execution for liver donor

Gregory Scott Johnson, a disgusting excuse for human life is justifiably scheduled to die by lethal injection on may 25th. Now I am NOT a death penalty proponent, unless there is NO DOUBT about guilt, such as bragging confessing, or video evidence of the crime itself showing the murderer. Well as justice would have it, he DID confess. Oh well, sayonara, hasta pasta, see you later, good riddance! For him I could / would "throw the switch" so to speak.
His crime? Oh he just killed someone. That's all. No that's NOT all. He robbed Ruby Hutslar, 82, then STOMPED her to death, to the tune of 30 broken bones, and then set fire to her house to cover his crime. Yeah he deserves to die. But that's not what this is about
This is about his sister, who needs a liver transplant. Her brother, the murderer, wants a stay of execution just long enough to give her part of his. The state parole board has refused the request. Their reasoning is, that this is just a ploy on the part of the condemned, to buy more time. Wow I didn't know you could "fake" the need for a liver, just to get your brother a stay of execution. Thank God the state parole board are smarter than me! Another reason is that the victims family fear this will allow him to die more as a kind hearted hero than the vicious killer he actually was. Now this I can understand, but still, to allow another "innocent" to die unnecessarily, is wrong and makes the victims family look not much better than killers themselves. In fact, anyone involved in the denial of this transplant is an accessory in the death of Johnsons sister, should that occur.
How about a compromise? Like maybe he should consent to donate ALL of his organs, in return for his sister getting his liver. Unscrupulous? probably, wrong? could be. Immoral? who cares. We can save lives here. Now I DON'T recommend this as mandatory for all death row convicts, because the potential for misuse and abuse by "officials" is too great. Before you know it we will be sentencing people to death based upon the quality of their organs! We cant go there!. Similar things already happen elsewhere.



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