Stem Cell Bill
"The use of federal dollars to destroy life is something I simply do not support," Bush said at the White House. This from a man who IS using fed. dollars to destroy life in Iraq. Both Iraqi AND American lives.
A little something else to think about. Bush doesnt want fed money used to destroy life, right? Well don't fertility clinics receive federal funding? I think they do.And if so, what does he think happens to the left over embryo's? They are destroyed! And when asked what he WOULD do with the leftover embryos at fertility clinics he declined to answer.
But all is not lost. It appears as if a bill supporting stem cell research may actually pass. Who will win? Those who choose to think with their hearts? or those who think with their heads. Time will tell.
The medical promise of embryonic stem cell research prompted several House members of both parties who oppose abortion rights to vote yes nonetheless. The moral obligation, they argued, rested on Congress to fund research that could lead to cures.
The position of the religious wrong .... err ...... I meant religious right (I think ;-)). Who knows what their collectively thinking. I do know that the Catholic church is opposed to BOTH artificial production of life and its susequent destruction, an interesting predicament to be sure. Glad I dont follow their rules.
The facts: there are embryo's sitting in fertility clinics that will NEVER be used. The choices are: a) simply destroy them, or b) use them productively for stem cell research. The answer for me is clear; stem cell research it is.I mean really, the potential to help or possibly cure millions of people, maybe render a heretofore fatal disease or two (or more), cureable or at least treatable so it is no more than a nuisance. I hold grudges, and am vindictive. If I had my way everybody in America would register, and vote on it. Then God forbid they would get ill and need something gleaned from stem cell research, my answer would be "sorry, but you didnt want this cure found"
I know I'm wrong, I know I'm evil, but I cant help myself. Its time people were made to live with their decisions. No more renegotiating on a whim..You made your deal, now live with it! Or more precisely in this case, die with it! Sorry, its how I feel
Why the obsession with doing research on embryonic stem cells -- which promise pie-in-the-sky in some utopian future? Cord blood and adult stem cells are producing miracles in the here-and-now, restoring sight to the blind, saving the lives of children, treating leukemia, and helping the paralyzed to walk.
How moral is it to waste resources on empty promises?
Thanks, granny! You are 100% correct. I am only saying that the unused embryos in fertility clinics can and should be used for research, rather than just destroy and discard them. My research assistant Dr.K. recommended this as further explanation:
Totipotency: up until approximately the 4th day after fertilization, these are the only cells present in an embyo. It is from these cells that the ENTIRE human being develops. Hence the interest in embryonic stem cells. they "theoretically" can be made to develop for ANY use that arises. Also see related articles on Pluripotent & Multipotent stem cells.
blue green algae was the subject I was researching when I came across your site, D. Coder. General interest and popularity of the subject Stem Cell Bill has lead me to your site as well as to blue green algae. Yours is a fine site providing a real service and exceptional content. Thanks for reading my comment
WOW! What a great site you have here, D. Coder. I found is from my search for Klamath Lake blue green algae. In my opinion., is a cut above the others. Even though my research regarding Stem Cell Bill lead me here but match is not exact for Stem Cell Bill, the content is very beneficial and rewarding. Thank you for reading my comment here.
WOW! What a great site you have here, D. Coder. I found is from my search for stem cell enhancer. In my opinion., is a cut above the others. Even though my research regarding Stem Cell Bill lead me here but match is not exact for Stem Cell Bill, the content is very beneficial and rewarding. Thank you for reading my comment here.
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