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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A conservative, religious Bush selection

OK now, lets take an unbiased look into the world of the religious right; into the life, led by those that conservatives and the religious right would have us live.
We have here Dr.W. David Hager, an obstetrician-gynecologist, appointed by the Bush administartion to the Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs in the FDA. Speaking recently at Asbury college, a christian school in Wilmore, Kentucky, where Dr. Hager sits on the board of trustees and his father was a past president. Reading from the bible Hager told his audience he wanted to share with them how God has asked him to step into the "gap" regarding ethical and moral issues in our country. An author of 6 books, his religiosity appears to guide all his decsions as he asserts himself into the position as a leading conservative Christian voice on women's medical and reproductive issues, who is "fighting" what he percieves as " the war" against christians. Among other things, Hager recently opposed Plan B, an emergency contraception, product.
Now for the "juicy" stuff.
Sitting in the audience, his ex-wife & co-author of one of his books, Linda Carruth Davis, was upset, describing his speech as "one of the most disgusting things I ever heard". According to Davis, Hager didnt "practice" what he "preached". She "alleges" that Dr, Hager had "NON CONSENTUAL sodomy with her repeatedly during their marriage. She claims she probably would have stayed with him, had his sexual appetite not included "anal sex". She herself is a conservative, religios person who recently remarried a minister. Sex with Hager wasnt enjoyable for her, but she learned to live with it, even working it to her advantage. Hmmm, now there's a novel idea! Anyway it seems Dr Hager would often "switch" between vaginal and anal sex and when his wife would protest he would reply that it was an "accident" and that he "couldnt tell the difference".
THIS IS A GYNECOLOGIST MIND YOU! Eventually their sex life became more like prostitution, where he would "pay" differing amounts to his wife, dependant upon what he wanted, sexually speaking. this deteriorated even futher, to a poiint of it being potentailly crimina rape
On and on it goes; you really gotta read this story
It seems the biggest difference between the liberals and conservatives is merely that the conservatives are still in the "closet"
Well thank God for the conservative religious right. I feel soo much better now knowing that I'm protected by these "conservative"?, "morally upright"?. men. Don't you women feel the same? All I know is, if this is a morally upright, religious doctor, then I;m a SAINTLY BRAIN SURGEON! Email me for a free consultation!



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