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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Burn the Koran

War IS Hell!
Ok, now I've ALWAYS opposed the war in Iraq. And the war in Vietnam.
Having said that, lets get on to real life. War is hell. Always has been. Always will. Lets stop trying to make is something its NOT. Its NOT nice; its not polite; its not friendly; its not RESPECTFUL of others. And above all, its NOT THE ANSWER

I'm tired of hearing people bemoan the beatings and abuse at Abu Graib and Guantanamo Bay. I'm tired of the military getting flak for this "abuse", especially the "lower ranks", as if they did it on their own; yeah right! As if Lt. Cali really acted on HIS own at MeLai. Sure he took the "bullet" for it, but he didn't act in a vacuum.

The latest nonsense, the public is "wringing their hands" over? The burning of the Koran. I'm tired of the media and the public "crying" over the burning of the Koran , and other "interrogation tactics". None of this is new. And no Muslims aren't exempt. They fail to denounce "naughty" things done to our "sacred" objects, so screw em!.
War is Hell. It is what it is. Innocents die, get crippled or maimed over there every day and NO ONE even mentions that. What? You really believe the hype that our "smart" missiles really go down, look around, and if they realize its a hospital their going to blow up instead of a "WMD" factory, they return to the plane that dropped them? Wow you are a patriotic American, to believe that B.S. I know its a hyperbole, but sadly some of you think its real! You, then, would be giving more credit to our smart bomb's intelligence than you do to the military "humans intelligence"
Get over it, or, Do away with it. ......... War is hell Sorry........ Bad things happen in war. People even DIE!! WOW there's a thought. Complain about that and then you really WOULD be doing something! Peace!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever think of sending this to a news paper to be published as an article?

5/17/2005 6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12/14/2005 2:53 PM  

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