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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Al Qaeda To Hit U.S. In The Wallet

Al Qaeda is allegedly planning to penetrate and destroy the databases of the U.S. stock market and banking Web sites starting tomorrow, Friday December 1st.  As I've been saying all along, THAT is the only way to hurt the United States. It is the ONLY thing they respect. The only thing they value.
Homeland Security said it had no evidence to corroborate the threat but had issued the warning out of an "abundance of caution."

Link to story

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Settlements 'Violate Law'

More than a third of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are built on privately owned Palestinian land, an Israeli campaign group has reported.  Nearly 40% of the land  the settlements sit on is , according to official data, "effectively stolen" from Palestinian landowners.   According to the report, 86.4% of the Maale Adumim settlement block, the largest in the West Bank, is built on private Palestinian land, and not on what the Israeli government refers to as "state land". 

This, the group says, is a violation of Israel's own lawsIn 1979 the Israeli High Court forbade the establishment of settlements on privately-owned Palestinian land.
Settlements in the occupied West Bank are also illegal under international law, although Israel rejects this. 

The data on which the findings are based comes from a 2004 survey by the Civil Administration, which manages the civilian aspects of Israel's occupation of the West Bank. The data was leaked to Peace Now via an official in the Civil Administration. The group says the government had refused to give this information to it. The group says that the data it has received has been "hidden by the State for many years, for fear that the revelation of these facts could damage its international relations". LINK to story

The time to attack Israel is NOW!!! Force these interlopers to leave Palestine. 
Throughout our recent history we have attacked the interlopers and "protected" the innocent. (*)(see below for exception)

(*)The biggest exception was what we did as interlopers to the "Native Americans" who lived in the United States BEFORE we got there, but thats another story for another day. Suffice to say you have NO argument that its different. Your right it IS different, Different in the fact that the Jews lost their land (or had taken) a couple thousand years ago, the so called "Indians" lost (taken for sure) their land a mere 200-400 years ago. So before you start arguing, ask yourself this question:
If an Indian came to your house and told you, you had a week or so to move because they were taking BACK what was theirs, what would YOU do? 
Damn right you'd fight, just as the Palestinians are doing now and have been doing since the interlopers arrived after WWII. Fair is fair, whether or not you agree.

"Carbon Footprint"

It seems another new "catch phrase" is being pushed. Its called  the "Carbon Footprint" & sure to follow is its partner "low carbon."  It all pertains to climate change.

A plan to help companies measure the total amount of carbon emissions from their goods and services has been launched by the Carbon Trust. 
Cutting carbon in the supply chain is the next critical stage in the business contribution to reduce emissions to tackle climate change, "said Carbon Trust chief executive Tom Delay.
The new scheme's "carbon investigations" will look at the amount of carbon being emitted at each stage of a product's life; from the supply of raw materials and production, through to delivery, consumption and disposal.

Recent research commissioned by the Trust showed that consumers appeared to be influenced by environmental issues. A survey of 1,159 people, carried out by pollsters GfK NOP, found that 66% of those questioned wanted to know the carbon footprint of products they were buying.

Yeah right. I always inqire about a products "carbon footprint" before buying, don't you?
LINK to story

A Culture of Life

Thats how Catholics like to view themselves, as they oppose assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion, and all contraception (except the one that hardly works), and to a lesser extent (much less) they oppose war and the death penalty. All admirable causes to be sure. 
BUT .....  isnt there always a but when it comes to them;  in opposing ALL contraception, they naturally oppose condom use.  So there they are, this group that calls itself a "culture of life, down in Africa preaching the good word, and that good word includes telling them that condoms use is taboo, a violation of the highest order.
But in Africa AIDS is a HUGE problem, yet the Catholic church's missionaries there preach only abstinence and faithfulness to ones spouse (wife mostly, because men are just "dogs"). Again admirable qualities, but again reality kills. Men especially are not going to give up ther favorite sport.
  They say is the only sure way to prevent AIDS is by adhering to the above guidelines, and certainly they are correct. BUT to not inform, teach and promote the use of condoms as well to prevent the possible spread of AIDS (albeit less than 100% sure) is dishonest at least and a "culture of death" at worst.
Now however there is hope. Pope Benedict XVI is reviewing a "possible" exception to the condom ban that would at least allow that "dog": of a husband who is infected to use a condom when with his wife so at least maybe that poor woman doesn't have to die.
 I dont envy the Catholic Pope(s).  Surely they must get many headaches.  The miracle is in realizing those headaches are really God banging on their head(s) trying to knock some sense into them.
Yes an exception to the rule will open them up to all sorts of question regarding their contraception and "life" policies and Papal infallibility etc, but in the long run they will come out bigger and better for having finally done the right thing.
To do less is to promote a "culture of death"

Settlements 'Violate Law'

More than a third of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are built on privately owned Palestinian land, an Israeli campaign group has reported. Nearly 40% of the land the settlements sit on is , according to official data, "effectively stolen" from Palestinian landowners. According to the report, 86.4% of the Maale Adumim settlement block, the largest in the West Bank, is built on private Palestinian land, and not on what the Israeli government refers to as "state land".

This, the group says, is a violation of Israel's own laws. In 1979 the Israeli High Court forbade the establishment of settlements on privately-owned Palestinian land.
Settlements in the occupied West Bank are also illegal under international law, although Israel rejects this.

The data on which the findings are based comes from a 2004 survey by the Civil Administration, which manages the civilian aspects of Israel's occupation of the West Bank. The data was leaked to Peace Now via an official in the Civil Administration. The group says the government had refused to give this information to it. The group says that the data it has received has been "hidden by the State for many years, for fear that the revelation of these facts could damage its international relations". LINK to story

The time to attack Israel is NOW!!! Force these interlopers to leave Palestine.
Throughout our recent history we have attacked the interlopers and "protected" the innocent. (*)(see below for exception)

(*)The biggest exception was what we did as interlopers to the "Native Americans" who lived in the United States BEFORE we got there, but thats another story for another day. Suffice to say you have NO argument that its different. Your right it IS different, Different in the fact that the Jews lost their land (or had taken) a couple thousand years ago, the so called "Indians" lost (taken for sure) their land a mere 200-400 years ago. So before you start arguing, ask yourself this question:
If an Indian came to your house and told you, you had a week or so to move because they were taking BACK what was theirs, what would YOU do?
Damn right you'd fight, just as the Palestinians are doing now and have been doing since the interlopers arrived after WWII. Fair is fair, whether or not you agree.

A Culture of Life

Thats how Catholics like to view themselves, as they oppose assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion, and all contraception (except the one that hardly works), and to a lesser extent (much less) they oppose war and the death penalty. All admirable causes to be sure.
BUT ..... isnt there always a but when it comes to them; in opposing ALL contraception, they naturally oppose condom use. So there they are, this group that calls itself a "culture of life, down in Africa preaching the good word, and that good word includes telling them that condoms use is taboo, a violation of the highest order.
But in Africa AIDS is a HUGE problem, yet the Catholic church's missionaries there preach only abstinence and faithfulness to ones spouse (wife mostly, because men are just "dogs"). Again admirable qualities, but again reality kills. Men especially are not going to give up ther favorite sport.
They say is the only sure way to prevent AIDS is by adhering to the above guidelines, and certainly they are correct. BUT to not inform, teach and promote the use of condoms as well to prevent the possible spread of AIDS (albeit less than 100% sure) is dishonest at least and a "culture of death" at worst.

Now however there is hope. Pope Benedict XVI is reviewing a "possible" exception to the condom ban that would at least allow that "dog": of a husband who is infected to use a condom when with his wife so at least maybe that poor woman doesn't have to die.
I dont envy the Catholic Pope(s). Surely they must get many headaches. The miracle is in realizing those headaches are really God banging on their head(s) trying to knock some sense into them.
Yes an exception to the rule will open them up to all sorts of question regarding their contraception and "life" policies and Papal infallibility etc, but in the long run they will come out bigger and better for having finally done the right thing.
To do less is to promote a "culture of death"

"Carbon Footprint"

It seems another new "catch phrase" is being pushed. Its called the "Carbon Footprint" & sure to follow is its partner "low carbon." It all pertains to climate change.

A plan to help companies measure the total amount of carbon emissions from their goods and services has been launched by the Carbon Trust.
Cutting carbon in the supply chain is the next critical stage in the business contribution to reduce emissions to tackle climate change, "said Carbon Trust chief executive Tom Delay.
The new scheme's "carbon investigations" will look at the amount of carbon being emitted at each stage of a product's life; from the supply of raw materials and production, through to delivery, consumption and disposal.

Recent research commissioned by the Trust showed that consumers appeared to be influenced by environmental issues. A survey of 1,159 people, carried out by pollsters GfK NOP, found that 66% of those questioned wanted to know the carbon footprint of products they were buying.

Yeah right. I always inqire about a products "carbon footprint" before buying, don't you?
LINK to story

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Politician Will Seek to Reinstate the Draft

Naturally I oppose the draft, but I do like his reasoning, that If there was a chance that politicians own children might have to go to war and risk their lives then they (politicians) wouldnt be so quick to start a war. .
 However with politicians and rich people, comes friends in  VERY high places, and what that means is legal draft dodging like Bush did by joining the National Guard during Vietnam.  Yes I know what your going to say: alot of National Guardsmen are fighting in Iraq and thats true,  BUT in Bush-whackers day of Vietnam practically NO National Guardsmen went to Nam', and IF the draft in reinstated, the odds are that again National Guard units again wont go to the fromy lines.
 What surprises me is that this is coming from a liberal Democrat, Charles Rangel, and he doesnt see the likelihood that as usual only the poor will go to war?  He should know better.  LINK to story

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Donohue vs. Monsignor Kavanagh

The man who accused the New York Archdiocese's former top fund-raiser of sexual misconduct turned the tables on a three-priest court set to hear him testify yesterday - insisting they first talk to him about sex abuse and the Catholic Church.
"I asked these three men, before I revealed my story and shared my pain, to tell me the first time they knew sexual abuse was a problem and what they had done about that problem" during their careers, Daniel Donohue told reporters after he testified.
"They did it," Donohue, now 42, said. "And it wasn't short, it wasn't sweet and it wasn't sugar-coated. There were tears all around."
He said that one of the three priests serving as judges in the canonical trial was in tears as he talked about "people he knew that had been abused."
"I needed to know about their integrity in a process that I don't think has much integrity," he said.
"I tried for years not to think of this, not to speak of this, but it never goes away," he told reporters. "My poor wife has seen my suffering and my screaming in the night."
Donohue, like his sister, Patricia Donohue, refused to sign a confidentiality oath before they testified.
Patricia Donohue, a theologian, said when she asked what it meant if she didn't sign, "I was told it would be sent to the Holy See and it could affect me personally and there could be papal disciplinary action."
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then i guess this photo of accuser / victim Daniel Donohue says it all.

Friday, November 17, 2006

And Yet Again

L.I. Priest Arrested On Child Porn Charges

The Rev. Thomas G. Saloy, 45, A Roman Catholic priest at the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church in Roosevelt, was arrested on possessing child pornography Friday following an investigation that commenced more than a year ago when the priest's name appeared in an unrelated case in Wisconsin.

Investigators obtained a warrant and on Nov. 9, they searched the rectory of the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church. Prosecutors said Saloy acknowledged that he had visited AOL chat rooms and that he had requested and received sexually explicit images of teenagers 15 to 16 years old.
He also said that he occasionally received images of very young children, which he deleted, according to prosecutors.

A forensic search of computer equipment belonging to Saloy allegedly found more than 1,300 images and videos of children engaged in sexually explicit conduct. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

According to a criminal complaint unsealed Friday, FBI agents who seized computer equipment in September 2005 found an e-mail from Saloy on a computer hard drive, allegedly depicting sexually explicit images of boys.

In September 2006, an undercover detective posing as a 16-year-old boy allegedly was contacted by Saloy in an America Online chat room, according to the complaint. During a sexually related conversation, Saloy requested a child pornography image. He allegedly repeated the request a month later.

His attorney said the priest eventually would be transferred to a program in Maryland that treats sex offenders. Assistant U.S. Attorney Allen Bode and defense attorney Peter Rubin assured the judge that Saloy would be locked inside a secure part of the hospital.

They said Saloy was scheduled to be transferred on Nov. 27 to St. Luke's Institute in Silver Spring, Md., which runs a program for sex offenders. Orenstein again received assurances that Saloy would not be released from that facility without the court's approval.

The diocese, which has 1.5 million Catholics, was one of the centers of the priest abuse scandal in the United States. A grand jury in 2003 found dozens of priests allegedly abusing children across Long Island, but no indictments were handed down because the statutes of limitations had expired long ago.

Most Liberal Country Passes Most Restrictive law

The Netherlands, considerd one of the more liberal nations, will enact a law effecting a total ban on the wearing of burqas and other Muslim face veils in public.


Bush: We Can Learn from Vietnam

Note To Bush ....    You are apparently the only one who hasn't already learned from Vietnam, unfortunately  for America

LINK to story

Thursday, November 16, 2006

John McCain in 2008

it just so refreshing to hear about a candidate referred to as a "rogue" & "maverick" after 6 years with an idiot, &  schmuck   .........

News I found interesting

Idaho town asks residents to own guns    After seeing the chaos of Hurricane Katrina, a city councilor in this Idaho town  came up with a novel idea.  Ordinance 208, passed by the City Council on Tuesday, asks Greenleaf's 862 residents who do not object on religious or other grounds to keep a gun at home in case they are overrun by refugees from the Gulf Coast.

Heart 'can carry out own repairs'   Scientists have shown that cells in the heart's outer layer can migrate deeper into a failing organ to carry out essential repairs.The migration of progenitor cells is controlled by a protein called thymosin beta 4, already known to help reduce muscle cell loss after a heart attack. Progenitor cells are similar to stem cells, in that they have the potential to turn into different types of adult tissue.

Neanderthal DNA secrets unlocked  Scientists have reconstructed a chunk of DNA from the genome of a Neanderthal man who lived 38,000 years ago.  The two teams basically agree, within their margins of error, that the evolutionary lineages of Neanderthals and modern humans split somewhere around 500,000 years ago. This fits with previous estimates from mtDNA and archaeological data. 
The team also show that Neanderthals came from a very small ancestral population of about 3,000 individuals.
Modern humans entered Europe about 40,000 years ago; and within 10,000 years, the Neanderthals had largely disappeared from the continent. By 24,000 years ago, the last survivors had vanished from their refuge in the Iberian Peninsula.  The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bishops adopt guideline

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops convened their meeting with several policies either created or solidified; The quote that i have issue with however is none of their "decrees";. My problem is with a statement attributed to Bishop Arthur Serratelli, chairman of the bishops' doctrine committee, which was "To be a Catholic requires a certain choice." If that were true in its entirety then I would be fine with it. After all, religion should be a choice. But is it? Sure you can pick and choose whatever religion you like, or try them all on for size if you like, but the fact is that the first choice isn't made by you.; In most cases it is made by your parents and a part of you if forever stuck with that choice. How so? Well I can only speak for Catholics because that is what my parents picked for me. Once you are baptized Catholic and entered on their "official" rolls, you will forever be counted among the 1 billion plus members of Catholicism. This is true no matter if you request excommunication, change to another religion or choose to believe in no religion. Why does this matter? Shouldn't the fact that you have found a "happy place" be all that matters? Yes, and no. Unfortunately we live in a world with the motto "he who dies with the most toys wins" or in this case the most members. Membership numbers are important, because they translate into dollars from the government.; It also translates into power. Lets face it when the pope speaks, world leaders listen; why? Because hes assumed to represent over 1 billion people.+; That's a perceived powerful man. So the next time you think of religion, remember the number can be an illusion, as can be the perception of power of its leader. After all when contraception is banned under Catholicism, but only 4% of its members adhere to that rule, how influential is their leader really?
LINK to story

Plan to create human-cow embryos

Yes they are planning to do this and it is very dangerous indeed.
IF ONLY .... they could be trusted to do exactly what they say and nothing more, then im ok with it, BUT we all know some idiot is gonna wanna see what he can get by bringing it (& other crosses) to maturity, and god knows we got enuf human / animal crosses in this world already.
havent you seen your share of the following, passing themselves off as human:
not horses yet, ... but weve completed up to horses asses already ( in fact there's one in the white house. hmmmmm..... in fact he can actually pass for several of the above)
well ok we do already have "clothes horse"
then there's the double animal species mixed with a little human dna called a
chicken hawk (think Foley & priests)
and some we have to inquire about. haven't you heard the question: "are you a man or a mouse"?
and of course we all have "ants" (& uncles)
and some people wish for things like this. have you heard the expression " i like to be a fly on the wall....."
After some levity, back to reality. you know my stances pretty well by now, i trust NOONE to be ethical, but at the same time i also love the "promise" of stem cell research, so botttom line, yeah i'd take a chance on this, & if we create some "monsters" we can always send them to iraq /iran or some other war we be fighting somewhere instead of our children.

.......... signed ...... a horses ass

Another Holocaust?

Or Hologram?
According to former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran is preparing another (?) holocaust for the jewish state.

Whatever, at least THIS time we could be certain of the 6million, because according to the latest stats, that is Israels current population give or take a few.

Red Sox bid $51.1 million for Matsuzaka

$51 million dollars JUST for a 30 day right to TRY and negotiate a contract with this guy( Daisuke Matsuzaka )!  AND he will get roughly 13 mil a year for 5 years or so to pitch in the U.S.  Total cost = $116 million dollars.  Or more precisely, assuming he doesnt get hurt over the 5 years it will cost the club he plays for approximately $770, 000.00 for each game he pitches - win or lose; roughly 2-3 hrs of work, once every 5 days!  
 Hell, I'd do that for the price of his meal money, I know I wont win as many as him but I could definitely lose as many as he will and I will do it quicker!  Im a bargain,  where do i sign up
LINK to story

Monday, November 13, 2006

Complaints from the Leader of America's Catholic Bishops

Bishop William Skylstad , of Spokane, Wash., said he has detected a cruelty in discussions within the church, among people who "presume the worst of intentions or motivations of others." 
(commentary) This is an effective protective function that perhaps if used by the church when its clergy was molesting our children might have saved thousands, if not tens of thousands of children from  a lifetime of torment. They are using it now however, by trying to portray victims seeking compensation as "gold diggers or opportunists seeking a payday.

He continues: "Sometimes it seems that people are no longer seen as children of God but as little more than a disposable commodity."
(commentary) Yeah i agree thats exactly how the the church and its ilk are treating them, by seemingly promoting life and then abandoning it after its born, and by filing for bankruptcy in these child abuse cases trying to deny victims there compensation or equally as bad THEY are putting a price , a value on life, and its cheap.

And yet more: "The point seems to be not to seek the truth or to build up the Body of Christ, but to strive for a sort of victory by overcoming others, preferably by crushing those who disagree," Bishop William Skylstad said "debasing personal attacks" have replaced healthy public debate.
( commentary)  Again I agree with him. Just as the church did with Galileo, falsely imprisoning him in his day, with "witch" trials in their time that killed thousands of innocents, and yes again most recently with the victims of abuse by their priests. And he list goes on. .......

Skylstad, whose own diocese has sought bankruptcy protection, only mentioned the crisis briefly, saying the abuse crisis made church leaders even more aware of how children often are hurt most by adults who fail to promote human dignity. 
(commentary) See how he is trying to spread the blame around and being ambiguous by  using the word "adults" instead of the more exact "priests"

Sacha Baron Cohen & Daisuke Matsuzaka

1) Now here is a movie that should have been boycotted. It takes advantage of peoples kindness, and generosity and makes them look ridiculous; and we wonder why there are fewer friendly, helpful people in this world:
"Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit of Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan."  or just "Borat" for short, played by Sacha Baron Cohen


2) in yet another case of AMerican excess,  perhaps the best pitcher in japanese baseball, Daisuke Matsuzaka  wants to come play in america, but he is "owned" by a jap. baseball team. so they are auctioning him off, but i'm not here to point out how much this smells like slavery, no because this young man will end up playing where he wants and earning around $15 million a year. some slave huh.  ok the problem is American excess because the team who gets him here in america will first have to pay the japanese team $30 million dollars or more JUST for thr right to negotiate with this young man. 30 million just to talk!  and if a contract cant be worked out the 30 million is lost.
LINK to story

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Fwd: Make your own

Make your own at:

Make your own at:

Thank God Thats Solved ....

Now the World Can Go On:

Is a burrito a sandwich? The Panera Bread Co. says yes. But a judge said no, ruling against Panera in its bid to prevent a Mexican restaurant from moving into the same shopping mall. You see Panera has a clause in its lease that prevents the White City Shopping Center in Shrewsbury from renting to another sandwich shop. A Superior Court Judge cited Webster's Dictionary as well as testimony from a chef and a former high-ranking federal agriculture official.  In court papers, Panera, a St. Louis-based chain of more than 900 cafes, argued for a broad definition of a sandwich, saying that a flour tortilla is bread and that a food product with bread and a filling is a sandwich.  Cambridge chef Chris Schlesinger, on the other hand said in an affidavit: "I know of no chef or culinary historian who would call a burrito a sandwich. Indeed, the notion would be absurd to any credible chef or culinary historian."

What a waste of time and money.

The World Unleashed allworldviews.blogspot.com

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Rare stamp may be sealed in Florida ballot box

WOW!, now THATS Stupid ....
There really ought to be some sort of competency test before allowing people to vote: This turned out to be THE most expensive vote in history. Even if recovered, this stamp, by being cancelled, has now lost between 50 & 90+ % of it value prior to some incompetent using it to mail an absentee ballot.

Rare stamp may be sealed in Florida ballot box

An absentee ballot was mailed with what may have been a rare stamp worth as much as $200,000 -- the famous Inverted Jenny -- but the envelope is in a box that by law can't be opened.
Maynard Guss, president of the Sunrise Stamp Club, said an Inverted Jenny, if authentic, could be worth $200,000. But when the ballot was mailed the stamp was canceled, reducing its value. Guss estimated a canceled Jenny would likely sell for $20,000 to $100,000.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Fwd: Haggard to get "Spiritual Rehab"

Rev. Ted Haggard is due to begin his "rehab" back into Gods graces.  This rehabilitation process could last three to five years, and succeeds approximately 50 percent of the time ," according to  H.B. London, vice president for church and clergy at Focus on the Family.
Now thats ridiculous, a rehab / exorcism / brainwashing that only works half the time?

and London continues:
"From the Christian perspective, we think in terms of prayer, we think in terms of what we call godly counsel, where godly men who are clean themselves insert themselves in the life of the one who is struggling," London said.
Here is the biggest problem. who says these "interventionists" are clean godly men? Certainly before Haggard was "outed" he would have been considered one of the "clean, godly men" wouldnt he?  See my point?
In the end our relationship is with God and ONLY with Him. it is He alone to whom we are answerable. NOT the men who cast stones from inside the comfort of their closets....

Finally Londons speaks of those who fail their "rehab" saying
Those who fail "end up selling cars or shoes or something, and being miserable and angry the rest of their lives," 
ok so we all have heard the car salesman jokes and watched the old TV show "married with children" where the husband was a loser who sold shoes, but the reality is these are real jobs held by real people and most in the field are hard working good men. For this supposed "man of the cloth" to speak of it in such a way is definitely NOT what Jesus would do..


"Middle of the Road" sanity prevails

"Middle of the Road" sanity seemingly prevailed in this years elections with the following results:

  • South Dakotan voters  rejected a law that would have banned virtually all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest
  • Five states approved increases in their minimum wage
  • Arizona passed four measures targeting illegal immigrants, including one making English the state's official language.
  • Idaho, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia (so far) joined Wisconsin approved bans on same sex marriages. Similar amendments have passed previously in all 20 states to consider them.
  • In Michigan, CNN projects that voters will approve a proposition to bar the state government from using race and gender to determine who gets into college, who gets hired and who receives contracts.
  • Florida, Georgia and South Carolina approved overwhelmingly,eminent-domain measures barring the government from taking private property for a private use.
  • South Dakota voters could make their state the first to strip immunity from judges, exposing them to the possibility of lawsuits, fines and even jail for their actions on the bench.

3 blind mice .....

can now see!! 
Cell transplants have successfully restored vision to mice which had lost their sight, leading to hopes people could benefit in the same way.

UK scientists treated animals which had eye damage similar to that seen in many human eye diseases.

They were able to help them see again by transplanting immature retinal stem cells into their eyes.


Now THIS IS amazing

it seems that a common spray  used to line the beds of pickup trucks, to protect them from scratches and dings is actually strong enough to protect a building from a bomb blast! in fact it has been used for just that purpose in the pentagon and in an unnamed building in manhattan.   i saw the test results and had to share this, i was so amazed.   i cant yet seem to find it on "youtube" or a news site but it should be there soon.

Did you know ....

what i present below, i myself didnt know and its disturbing to think that some of the knowledgeable people i've spoken to on this subject might have deliberately misled me, to put it mildly.
For the purpose on continued friendship with all concerned i will assume that they also were unaware of or misled about the following"
Ive always opposed killing a fetus that could otherwise live outside the womb, on its own, and i've always wondered why it isnt criminilized. since its obvious murder. well now i know why.........AGENDA"S, thats why

  Roe v Wade actually already prohibits abortion of a viable fetus, except in
he protection of a woman's health or life.
Roe vs. Wade
; which declared that prior to viability the state could not step in to protect what is unviable fetal life, or life that can still only be defined as potential life.
After viability  Roe vs. Wade gave the state the right to step in and deny a woman the right to terminate her pregnancy for any reason, in a clear and unequivocal support of protecting fetal life, with the only exception being the protection of a woman's health or life.   Currently 41 states and the District of Columbia have such protection of fetal life written into their state laws. When the anti-abortion movement says that Roe vs. Wade allows for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, that is a lie. But it is a lie that feeds the emotion that manipulates public opinion in the so-called PBA ban debate and provides cover for an attempt to ban all abortions.  LINK

In addition,
medical societies themselves in the  US & Canada have regulations that prohibit late term abortions, unless it is to preserve the life of the mother.  Some states and associations allow later termination if the pregnancy was induced as a result of rape or incest, or if the continued pregnancy would pose a very serious health risk to the woman.

to wit:
(4) In recognition of the constitutional principles regarding the right to an abortion articulated by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade, and in keeping with the science and values of medicine, the AMA recommends that abortions not be performed in the third trimester except in cases of serious fetal anomalies incompatible with life. Although third-trimester abortions can be performed to preserve the life or health of the mother, they are, in fact, generally not necessary for those purposes. Except in extraordinary circumstances, maternal health factors which demand termination of the pregnancy can be accommodated without sacrifice of the fetus, and the near certainty of the independent viability of the fetus argues for ending the pregnancy by appropriate delivery.    LINK

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Haggard to get "Spiritual Rehab"

Rev. Ted Haggard is due to begin his "rehab" back into Gods graces. This rehabilitation process could last three to five years, and succeeds approximately 50 percent of the time ," according to H.B. London, vice president for church and clergy at Focus on the Family.
Now thats ridiculous, a rehab / exorcism / brainwashing that takes up to 5 years, only works half the time?

and London continues:
"From the Christian perspective, we think in terms of prayer, we think in terms of what we call godly counsel, where godly men who are clean themselves insert themselves in the life of the one who is struggling," London said.
Here is the biggest problem. who says these "interventionists" are clean godly men? Certainly before Haggard was "outed" he would have been considered one of the "clean, godly men" wouldnt he? See my point?
In the end our relationship is with God and ONLY with Him. it is He alone to whom we are answerable. NOT the men who cast stones from inside the comfort of their closets....

Finally Londons speaks of those who fail their "rehab" saying
Those who fail "end up selling cars or shoes or something, and being miserable and angry the rest of their lives,"
ok so we all have heard the car salesman jokes and watched the old TV show "married with children" where the husband was a loser who sold shoes, but the reality is these are real jobs held by real people and most in the field are hard working good men. For this supposed "man of the cloth" to speak of it in such a way is definitely NOT what Jesus would do..


Happy 68th Anniversary

68th Anniversary of crystal nacht (Kristallnacht)


YES! What a great idea!!

I cant wait to see this instituted here in the IRS.
IRS agents already have the other talent - not taking no for ananswer, so why not complete them with the physical "adjustment:

India's new tax collectors.are eunuchs! Yes India hired about 20 of them; eunuchs are believed to be stubborn and not take no for an answer. "We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters," Sharma told The Associated Press. LINK

Black Friday Shopping

For all those who wait all year to shop the day after Thanksgiving, the infamous "black Friday" I want to help a little. only 15 days left.  Some of the ads have already "leaked" out and are posted on several sites.  I have used these sites last year and they were very accurate, tho there are no guarantees. here  are the three that I use:

Happy Shopping

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fwd: House of "Cards" crumbling

Well the "deck" was always stacked with jokers anyway
With the Democrats gaining control of the house and possibly the Senate, Bush's secretary of defense Donald H. Rumsfeld has abruptly resigned today.
Running scared?
Trying to avoid the repercussions of his failed leadership?
Whatever, one down many to go.


Clean Sweep

ts beginning to look like a clean sweep of both the House and Senate by the Democrats. so what can we expect? Why a recount in several places of course.
Why go out like men when you can go out like whining whimpering crybabies



An ungodly idea has been brought up to me recently.  One that even I could never have thought possible. But is it?
The theory is that the "die hard" "Christian" "extremists" in the United States not only don't oppose or fear war  they actually might welcome it and worse yet look forward to nuclear war & Armageddon. Why? Because heaven awaits, that's why!   If this doesn't mirror the Muslim extremists desire to die, and go to the after life, then I don't know what does.
 Normally I would dismiss this as patently impossible except for the fact that while speaking to a well informed Christian fanatic, he told me that there are those in the christian extreme that believe Jesus cant return until the holy land is back in complete control of Israel!  WOW!!  That's fanatical. AND annihilative

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas

Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas is a fairly famous institution and for a variety of reasons:

1. John F. Kennedy died there in 1963
2. Lee Harvey Oswald died there shortly after
3. Jack Ruby, who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, died there a few years later by coincidence

On the flip side, Parkland is also home to the second busiest maternity ward in the country with almost 16,000 new babies arriving each year. (That's almost 44 per day — every day)

A recent patient survey indicated that 70 percent of the women who gave birth at Parkland in the first three months of 2006 were illegal immigrants.' Crikey, that's 11,200 anchor babies born every year just in Dallas.
According to the article, the hospital spent $70.7 million delivering 15,938 babies in 2004 but managed to end up with almost $8 million dollars in surplus funding. Medicaid kicked in $34.5 million, Dallas County taxpayers kicked in $31.3 million and the feds tossed in another $9.5 million.

The average patient in Parkland's maternity wards is 25 years old, married and giving birth to her second child. She is also an illegal immigrant. By law, pregnant women cannot be denied medical care based on their immigration status or ability to pay. OK, fine. That doesn't mean they should receive better care than everyday, middle-class American citizens. But at Parkland Hospital, they do.

Parkland Memorial Hospital has nine prenatal clinics. NINE. The Dallas Morning News article followed a Hispanic woman who was a patient at one of the clinics and pregnant with her third child — her previous two were also born at Parkland. Her first two deliveries were free and the Mexican native was grateful because it would have cost $200 to have them in Mexico. This time, the hospital wants her to pay $10 per visit and $100 for the delivery but she was unsure if she could come up with the money. Not that it matters, the hospital won't turn her away. (I wonder why they even bother asking at this point.)

How long has this been going on? What are the long-term effects? Well, another subject of the article was born at Parkland in 1986 shortly after her mother entered the U.S. illegally — now she is having her own child there as well. (That's right, she's technically a U.S. citizen.) These women receive free prenatal care including medication, nutrition, birthing classes and child care classes. They also get freebies such as car seats, bottles, diapers and formula.

Most of these things are available to American citizens as well but only for low-income applicants and even then, the red tape involved is almost insurmountable.

Because these women are illegal immigrants they do not have to provide any sort of legitimate identification — no proof of income. An American citizen would have to provide a social security number which would reveal their annual income — an illegal immigrant need only claim to be poor and the hospital must take them at their word.

My husband is a pilot for the United States Navy (yes, he fought in Iraq) and while the health care is good, we Navy wives don't get any of these perks! Car seats? Diapers? Not so much. So my question is this: Does our public medical care system treat illegal immigrants better than American citizens? Yes it does!

As I mentioned, the care I have received is perfectly adequate but it's bare bones, meat and potato medical care — not top of line.

Their (the illegals) medical care is free — simply because they are illegal immigrants? Once again, there is no way to verify their income. Parkland Hospital offers indigent care to Dallas County earn less than $40,000 per year. (They also have to prove that they did not refuse health coverage at their current job. Yeah, the 'free' care is not so easy for Americans.)

There are about 140 patients who received roughly $4 million dollars for un-reimbursed medical care. As it turns out, they did not qualify for free treatment because they resided outside of Dallas County. So the hospital is going to sue them! Illegals get it all free! But U.S. citizens who live outside of Dallas County get sued! How stupid is this?

As if that isn't annoying enough, the illegal immigrant patients are actually complaining about hospital staff not speaking Spanish. In this AP story, the author speaks with a woman who is upset that she had to translate comments from the hospital staff into Spanish for her husband. The doctor was trying to explain the situation to the family and the mother was forced to translate for her husband who only spoke Spanish. This was apparently a great injustice to her.

In an attempt to create a Spanish-speaking staff, Parkland Hospital is now providing incentives in the form of extra pay for applicants who speak Spanish. Additionally, medical students at the University of Texas Southwestern for which Parkland Hospital is the training facility will now have a Spanish language requirement added to their already jammed-packed curriculum. No other school in the country boasts such a ridiculous multi-semester (multicultural) requirement.

verified on snopes.com ........... http://www.snopes.com/politics/immigration/parkland.asp

The World Unleashed allworldviews.blogspot.com

Monday, November 06, 2006

More ........

Rev. Ted Haggard rightly proclaimed himself "a deceiver and a liar." link

This is the chief reason NOT to take the word of ANY "human" religious leader, pardon the pun, as "Gospel." This same "self righteous" person, would willingly lead the "lynching" party, be the loudest accuser, even though he himself is guilty of the same offense. This goes for any act the general public opposes, I'm not just picking on gays. So how are we to know when the truth is being spoken?. This case and the Catholics child molestation scandal are huge points. Both issues are supremely repugnant to the religious right. Therefore it is & was very easy to deny it and cover it up. Makes me wonder how many "witches", "heretics" & other condemned criminals were and are wrongly executed. The Catholic Church once even condemned Galileo as a heretic for those who didn't know that. And when I brought that to the attention of a "good Catholic" i was told with a straight face, " he wasn 't treated badly, he was only placed under house arrest"

Haggard asked the congregation to forgive his accuser, who Haggard said revealed "the deception ... that was in my life." link

Someone PLEASE tell me WHY the "accuser" would / should need forgiveness? Since when does someone who brings truth & justice need to be forgiven? Again a HUGE problem with organized religions. Its yet another case of "blaming the victim" in the same way many Catholics blame their churches child molestation scandal on the victims, instead of the perpetrators. In the minds of those blind, obsessed, egotistical, fanatics they see the victim as the real problem. Their attitude is, A) its all lies; it never happened." Its lies from the liberal left, the media. AND then and only then if those excuses don't work to they go to plan b. B) if only they didn't come forward everything would be better, it happened so long ago, its not happening anymore. it stopped before anything was ever said. There was no need to bring this to light. They (victims) are / were just looking for trouble." And the all encompassing excuse ......... drum roll please ........... the devil made them do it..........

"Today our church family and Pastor Ted is more obedient, ............. link

Ah yes, the key to all religions prosperity, in fact the key to all peoples control of the masses, OBEDIENCE, BLIND OBEDIENCE.

I have preached all these things before, that your leaders (all, not just religious) are or can be deceivers & liars. that they love to blame the victim, and that blind obedience is paramount to their continued control, yet my words to go unbelieved, as no doubt they will again now. I feel vindicated, but that is not enough. I must get others to see the truth, light etc. Here are not my words, but the words of your religious leaders. I only bring them to light, let you see and hopefully understand the potential danger of "blind faith" in any human.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Haggard update is even funnier

Rev.Ted Haggard, admitted Friday he had contacted a male prostitute for a massage and bought methamphetamine from him. "I was buying it for me, but I never used it. I was tempted. ...... LINK good in depth story and also has video footage (no! not that kind of video)

NOW THATS FUNNY, didnt we have another guy who lived in the white house and claimed he smoked pot BUT never inhaled and also NEVER had sex with that woman! .....hmmmmmm these guys even use the same explanations

Ok, now its official, Haggard fesses up

Rev. Ted Haggard, a key Evangelical in the religious right and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, has confessed to some of the accusations against him according to Rev. Ross Parsley LINK
Hes in "good" company so to speak with a looong list of radical right wingers with a "closeted" alternate lifestyle. power broker lawyer Roy cohn and his buddy J Edgar Hoover comes to mind Cohn Died disgraced and of AIDS (of all the hypocrisy), while Hoover was a cross dresser among other things.
He [Hoover] was wearing a fluffy black dress, very fluffy, with flounces and lace stockings and high heels, and a black curly wig," Summers quoted Susan as saying. "He had makeup on and false eyelashes."[1]

Susan claimed Cohn introduced Hoover to her as "Mary." Hoover allegedly responded, "Good evening." She said she saw Hoover go into a bedroom and take off his skirt. There, "young blond boys" worked on him in bed. Later, as Hoover and Cohn watched, Lewis Rosenstiel had sex with the young boys. .......

Ive been accused of being filled with hate, and i dont deny it. One person even replied suggesting an Excorcism for me! An Excorcism implies the devil is working in me, right? But the devil is a liar and Im not. as it describes demonic possession in Newadvent.org - presence of an evil spirit who betrays knowledge... who betrays knowledge? the bringer of truth? albeit painful truth, OR the denier of such truths?
You may not want to hear what i have to say, but i speak the truth, and will speak it til you hear it. Why? Because THATS what God is telling me to do. its what He wants.
Can anyone tell me Im wrong to bring the truth to people who would otherwise not know it or worse choose to ignore it or downplay it? Did not Jesus do the same? Did he not bring the truth, to help those who were blind to see? Am I wrong to point out the hypocrisy of those in charge telling the rest of us how to live OUR lives while they do the opposite? or do as they please? The laws they pass and the rules they require us to live by will NEVER pertain to "them" on the same level as it will apply to us. THIS is unfair, hypocritical and often criminal. this goes for government, religion, corporate America and others in position of power. take something simple yet important like social security. why doesnt it get fixed? because those in power dont need it. some dont even pay into it. Curious how the "supposed" best country in the world ranks amongst its peers in quality of life, or freedom of the press etc? Its not pretty
Responses have been overwhelming; great, but overwhelming. keep em coming. I relish the opportunity to dialogue with all of you even the one who suggested excorcism.

I remain doing the work of the lord, bringing truth to power ........

the unknown prophet

Mark 6:4

Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, .........................."

My Stand on the ISSUES:

  • i oppose abortion as a "routine" form of birth control, but acceptable in certain cases.
Any questions?

The World Unleashed allworldviews.blogspot.com
