Fwd: Haggard to get "Spiritual Rehab"
Rev. Ted Haggard is due to begin his "rehab" back into Gods graces. This rehabilitation process could last three to five years, and succeeds approximately 50 percent of the time ," according to H.B. London, vice president for church and clergy at Focus on the Family.
Now thats ridiculous, a rehab / exorcism / brainwashing that only works half the time?
and London continues:
"From the Christian perspective, we think in terms of prayer, we think in terms of what we call godly counsel, where godly men who are clean themselves insert themselves in the life of the one who is struggling," London said.
Here is the biggest problem. who says these "interventionists" are clean godly men? Certainly before Haggard was "outed" he would have been considered one of the "clean, godly men" wouldnt he? See my point?
In the end our relationship is with God and ONLY with Him. it is He alone to whom we are answerable. NOT the men who cast stones from inside the comfort of their closets....
Finally Londons speaks of those who fail their "rehab" saying
Those who fail "end up selling cars or shoes or something, and being miserable and angry the rest of their lives,"
ok so we all have heard the car salesman jokes and watched the old TV show "married with children" where the husband was a loser who sold shoes, but the reality is these are real jobs held by real people and most in the field are hard working good men. For this supposed "man of the cloth" to speak of it in such a way is definitely NOT what Jesus would do..
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