Politician Will Seek to Reinstate the Draft
Naturally I oppose the draft, but I do like his reasoning, that If there was a chance that politicians own children might have to go to war and risk their lives then they (politicians) wouldnt be so quick to start a war. .
However with politicians and rich people, comes friends in VERY high places, and what that means is legal draft dodging like Bush did by joining the National Guard during Vietnam. Yes I know what your going to say: alot of National Guardsmen are fighting in Iraq and thats true, BUT in Bush-whackers day of Vietnam practically NO National Guardsmen went to Nam', and IF the draft in reinstated, the odds are that again National Guard units again wont go to the fromy lines.
What surprises me is that this is coming from a liberal Democrat, Charles Rangel, and he doesnt see the likelihood that as usual only the poor will go to war? He should know better. LINK to story
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