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Monday, November 13, 2006

Complaints from the Leader of America's Catholic Bishops

Bishop William Skylstad , of Spokane, Wash., said he has detected a cruelty in discussions within the church, among people who "presume the worst of intentions or motivations of others." 
(commentary) This is an effective protective function that perhaps if used by the church when its clergy was molesting our children might have saved thousands, if not tens of thousands of children from  a lifetime of torment. They are using it now however, by trying to portray victims seeking compensation as "gold diggers or opportunists seeking a payday.

He continues: "Sometimes it seems that people are no longer seen as children of God but as little more than a disposable commodity."
(commentary) Yeah i agree thats exactly how the the church and its ilk are treating them, by seemingly promoting life and then abandoning it after its born, and by filing for bankruptcy in these child abuse cases trying to deny victims there compensation or equally as bad THEY are putting a price , a value on life, and its cheap.

And yet more: "The point seems to be not to seek the truth or to build up the Body of Christ, but to strive for a sort of victory by overcoming others, preferably by crushing those who disagree," Bishop William Skylstad said "debasing personal attacks" have replaced healthy public debate.
( commentary)  Again I agree with him. Just as the church did with Galileo, falsely imprisoning him in his day, with "witch" trials in their time that killed thousands of innocents, and yes again most recently with the victims of abuse by their priests. And he list goes on. .......

Skylstad, whose own diocese has sought bankruptcy protection, only mentioned the crisis briefly, saying the abuse crisis made church leaders even more aware of how children often are hurt most by adults who fail to promote human dignity. 
(commentary) See how he is trying to spread the blame around and being ambiguous by  using the word "adults" instead of the more exact "priests"


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