Settlements 'Violate Law'
More than a third of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are built on privately owned Palestinian land, an Israeli campaign group has reported. Nearly 40% of the land the settlements sit on is , according to official data, "effectively stolen" from Palestinian landowners. According to the report, 86.4% of the Maale Adumim settlement block, the largest in the West Bank, is built on private Palestinian land, and not on what the Israeli government refers to as "state land".
This, the group says, is a violation of Israel's own laws. In 1979 the Israeli High Court forbade the establishment of settlements on privately-owned Palestinian land.
Settlements in the occupied West Bank are also illegal under international law, although Israel rejects this.
The data on which the findings are based comes from a 2004 survey by the Civil Administration, which manages the civilian aspects of Israel's occupation of the West Bank. The data was leaked to Peace Now via an official in the Civil Administration. The group says the government had refused to give this information to it. The group says that the data it has received has been "hidden by the State for many years, for fear that the revelation of these facts could damage its international relations". LINK to story
Throughout our recent history we have attacked the interlopers and "protected" the innocent. (*)(see below for exception)
(*)The biggest exception was what we did as interlopers to the "Native Americans" who lived in the United States BEFORE we got there, but thats another story for another day. Suffice to say you have NO argument that its different. Your right it IS different, Different in the fact that the Jews lost their land (or had taken) a couple thousand years ago, the so called "Indians" lost (taken for sure) their land a mere 200-400 years ago. So before you start arguing, ask yourself this question:
If an Indian came to your house and told you, you had a week or so to move because they were taking BACK what was theirs, what would YOU do?
Damn right you'd fight, just as the Palestinians are doing now and have been doing since the interlopers arrived after WWII. Fair is fair, whether or not you agree.
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