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Monday, November 06, 2006

More ........

Rev. Ted Haggard rightly proclaimed himself "a deceiver and a liar." link

This is the chief reason NOT to take the word of ANY "human" religious leader, pardon the pun, as "Gospel." This same "self righteous" person, would willingly lead the "lynching" party, be the loudest accuser, even though he himself is guilty of the same offense. This goes for any act the general public opposes, I'm not just picking on gays. So how are we to know when the truth is being spoken?. This case and the Catholics child molestation scandal are huge points. Both issues are supremely repugnant to the religious right. Therefore it is & was very easy to deny it and cover it up. Makes me wonder how many "witches", "heretics" & other condemned criminals were and are wrongly executed. The Catholic Church once even condemned Galileo as a heretic for those who didn't know that. And when I brought that to the attention of a "good Catholic" i was told with a straight face, " he wasn 't treated badly, he was only placed under house arrest"

Haggard asked the congregation to forgive his accuser, who Haggard said revealed "the deception ... that was in my life." link

Someone PLEASE tell me WHY the "accuser" would / should need forgiveness? Since when does someone who brings truth & justice need to be forgiven? Again a HUGE problem with organized religions. Its yet another case of "blaming the victim" in the same way many Catholics blame their churches child molestation scandal on the victims, instead of the perpetrators. In the minds of those blind, obsessed, egotistical, fanatics they see the victim as the real problem. Their attitude is, A) its all lies; it never happened." Its lies from the liberal left, the media. AND then and only then if those excuses don't work to they go to plan b. B) if only they didn't come forward everything would be better, it happened so long ago, its not happening anymore. it stopped before anything was ever said. There was no need to bring this to light. They (victims) are / were just looking for trouble." And the all encompassing excuse ......... drum roll please ........... the devil made them do it..........

"Today our church family and Pastor Ted is more obedient, ............. link

Ah yes, the key to all religions prosperity, in fact the key to all peoples control of the masses, OBEDIENCE, BLIND OBEDIENCE.

I have preached all these things before, that your leaders (all, not just religious) are or can be deceivers & liars. that they love to blame the victim, and that blind obedience is paramount to their continued control, yet my words to go unbelieved, as no doubt they will again now. I feel vindicated, but that is not enough. I must get others to see the truth, light etc. Here are not my words, but the words of your religious leaders. I only bring them to light, let you see and hopefully understand the potential danger of "blind faith" in any human.



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