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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

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Monday, February 27, 2006

Was This The Result of the Bush Presidency Also?

As of September 1st, 2005, the state of Texas no longer accepts marriages between first cousins. In fact, the language of the new law now deems first cousin as felons! The civil marriage laws and criminal laws were amended.

But oddly (or not) enough, 19 states still DO allow it, with 6 others allowing it "under certain circumstances." Can it be so far fetched to assume South Dakota is one of the states allowing it "under certain circumstances?" After all that is the 1st state trying to make abortion illegal even in the case of incest, so it only make sense to allow these lovers to marry, right? Taken a step further, I wonder how many of these other states that allow this type of marriage are "blue states" that voted for Bush-whacker a second time? That alone ought to be proof enough that first cousin marriages are bad for your health. I'll have to research that and leave the results as a comment.
Now I cant say for certain if any Bush ancestor ever actually married a first cousin, but circumstantial evidence could certainly lead one to assume so.
And in keeping with Texas tradition of imprisoning large numbers of people, they have also deemed those marrying first cousins as felons, according to the language of the new law.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Abortion, Responsibility, Fairness and South Dakota's ban

Interesting and odd that a place that brought us the "badlands" of lore and the decimation of countless native American people (Indians)and others, would now find themselves pretending to protect life.
South Dakota has just brought forth a bill destined to ban ALL abortions EXCEPT to protect the life of the mother The measure would make no exception in cases of rape or incest. The government admits that its likely that the law will be suspended pending a final ruling by the Supreme Court, but still feels now is the time to get started since it will probably be several years at least before it gets to the highest court. Doctors could get up to five years in prison for performing an illegal abortion, similar to what a rapist gets. Is that fair?
Some opponents of the bill said abortion should at least be allowed in cases of rape or incest, or where the woman's health is threatened. This is where I weigh in. I cant believe there will be no provisions for rape, incest, or health issues other than potential death. Imagine for a moment if you can, the victim of a rapist not only being forced to carry his baby to term, but also for the rapist to then also have parental rights! Disgusting thought to me. Sure the woman can put the child up for adoption, but why should she and her body and her mind have to go through all that trauma for 9 months? And what of the child itself? Would you want to be the product of violence, hatred, & misery? Or would you rather be the product of love, want, need or at the very least the product of a neutrality? This is a tough enough world to live in without the added burden of being unwanted, unloved or even hated. And how can the child itself feel about having the same genes as rapist, a violent criminal? And what if that sick rapist wants to exercise his parental rights? Could the child even be put up for adoption and into a potentially loving home if the "father" doesn't agree?

What makes this law seem even more necessary are the number of abortions performed each year in the United States, estimated to be about a million. Why is this? Is it possible that all these women either had their "circumstances" change or changed their minds about wanting to be pregnant? I doubt it. Unfortunately I believe abortion has just become another form of "birth control," no different from any other in the minds of some. THAT is where abortion becomes wrong, perhaps even criminal, a misused procedure which ought to be reserved for extreme, last resort, dire circumstances. But NO, this is America, land of the lazy, the conniving, the self righteous who can do no wrong, at least in their own minds. Yes in their minds, whatever decision they make is the right one and more importantly their right to make. And while I do support this right to make decisions concerning ones own body and life for themselves I also see the need for more responsibility. Many mistakes in this life do not simply go away by putting a bandaid on it. Mistakes routinely cause people to get fired, go to jail or die, among other things.
So lets keep abortion legal, but demand more responsibility from the women AND men who are literally "creating" this problem. They are not fully and solely responsible for this situation however. Certain organized religions ought to also accept culpability. The ones who "prohibit" (under penalty of eternal damnation), their followers from using ANY form of birth control are also responsible, or perhaps irresponsible might be a better word. I mean what is easier, sin on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis, or to NOT sin on those occasions and take your chance with an occasional bigger sin? Such are the ridiculous choices that religion forces people to make.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Other Fanatics

A Pastor in Uganda tells his "flock" he will only bless those who vote for the former rebel leader, Uganda's long-serving President Yoweri Museveni. "If you deceive me and do not vote for Museveni, I will pray that you suffer," he tells the two-day prayer meeting in Kampala.
Sure this pales in comparison to the deadly antics of the Muslim fanatics but still, it is representative of a fanatical group of Christians. I know my God would not approve of the words they used nor these self proclaimed religious leaders themselves. This surely isn't the only example of fanaticism by Christians. This is merely the latest example. One need only look at history to find more occurances such as The Inquisition, witch trials, bombing of abortion clinics etc.


New Suicide Deterrent Works Well

Police in Daytona Beach cautiously approached a man who had already stabbed himself in the chest and stomach. Their mission: to prevent the man from further harming himself, while also avoiding injury to themselves. When all was said and done, it was mission accomplished for Daytona's finest. The officers were unharmed and the suicidal man was laying on the ground - IN FLAMES!!!!! The sergeant, in his report stated, "The subject immediately dropped the knife."
Yeah I'm sure he did!


Bush Unaware of Ports Deal Before Approval

I always knew he was an idiot, but still I thought he did make the decisions, or at least was part of the decision making process. But now I find out he is a total puppet, just a figurehead who makes funny faces. Damn don't I feel stupid. I mean we all knew that during the Clinton days it was Hillary in charge. That was obvious. But this, what with his arrogance and all, well he fooled me.
Turns out Bush-whacker had NO knowledge of the deal to allow an Arab company to take over our ports until AFTER his administration had already approved the deal. But wait maybe, just maybe this isn't a case of him being just a figure head, but rather just another example of Bush-whacker surrounding himself with people even more stupid than himself, if that's possible. You know his people are all yes men, and you know the best yes men are the one you put into positions they don't deserve. And by now you must know that probably none of his administration appointees are qualified to be in the positions their in.

So you make the choice. Either Bush is an idiot puppet, or just another fine example of incompetence in his administration. I heard a joke the other night by Jay Leno and at the time I didn't understand it, but now its become much clearer. Leno was talking about Cheney and his bad heart and he said "you know, Bush is just a heartbeat away from becoming president." Now its clear to me what he meant.. Oh how extra foolish I feel having been duped so badly..


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lawmakers Decry Ports Takeover

Just what the hell has happened to the United States of America? Has everyone gone stark raving mad? Is there not one person with a brain in the entire Bush-whacking administration? I mean here we are, the most despised, targeted nation in the world, and we are about to let a foreign country run & control the security of, our ports. And not just any foreign country, no, we are about to allow "Dubai Ports World" of the United Arab Emirates to take over.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the government typically builds in "certain conditions or requirements that the company has to agree to make sure we address the national security concerns." "We make sure there are assurances in place, in general, sufficient to satisfy us that the deal is appropriate from a national security standpoint."

Oh I feel so much better knowing this. So that means that we take them at their word right? You know, recite the old boy scout oath and we're good to go huh? So then why didn't we take Saddam at his word? Or Iran at its? Or Bin Laden, the Taliban or Joe criminal down the street? I'll tell you why, because people are liars, that's why. All people. Look no further than G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton et al. Heck I'm certain not one of the 9/11 terrorists came into this country announcing their real intentions, did they? Oh wait maybe they did and our illustrious intelligence community just didn't believe them. We're surrounded by idiots I tell you.

This is a classic case of how our freedoms come back to haunt us. You see we cant just automatically eliminate the United Arab Emirates just because of who or what they are. To do so would be unfair discrimination and a violation of our basic beliefs


Friday, February 17, 2006

NY Police Shoot Woman in Stabbing Incident

Was this shooting and resulting death necessary? I don't think so. The officer "claimed" he tried to retreat. Witnesses did hear him repeatedly order the victim to drop the knife. But what of the retreat? Just why didn't the officer continue his retreat to safety? Poor training? Poor psychological screening of applicants?


Marijuana in Washingtons Top Ten Agricultural Commodities

With approximately 43 official agricultural products originating in the state of Washington, one product not on the official list ranks as the 8th most valuable crop grown in the state. That "crop" is marijuana! And before you dismiss these statistics, know this: marijuana's ranking as the 8th most valuable crop is based solely on "confiscated" amounts, meaning the real total value to the state is no doubt much higher.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Baseballs Ozzie Guillen calls A-Rod a hypocrite

White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen is ridiculing Alex Rodriquez for his flip-flopping as to what team he was going to play for in the upcoming World Baseball Classic (WBC). I for one give A-Rod credit for selecting the United States over whatever Latin country he may have picked. It has gotten beyond ridiculous, and noone is noticing, because baseball after all is still just a game. It also is big business and what's at stake her is, what else - money, and lots of it.
But lets go beyond the game for a moment. Lets put this in the proper perspective. Lets look at what's happening here in the WBC but on a on a national scale. What's really happening is NON Americans coming to this country, making money and bringing it back HOME, what they call home, and America isn't it. This non assimilation is happening all too frequently here and is hurting the United States in ways that are often overlooked. In our zeal to be a multicultural non offensive melting pot, we have created an atmosphere ripe for terrorists & spies along with a multitude of immigrants who have no intention of learning the language or assimilating into our culture. All they are here for is the money, & much of that is sent back to their "homeland," wherever that may be. This ruins the feeling of "patriotism," not that we don't have a lot of patriots, we do, trouble is their patriots of their OWN counties, not America. They could care less what happens to or in the United States. If things get bad here, they just go back "home."
So for all those baseball players who are playing for their "own" country and not the United States I say stay there and go back to hitting rocks with tree limbs. Or go play for that "other" Latin country that supports baseball and pays $15 dollars a month - Cuba! All professional baseball players first allegiance ought to be to the country that gave them the opportunity. To do otherwise is a smack in the face of America. For those who would not otherwise make the U.S. team for whatever reason I say fine play for whomever will accept you. That especially goes for Mike Piazza and Nomar Garciaparra, both of whom deserve to play somewhere if for no other reason than what they have already given to the game. And the same for Sammy Sosa; he deserves to play somewhere, anywhere because of what he also has meant to the game of baseball.
America take notice, baseball may only be a game, but it IS indicative of a far more insidious event happening all around the United States.


Israel weighs punitive steps against Hamas

A free Democratic style election is the goal right? But what happens when the results of that process don't go your way? Well lets look at what "DEMOCRATIC" advocating Israel plans in light of Palestines free Democratic style election that went terribly wrong in the eyes of Israel.
In Tel Aviv, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and advisers proposed a clampdown that included barring all Palestinians from working in Israel and from traveling across Israel between Gaza and the West Bank once the Palestinian parliament is sworn in on Saturday. Mofaz's ministry also recommended that Israel squeeze the Palestinian Authority financially by immediately stopping all tax revenue transfers and by exerting pressure on international donors to freeze all but humanitarian assistance.
How can the U.S. and Israel continue to promote Democracy to the whole world, only to then turn around and complain about the results? The results don't show that Democracy failed. What it shows is that it actually worked, the people spoke and were heard. The only ones who got it wrong was the U.S. and Israel when they misunderstood the wants and wills of the people, the real people, not the ones that "they" imagined. And now as a result these fickle powers want to punish these same people for exercising their voting powers.


U.S. Lawmakers Scold Tech Companies for China Censorship

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives today ripped into Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Cisco Systems for making profits a higher priority than free expression in China. "Instead of using their power and creativity to bring openness and free speech to China, they have caved into Beijing's outrageous but predictable demands, simply for the sake of profits," said Representative Tom Lantos (D-California). They should have been developing new technologies to bypass the sickening censorship of government and repugnant barriers to the Internet. Instead, they enthusiastically volunteered for the Chinese censorship brigade."
Isn't this a fine case of "the pot calling the kettle black?"
I mean isn't this EXACTLY what the United States Does day after day. We could have by now maybe been out from under our addiction to oil had not one of Reagan's first acts upon assuming the presidency been to revoke one of Carters laws, forcing the auto makers to improve the gas economy of their vehicles.
And even now, who still doesn't think this Iraq war is all about oil? Either cheap oil for the United States people, or more likely more HUGE profits for the oil companies.. With thousands of innocents dying as a result, while corporations with personal ties (Halliburton) to the Bush administration profit obscenely.
And censorship, if you believe that also doesn't happen in this "free" country then you truly are censored, in your own mind. The "faulty" intelligence that led to the Iraq war, the torture being conducted in various parts of the world WITH the Unites States full knowledge and consent, the Katrina disaster AFTER the hurricane was gone. And all the many other instances where this Bush-whacking Government flip-flopped, covered up and or lied. None of these "truths" were ever intended to come to light - hence censorship.


Money Rules Again vs. Legal system

As is usually the case, money and power have once again beaten the U.S. Justice system. Among the most recent examples:

  • Dick Cheney Won't Face Charges Sure it was an accident, but was it caused by negligence? Where are the toxicology reports on Cheney and Whittington? Sure Cheney's lawyers assured us that alcohol wasn't involved, that's his job. And what of all the security personnel who surely were there. Wonder what they had to say? You see all I'm asking for is the same investigation into Cheney that the Government would do on the average Joe, and that includes for sure a toxicology test to determine who if either was drunk or high.
  • Gretzky, Wife Won't Be Charged Criminally Betting, even with an illegal bookie is not a crime in New Jersey, but placing a wager for someone else is. So what if either of the Gretzky's placed a bet on someone else's behalf?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Officers to Be Fired for Killing La. Gator

I guess California police ought to stick to shooting and killing people, after two of their own were fired for killing an alligator while helping in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in La. Of all the B.S. to fire someone for, these officers were fired for failing to report the discharge of their firearm, with a patrol spokeswoman calling it a serious a serious policy violation. I just don't know about California policy makers, for I know I've seen much worse police action with much less punishment.


Friday, February 10, 2006

Cheney authorized aide to leak in CIA case: report

Do you remember Bush(whacker)'s vow to fire anyone found to have "leaked" that CIA agents name? Well Vice President Dick Cheney's former aide, Scooter Libby, has testified under oath that "his superiors," which included Chaney, authorized him to disclose classified information to news reporters as "pay back" to diplomat Joe Wilson's charge that the Bush administration twisted intelligence on Iraq's nuclear weapons to justify the 2003 invasion. The name leaked was that of Joe Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, a CIA operative at the time.
Sen. Edward Kennedy said Vice President Cheney's vindictiveness in defending the misguided war in Iraq is obvious. "These charges, if true, represent a new low in the already sordid case of partisan interests being placed above national security,"
So just how does a President go about firing his Vice President? And IF and (hopefully) when Bush, gets indicted for all his illegal activities I hope Speaker of the House John Dennis Hastert is both ready, and uninvolved in the ever growing Bush "good ol boys" illegal activities. If not, then just two more steps down and we'll have the first black AND female president of the United States, ala the now cancelled TV show
"Commander in Chief."
What all this shows is that either Democrats are far more intelligent and crafty than Republicans or that only Republicans commit crimes. After all when Clinton was president all he did was have sex with an intern. But I'm not buying that Dems. are squeaky clean either.
Links here and here


Brown vs. Bush Round 2

When you have two liars side by side, both incompetent at what they do, who
DO you believe? I don't believe either one, but certainly some interesting facts are coming to light now. Among them are the fact that nearly 30 instances have been documented in which federal and local government officials gave early reports on Aug. 29 that levees had broken and that New Orleans was flooding, including one report at 8:30 a.m. the day of the storm, easily contradicting both Chertoff and Bush (whacker)'s claims not have know about how bad condition were until Aug. 30.
Basically Brown, in this round hammered Bush & Chertoff. Brown & his attorney had asked the White House if it wanted him to claim "executive priviledge." When told that it wasn't necessary, Brown then turned on them. Sweet how those things go. First Bushy praised Brown, and the job he did(n't do). Then Brown, the good soldier fell on his sword to protect Bush(whacker) and the Administration. BUT, now it seems Brown is tired of being the "only" scapegoat, and says he feels abandoned. And so, as abandoned people often do, & free from executive priviledge that would have prevented him from disclosing certain things,Brown is now on the attack. Links here and

POLL: Public Against Suspension of the Constitution

IF as a recent survey indicates:

  • 77 percent have reservations about the fundamental issues raised by the eavesdropping controversy
  • 52 percent of that group agreed that a president should never be able to "suspend the constitutional freedoms of people like you."
  • 25 percent said constitutional freedoms should never be suspended unless authorized by a court or the U.S. Congress.
  • 5 percent said they did not know or declined to answer.
AND IF on a second question of what would justify government eavesdropping on personal communications without a search warrant or court order respondents indicated
  • 45 percent saying such action would never be justified.
  • 22 percent saying it would be OK based on "an anonymous tip that you may be helping to plan a terrorist attack in the United States"
  • 21 percent saying it would be justified based on "someone's suspicion that you may be sending money to a terrorist organization."
Then WHY oh why & HOW oh how did Bush (whacker) EVER get reelected?


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mideast Cartoon Competition

Interesting! Maybe we can have like a "Olympics of Cartooning" or something. The World Baseball Classic is also coming up soon. And lets not forget American Idol. Yeah, I can see it now. An International competition of cartoonists not only competing in drawing ability, but in satirical ability, comedic ability and oh yeah in juvenile "one-up-manship." Ought to be interesting thats for sure. By the way, don't forget the pope and Christianity too. Lets be fair.

On the one hand it appears fair, but on the other it doesnt. I mean after all, many people died in the holocaust, and NOT just JEWS and NOT as many as 6 million either. But still many died in it and fighting over it. So instead it really should be a competion over satirizing each others Deities. Only problem there is the Jews never really expressed what their God may look like. Oh well not to worry, maybe they can do one of Moses trying to get his people organized and to follow instruction and to stop whining. Yeah, that ought to do it.

Hey it IS a whole lot better way to show your anger and to prove a point than rioting, setting fires & throwing rocks and otherwise proving that you aren't mature enough or intelligent enough to sit at the discussion table with the adults..


Fanatics Must be Stopped

I still stand By my feelings the other day, that it was insensitive, unnecessary and stupid of certain European media to reprint cartoons depicting derogatory pictures of the Muslim prophet Mohammad, but now, I'm angry & I must speak out against the equally unnecessary and stupid AND criminal activities of "certain" Muslims throughout much of the world. While I did link to a couple of the pictures (1) (2), I decided NOT to actually post them out of respect. But now I see the lack of respect by these fanatics to the rest of the world, so I will now post the pictures.

Am I now insensitive and stupid? Maybe, probably, but no matter, because the ends justifies he means right? Isn't that the creed you all live by. The U.S. kill thousands in order to "free" them, Fanatical Muslims murder innocents, to demand honor & respect for their religion. Yet their prophet would want none of that. And what of the Jews in Israel with their motto of "never again," and possessing the 6th largest stockpile of nuclear weapons on the planet!
Now is the time for the moderate or if you prefer the mainstream Muslims, Jews And Christians (including Catholics) to stand up and put and end to this unacceptable, fanatical behavior by those "masquerading" as real representatives of their respective religions. While I DO NOT intend to offend, I DO feel compelled to point out that IT is only a cartoon. NOONE can do any harm to your Deity, this way or any other. THAT is WHY he is what is, because he IS invincible! And this goes for fanatics in all religions, and in all other walks of life. Your fanaticism, whether Muslim, Christian or Jew ( and we all have them) is wrong and must be stopped.
Now I will give "equal" time, trying to show that in a free society it is NOT a crime to satirize ones revered people.

So lighten up and get a life already.

Created Equal, BUT NOT Treated Equally

Reports indicate that surviving a hospital stay depends as much on where you go as on what is wrong with you. It seems that Medicare patients at hospitals ranked in the top 5 percent have a 27 percent lower chance of dying and a 14 percent lower risk of developing complications. As I've previously reported, there are tens of thousands of preventable deaths in hospitals every year. Latest estimates are between 44,000 & 98,000 die, unnecessarily each year. And that's JUST deaths. Other serious, complications would expand that number exponentially.

Couple this with Bush's latest budget proposal, that seeks to cut $36 billion in savings from the U.S. Medicare plan and you see we have a problem in this country. Much of this cut is expected to come from hospitals, nursing homes and other health care service providers. Long-term acute care hospitals will fare worst of all, having their payment rates frozen for patients in Medicare, which provides insurance for 42 million elderly and disabled in this country.
Yes Doctors and hospitals are criminal in their fees, but until THAT problem is solved, we are at their mercy and that means paying the ransoms they demand. Not doing so only puts patients health at further risk.
What else it does NOT mean is further hurting patients by "capping" lawsuit awards. All this does is similar to what happens in the case of another use of "capping" - "kneecapping" - it cripples already wrongly injured patients and their families.

Bush's Warrantless Eavesdropping Yields Few Suspects

Aside from being possibly illegal, it seems Bush's eavesdropping program has produced few "terrorist" related results, reportedly less than 10 instances worthy of followup out of approximatley 5,000 such occurances, which brings me to my problem. I am not opposed to preventing terrorist activity in the U.S. I'd be an idiot if I was. My problem is what does or did the government do with information obtained through these surveillance's of non terrorists? Destroy the information obtained? Or, hold it for "future considerations?" What I mean is, say the Government, while "listening" for terrorist related activity, comes across tax evaders, or just some disgruntled citizens disgusted with the way the country is being run. Or heck since this is a free country, what if they actually stumble upon other criminal activity? Sure we all want the criminals punished, but in America, where they pride themselves on their imagined freedoms, this includes a law against illegally obtained information. And that information includes that gotten through illegal wiretapping. So what do they do? Admit they obtained "proof" of criminal activity illegally or lie about it and say that everything we obtained on the "up and up"?
Well I think we know what they would do, what they have already done in this case as well as in Iraq's WMD's, FEMA's (in)actions during hurricane Katrina and others, deny, deny, DENY!!!
That is precisely why Bush and his illegal eavesdropping MUST be stopped AND prosecuted.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Muslims Angry Over Mohammad Cartoon

Seems a Danish Newspaper has published a caricature of the prophet Mohammad which also seems to violate Islamic faith which forbids ANY depiction ofthe Prophet Muhammad and other major religious figures — even positive ones — to prevent idolatry. Shiite Muslim clerics differ in that they allow images of their greatest saint, Ali, the prophet's son-in-law, though not Muhammad.
The caricatures, include one depicting the Muslim prophet wearing a turban fashioned into a bomb, & were reprinted in Norwegian, French, German and even Jordanian newspapers after first appearing in a Danish paper in September. The drawings were republished after Muslims decried the images as insulting to their prophet. Dutch-language newspapers in Belgium and two Italian right-wing papers reprinted the drawings Friday.
Now tell me is reprinting these pictures, freedom of the press or deliberately inciting Muslims? I'll let you decide.

Me, I just hope this takes a little heat off the U.S. for awhile. And to Europe I offer this advice - DUCK!
And to Muslims I offer "Allahu Akbar". Peace


Six Alabama churches burned

They have not yet been declared arson, but its either that or God is REALLY mad at Bibb County Alabama. Let me now denounce the burning of 6 Alabama churches as wrong, just as intolerable as Muslim extremists or Christian extremists, atheist extremists, or any other form of extremism, even governmental.. The U.S. is a free country, free to choose who, what, when and where they worship, if at all.
This attempt at destroying Americas Christian freedoms is as wrong as trying to destroy Islamic belief symbols, abortion clinics and yes even TV shows, movies and books. America is what it is because of their freedoms.
Pat Robertson, take note


Greed vs. People. Greed Wins, AGAIN

Greed has reared its ugly head once again. Granted, this time it was in the greediest city in the United States, New York City.

A federal judge ruled yesterday to allow a class-action lawsuit against ex-EPA honcho Christie Whitman and the EPA to go forward, saying "No reasonable person would have thought that telling thousands of people that it was safe to return to lower Manhattan, while knowing that such return could pose long-term health risks and other dire consequences, was conduct sanctioned by our laws." Manhattan Federal Judge Deborah Batts said in her decision that it was "conscience-shocking" that Whitman knew the WTC's collapse had caused "the emission of tons of hazardous materials into the air" but still "encouraged residents, workers and students to return."
She should not carry the blame alone though. In the aftermath of th 9/11 attacks on the world trade center, everyone who was anyone, wanted and tried everything and anything to prove to the world that the terrorist did not, can not and never will beat us. Of course the facts since that day have told a different story altogether, what with our freedoms severly curtailed, thanks to the (un) patriot act and other initiatives.
What other explanation besides showing the world that we weren't beaten", was there for returning so soon to the "scene ofthe crime"? GREED, and our National economy, thats what. Had non emergency persons stayed away from the trade center area for say a week, or a month, as no doubt they should have, New York City would have been crippled if not destroyed, and along with it much of the world. So the "powers that be" decided yet again to sacrifice the few for the many, by making everyone, from the "money makers," all the way down to the "average Joe"emergency personell as well. Only time will tell how many are the few, and what price they will have paid.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Man, 18, sought after gun, hatchet attack at gay bar

Police are seeking a Jacob D. Robida, 18, in connection with a gun and hatchet attack at a gay bar in New Bedford, south of Boston. Three people were wounded in what authorities said they suspect were hate crimes.

Now get this:

Robida is a graduate of New Bedford's junior police academy, a program intended to build social skills, self-esteem and self-confidence in children 12 to 14, police said.


Alito parts with conservatives on execution

In Alito's first supreme test, yesterday he veered slightly left with his vote to "stay" an execution in Missouri. The "odd" thing here is the condemned man doesn't deny his guilt in the kidnapping, raping and murdering 15-year-old Ann Harrison in 1989. This should be a "slam dunk" execution. Who would defend it and why? A man setting the stage for his anti abortion stance, that's who. Me thinks he is trying to "set up" his big play. First get the left to relax a tiny bit,by throwing them this "bone, " when in actuality its not a leftist issue at all. No its part of a true right to lifers creed. And they are conservative Republicans right? Confused? Don't worry I know many others who are too. Pro lifers I know prefer to avoid the death penalty and war issues, preferring only to speak of abortion. I tell them all the time they aren't REAL pro lifers, but rather anti abortionist's. Nothing wrong with that either, just lets call it what it is.
Alito on the other hand, may be trying to show just how conservative, or more appropriately, how religious he is. And there is the rub. Religion has no place in politics or the justice system. Need proof? See the Taliban. Why are rulings based solely on religion wrong? Because this is the United States of America, a country of religious freedom. That means freedom to have any religious belief you want, OR none. And with those differing beliefs, people vote in a person who will abide by their wishes. If we are going to rule religiously then we will need candidates from across the spectrum. With our two party system (basically that's the only parties with any chance of wining) we need to compromise when voting. So if say a Catholic get elected, it will NOT be by ALL Catholics. So he should rule according to the wishes of his constituents, and if the issues they voted him in on, conflict with his beliefs, then he must either put them aside or step down.

I know Alito isn't an elected official, but make no mistake, this IS political.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mans Best Friend

Last night, mans best friend got a great seat at the State of the Union address. No, not Bush (whacker), he had to stand (though I'd have preferred he didn't come at all). No not god either, though he is a good choice and you are on the right track, since both are loving and loyal, unlike some attendees (see bush above). No mans best friend in this case was a dog, a German shepherd named Rex. But Rex is not just any dog, no this one is a specially trained ($18,000) bomb sniffing dog that served in Iraq.
He was arguably the only attendee that understood a single word that was spoken, since the speaker himself is of a similar species, ablbeit an inferior, lower class one, without the loyalty, love ,bravery or brains that Rex possesses. I usually hate to see America "going to the dogs", but in this case it was a pleasant site to behold.

Prophesy, Economics & Education

Want success? Want to "get ahead" in todays world? These are questions routinely asked of todays youth and the answer is always the same: stay in school, get an education. Yes the promises that a college degree held were limitless. Yet todays college grads are finding these promises largely unfulfilled. Not only will they be paying off student loans for years to come, but thanks to unscrupulous credit card companies literally throwing their product at students today, many if not most will be paying off their education and youthly indiscretions until well into their 40's. Some are having to put their "life" on hold, postponing such important decisions as marriage, starting a family, & buying a house until they've lowered their "debt to income ratio" to a more manageable level. To add insult to injury, real earnings for college graduates (without an advanced degree) have now fallen for four consecutive years.
As if that wasn't bad enough, tuition and other costs have increased dramatically as well over the last 15 years : 63% at public schools and 47% at private institutions translating to a 66.5% increase in the median student debt over the last 12 years. The average credit-card debt alone among 25-to-34-year-olds was $5,200 in 2004, almost double that of 12 years ago.
We live in an I, me, mine country whose belief system is one of entitlement. Beware the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow. It may be tarnished and empty. Read of some real decisions made by real college students in the real world.

What I prophesied myself, as a youth, has and still is coming true today. I believed that a college degree in the future would be worth no more than a high school degree back when I was young. I also remember when "unleaded" gasoline and diesel was the cheapest product sold in gas stations. Then as they started making cars that required unleaded fuel, I also predicted then that even though it was cheaper now, and cheaper to produce, the future would reverse that trend. Sure enough the cheapest products to produce for running your car are today the most expensive. Diesel, which require the least refinement is now even more expensive than "super unleaded". Sometimes being right isn't so much fun.

America is NOT the Home of the FREE

A typical American mom was invited by Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif) to attend President Bush (whacker)'s "State of the Union" address last night. She arrived on time, sat down removed her coat, and was told by police that she wasn't appropriately attired for the event. When she didn't respond to their remarks she was promptly removed from the area and arrested.
Ok, so the part I forgot to mention was that this "typical American mom's" name is Cindy Sheehan, and that she is the mother of a soldier slain in Iraq. And her "inappropriate attire was an anti-war T-shirt. But she is not "just" another mom of a slain soldier, no, she is THE mom who has and is taking her story on the road, explaining to America how wrong it is to lose a loved one for nothing. Nothing in the sense that the war in Iraq is an unnecessary, unjustifiable war. It is always tough to lose a loved one, but when a parent loses a child its much, much more so. And when you lose this child unnecessarily, it is a crime.
But back to the story. What DID she do that was so criminal? It was obviously criminal to the Capitol Police, since they did indeed charge her with a misdemeanor. First the charge was "demonstrating in the Capitol building", but this was later changed to "unlawful conduct". Since when is it unlawful conduct to dress as you wish? Certainly you can be asked to leave, maybe even removed, from a PRIVATE event, but from a public one? Of course certain attire can be considered poor taste, maybe. Inappropriate, maybe so. Make Blackwell's worst dressed list, no doubt; but a crime?, here in America? What's next? Burkas? Maybe the Taliban on the ballot? Why not; after all Pat Robertson has already run for president.

OK now lets all sing again:
Oh say can you seee .....
What the @#$% happened to my country .................
