Alito parts with conservatives on execution
In Alito's first supreme test, yesterday he veered slightly left with his vote to "stay" an execution in Missouri. The "odd" thing here is the condemned man doesn't deny his guilt in the kidnapping, raping and murdering 15-year-old Ann Harrison in 1989. This should be a "slam dunk" execution. Who would defend it and why? A man setting the stage for his anti abortion stance, that's who. Me thinks he is trying to "set up" his big play. First get the left to relax a tiny bit,by throwing them this "bone, " when in actuality its not a leftist issue at all. No its part of a true right to lifers creed. And they are conservative Republicans right? Confused? Don't worry I know many others who are too. Pro lifers I know prefer to avoid the death penalty and war issues, preferring only to speak of abortion. I tell them all the time they aren't REAL pro lifers, but rather anti abortionist's. Nothing wrong with that either, just lets call it what it is.
Alito on the other hand, may be trying to show just how conservative, or more appropriately, how religious he is. And there is the rub. Religion has no place in politics or the justice system. Need proof? See the Taliban. Why are rulings based solely on religion wrong? Because this is the United States of America, a country of religious freedom. That means freedom to have any religious belief you want, OR none. And with those differing beliefs, people vote in a person who will abide by their wishes. If we are going to rule religiously then we will need candidates from across the spectrum. With our two party system (basically that's the only parties with any chance of wining) we need to compromise when voting. So if say a Catholic get elected, it will NOT be by ALL Catholics. So he should rule according to the wishes of his constituents, and if the issues they voted him in on, conflict with his beliefs, then he must either put them aside or step down.
I know Alito isn't an elected official, but make no mistake, this IS political.
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