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The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Baseballs Ozzie Guillen calls A-Rod a hypocrite

White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen is ridiculing Alex Rodriquez for his flip-flopping as to what team he was going to play for in the upcoming World Baseball Classic (WBC). I for one give A-Rod credit for selecting the United States over whatever Latin country he may have picked. It has gotten beyond ridiculous, and noone is noticing, because baseball after all is still just a game. It also is big business and what's at stake her is, what else - money, and lots of it.
But lets go beyond the game for a moment. Lets put this in the proper perspective. Lets look at what's happening here in the WBC but on a on a national scale. What's really happening is NON Americans coming to this country, making money and bringing it back HOME, what they call home, and America isn't it. This non assimilation is happening all too frequently here and is hurting the United States in ways that are often overlooked. In our zeal to be a multicultural non offensive melting pot, we have created an atmosphere ripe for terrorists & spies along with a multitude of immigrants who have no intention of learning the language or assimilating into our culture. All they are here for is the money, & much of that is sent back to their "homeland," wherever that may be. This ruins the feeling of "patriotism," not that we don't have a lot of patriots, we do, trouble is their patriots of their OWN counties, not America. They could care less what happens to or in the United States. If things get bad here, they just go back "home."
So for all those baseball players who are playing for their "own" country and not the United States I say stay there and go back to hitting rocks with tree limbs. Or go play for that "other" Latin country that supports baseball and pays $15 dollars a month - Cuba! All professional baseball players first allegiance ought to be to the country that gave them the opportunity. To do otherwise is a smack in the face of America. For those who would not otherwise make the U.S. team for whatever reason I say fine play for whomever will accept you. That especially goes for Mike Piazza and Nomar Garciaparra, both of whom deserve to play somewhere if for no other reason than what they have already given to the game. And the same for Sammy Sosa; he deserves to play somewhere, anywhere because of what he also has meant to the game of baseball.
America take notice, baseball may only be a game, but it IS indicative of a far more insidious event happening all around the United States.



Blogger James said...

Thanks for the link. Per your comment, some Olympic athletes do maintain a residence in their native country, but they train a good deal of the time elsewhere, usually if they're a warm-weather nation in a winter sport.

2/16/2006 9:27 PM  

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