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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Yorks New Cardinal: Timothy Dolan

3 positive articles about new yorks new cardinal. yes  i know your all surprised that i would sunmit such articles but hey, im willing to give him a fair chance. he;s seemingly a very remarkable man.
to sum up what i like, he doesnt appear to be one of those people who is full of himself. he would seem to be a man of the people. to be able to balance making most of his flock happy while still keeping true to his profession has to be practically impossible. i applaud him for apparently being able to do that, tho time will tell what i actually think of him, but so far so good.
below is my hilites of the 3 articles, with links so you can read em yourself if your so inclined.

1st article
In describing Dolan:

  • The more accurate word is "disarming." People like Dolan, even if they have reason not to. They think they could offer him a beer at a church festival and that he'd enjoy it. He shows up in comic-strip form in the weekly archdiocesan newspaper, with miter and grin and a dialogue bubble reading, "Hey, kids!" This seems natural.
  • He put the list of sex-abuser priests online.
  • He's selling the archdiocesan headquarters to pay off millions in settlements over abuse by renegade priests that his predecessors sent elsewhere.
  • This is all patch-up for a diocese left in tatters by former Archbishop Rembert Weakland - who after 25 years of cerebral, aloof leadership retired in 2002 about the time news broke that he paid $450,000 in hush money to a young male lover.All Dolan had to do was smile and not be Weakland, and he'd have been OK. But he also did the fiscal repairs and disarmed a considerable "to hell with Rome" contingent among priests and preached orthodoxy without setting off open war with theological liberals and found a way to accommodate the Latin Mass crowd - and still ended up seeming like everyone's genial uncle.
  • He's not a prelate. He's a guy who happens to be a prelate. I hear New York could use that.
  • what Dolan really is, is a pastor. When it was definite we'd lose him, people were calling radio shows recounting how the archbishop was phoning their homes to check up on some relative on whose behalf they'd asked him to pray months before. He showed up at people's houses to bless the sick.
  • He didn't have to come to my kids' school, a tiny parent-run thing with no link to any parish - but he did.
  •  Dolan does not give the impression of a brilliant man who's managed to accommodate his doubts. Rather, he seems like a man who used his intelligence to find answers to those doubts - and now wants to clue you in.
2nd article:
  • Dolan said President Obama had phoned him."He said, 'I just wanted to call and congratulate you and assure you of my prayers.' And I said, 'Thank you, Mr. President. I need those prayers.' ""Well, I need yours, too," Obama responded."He said, 'You know, we're in kind of a tight financial situation,' " Dolan recalled. "And I said, 'If we can have a second collection or something, let us know.' It was a remarkably pleasant and enjoyable and friendly call."
  •  Dolan is considered a conservative when it comes to church teachings. And, like Egan - and all but one of his 12 predecessors in the New York Archdiocese - Dolan is of Irish descent."That's a sign of the Holy Father's infallibility, don't you think?" Dolan quipped.

3rd article

In Dolan, New Yorkers will "see someone who is certainly very firm in the teachings of church doctrine, but he's not the kind of person who's going to hit people over the head," "He's willing to engage in dialogue with people," Shelley said, echoing remarks Dolan made earlier yesterday. "He's willing to build bridges rather than pull up the drawbridge.


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