A-Rod and the American dream
So "A-Rod" has been accused of failing a doping / steroids test back in 2003. I am NOT a fan of A-rod the person, in fact i loathe that part of him, but am a huge fan of his basebal abilities.
The personal part is just from what ive read about him, that being, he is a self centered, egotistical & greedy, a megalomaniac.
But what caused this, and why the uproar? Thats the part i dont understand. To me A-rod epitomizes the American ideal: lie cheat, steal, repeat as necessary. How many more time do we need to see and be reminded of this. Its in the news every day. From Bernie Madoff, to Ted Haggard to politicians, to police, to firemen, etc. all the way down to the priests molesting our kids. All are people we are taught to inherently trust. All have disappointed us. What about the rest of us? Many of us also, are guilty, of lying, cheating, stealing, - living the American dream.
Yes, the American dream has been revealed to be nothing more than a fraud. All smoke and mirrors. Toto, has pulled back the curtain to reveal the great wizard to be nothing more than a little man pulling strings.
America has, over say the last 50 years or so become an I, Me, Mine nation. A what have you done for me lately nation. An instant gratification nation. A nation where we purport to believe in god, but we worship the almighty dollar.
A-rod is merely a product of this society. He didnt create it. He only lived in it. Lived by its warped rules. In keeping with these selfish ideals, A-rod perhaps cheated by taking steroids. SO WHAT! most of Bush's administration and so far many of Obamas have done and or do the same, cheated that is. For my part in this selfishness i offer this: I DONT CARE what A-rod did. Baseball is entertainment, and i WANT to be entertained. And A-rod, on the field, IS entertaining. So is Barry Bonds (another loathesome one).
I DONT CARE what steroids does to them 20 years from now. If their testicles shrivel up, their hair falls out or if they die. I DONT CARE. I have been entertained, and THEY have been well paid As the bible says about them who seek the best seats in the synagogue - they have received their rewards.
WHat would bother me is if they cheated, lived a great life as a result and then suffered no maladies. Then there would be no punishment, no just desserts as it were. So you see i like to beleive that todays liars, cheaters and thieves will get whats coming to them, i only would like it to be sooner, rather than later. What would you do if given the choice, live the life of A-rod by the supposed methods he used, or live the life you know have, that of clean wholesome living, albeit from paycheck to paycheck? And thats assuming you arent guilty of your own lying, cheating and stealing, perhaps on your resume?, loan application? taxes, spouse? The list goes on, Just ask yourself how you cheat in every day life and then remember another bible quote "let him who is perfect cast the first stone."
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