Break up MLBPA Union
Hmmmm, wait that would just make rich sport team owners richer. Hmmmmmm better idea: lets just pass a law taxing sports professionals at say a 90% rate. That would still leave them making more money, for playing a game, then most people make "working" for a living. And we'd solve this countries deficit in no time.
take a baseball player making the major league minimun which is currently around $400,000.00. tax him at 90% and hes left with 40 grand a year. Actually hes left with 40 grand for abou 8 months work. Again, not bad wage for playing a game. And if he cant make ends meet he'd still be elligable for unemployment the other 4 months. Gee what a deal, where do i sign up.
While this may be done a little tongue in cheek, it also goes a long way to pointing out whats wrong with this country, when people can make THOSE kinds of salaries for THAT type of work. Sad, Simply sad...
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