Iran Implicated in Attacks by Opposition Forces
According to the U.S., Iran has been arming and financing Iraqi militants
Oh how i wish this blog got more views, because I really want to know how this differs from when the U.S. backs opposition forces IT favors, against governments IT opposes? They (U.S.) backed Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran (80's). They (U.S.) trained and backed Osama Bin Laden in his battle against Russia in Afghanistan, also in the 80's. There are others but these are the most noteable. And they are facts. Google it yourself if you doubt it. The U.S does this all the time. Its the least dangerous way to overthrow a Government you dont like. If its alright for the U.S. to do, then why noy Iran? Oh, cause there killing our children? Is that why its wrong? Then get the hell out, and stop meddling in other countries affairs unless they explicitly requiest your help. And NO thats NOT what happened in Iraq.
You are 26? You sound like a high school student.
It isn't a matter of if it is ok for the U.S. than it must be ok for Iran. The importance of this story is that we now have hard proof that Iran is engaging in acts of aggression against the U.S. which give the U.S. a lot of leverage in demanding changes in Iranian policies and of course justification to take the war to them if needed.
the U.S has NO right to DEMAND ANYTHING of another sovereign nation, got that. Geez who are your heroes anyway? Hitler, Musssolini, Saddam, J.Edgar Hoover, Roy Cohn, Sen. McCarthy maybe!
The U.S. may have the right to "negotiate" IF the other country is amenable and it certainly has the right to defend itself IF attacked, as well as the right to withhold its goods and services from that nation. But DEMAND? Just where the hell are you from? Have you been hiding under a rock the last 60-70 years?
I may sound like a high school student, but you, at best are senile and or suffering from dementia, and at worst selfish ignorant and or naive.
No, I have been paying attention to the world, not living in a kiddie land where you ask pretty please Mr. Bad Man, don't hurt me, Sir.
You are missing the whole point with you DEMAND rant. The point is that we HAVE ALREADY been attacked by Iran. That is what this proof discussed in the article shows. That is the point. We have been attacked, we should DEMAND them to stop, or they will deal with the results of that decision.
FYI, I am proudly from the United States of America. Although, imperfect, the greatest nation in the world.
So then back in the 80's when the U.S. backed (with weapons, intel and $$$) their then "buddy" Saddam in his war vs. Iran, Iran had every right to order the U.S. to stop? And if the U.S. ignored or refused those requets then Iran would have been justified to attack the U.S.?
WHats good for the goose .....
Saddam has never been our "buddy". In the real world you make aliances that are in your best interests. Iraq was greatly over matched by Iran. It was in our best interest that those two countries fight it out, and Iraq was the lesser or two evils.
Sure, Iran could have demanded anything they wanted. We would have denied their demands and been more than capable of handling any attack they may have tried. They were in no position to do anyhting about it, which is why they did nothing. We are seeing their attacks now.
so their (iran) belated attacks on us are justified?
and so alliances according to you are merely acts of convenience? meant to be broken when no longer convenient? WOW you are a perfect american my friend.
and it also explains why all our "allies" are fearful of us and still trying top protect themselves from us. i hope your NOT who i think you are, because if so, i thought you were my ally. OH my am i in trouble ......
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