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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Spirit of Cooperation? Putin Calls Bush' Bluff

         Bush insists hiss ( deliberate use of hiss to portray Bush as the snake he is)  anti missile defense system is not being planned because of what Russia and China are doing, so Putin called his bluff, by essentially saying ok lets us help and work together on this. Bush has yet to reply to this latest offer. Checkmate Mr. Bush-whacker. If you refuse, your motives become even more suspect. If you agree then your real plan of countering Russia and Chinas missile capabilities is nullified.    Full story here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am curious, what is your problem with us having a missle defense system?

Are you just against his public reasons for it, or the idea that we need one?

7/06/2007 8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another question. Who would you rather have for a President (Yes I know these aren't good choices, but I say we have to make the choice between the lesser of two evils every 2 years)

A. Putin
B. Our current President
C. President HU Jintao of China

7/06/2007 8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets see, i'll answer both together.
my problem with us having a missile defense system? nothing at all. gr8 idea and no doubt necessary in this very scary world.
my problem is where its being put and the real reason why. what do you suppose would be the u.s. reaction if one of our enemies. or (supposed) allies like Russia, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Germany etc. were to install a missile defense system in say Canada, Cuba or Mexico?
What do you think the u.s. government reaction would be to that
second question answered:
If Bush had his way he WOULD be a Putin or HU Jintao, or worse, a Saddam, or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran's pres. its only America's checks and balances that keep him in line, AND as i've also comlained about, he is always trying his best to circumvent them. Thank god he's an idiot and more importantly thank god its almost over <16mo's to go .... but what a mess hes gonna make after next years election, especially if the republicans dont get in.
Disclaimer: IM NOT FOR THE DEMS, i just want a decent republican with a little integrity, im thinkin and hopin McCain, but its doubtfull right now im afraid. Another warning Guliani is NOT a man of his word AND seems to pick his "people" from the same cess pool as Bush whacker

8/07/2007 5:24 PM  

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