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Monday, July 02, 2007

The Continued Disgracing of America

in his latest abuse of power the Bush - whacker has commuted the sentence of his loyal soldier Libby, sparing him from the 30
 months he was sentenced to. Full story here 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. Please explain how this is an abuse of power?

I am not sure if you ahve heard of it, but there is a little document we have in the U.S. called the Constitution.

Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution gives the president "Power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

It isn't a new thing, Junior. Bill Clinton granted 395 pardons during his presidency, comparable in number to other recent presidents.

7/03/2007 8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quoting Leahy in my blog of june 28th may not help my case, but certainly citing Clinton as an example here does nothing for yours either, LOL
Clinton i believe was one of the worst offenders of that power, especially when he pardoned the FALN members (http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/09/08/congress.faln/)
For the record here are pardons of some recent presidents:
President George H.W. Bush, granted 74 in four years; former President Bill Clinton granted 396 in eight years; former President Ronald Reagan did 393 in eight; former President Jimmy Carter (my pick for worst ever president b4 baby bush took office) did 534 in four. President Richard Nixon, granted 863.
Some pardons, like the one Mr. Ford gave Nixon in 1974, protect recipients from going to jail or reduce their sentences. But Mr. Bush has granted clemency mainly to allow people who committed relatively minor offenses and served their sentences long ago to clear their names. In this regard I actually respect Bush becaus he has steadfastly refused to "interfere" with our justice system, cept for relatively minor infractions. Yet at the same time his pardon history also "magnifies" the libby deal, because of the nature of the "crime" and libby's position in Bush' administration. This was not done to fix a wrong, nor done to forgive a long forgotten criminal, with a minor offense. NO, this was pure cronyism, and a reward to a loyal follower for "falling on the sword" as it were. It saddens me that you cant or wont see that.
you are seemingly a blind bush supporter and as such i waste my time here, but i ask none the less what you think would happen if YOU were convicted, as libby was, of lying and obstructing justice? Where would you be right now? And how, as a man, as a human with supposedly EQUAL rights, do you differ from libby? Is it fair? You are so blinded by you loyalty to the republican party that you cabt see that I am FOR YOU, not against you. What I oppose is the unfairness, the blatent disregard for right and wrong. Unfortiunately people like you will never see the light til it happens to you, and to that end i dont know whether i should wish it never happens to you, or to wish it would hurry up so you can finally see. Me, Im not loyal to a party, Im loyal to whats right.

7/05/2007 12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in another instance of cronyism and abuse of power here is evidence of bush pardoning a close relative:

7/05/2007 12:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in checking some of my previous bits of wit and wisdom, i came across my
june 5th blog, in which my prophecy came true, twice!
bush pardons libby and libby spends less time in jail than paris hilton

7/05/2007 1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read my post again. My challenge to you isn't if Libby is guilty, should be in jail, or Bush is an S.O.B. You state that his action is an abuse of power. I say it is not. He is using the power given to him by the United States Constitution just as past Presidents have.

Anyone who breaks a law deserves the proper punishment. Including Paris Hilton who put many people's lives in danger by driving drunk.

7/05/2007 5:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the abuse i soeak of comes from the bush whacker pardoning a loyal crony, as a reward for his continued loyalty and silence & refusal to tell the truth.
his actions did directly endanger one person (the person he "outed") and indirectly may have endangered many more than Paris Hilton ever could. Now, Paris France coould be more dangerous than libby, but Paris Hilton , no. besides Paris Hilton is much cuter and more entertaining in her "antics" than libby........

7/06/2007 4:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He hasn't pardoned Libby, yet. I am sure he will at some point, though. But again, that is not an abuse of power. It is exercising the power given to him by the Constitution. It will be a political pardon, similar to those that other Presidents have made, like you state about with Clinton. Every President makes pardons that benifit him personally or his administration. That is just a fact, and it is perfectly legal. You may not like it, but it is not an abuse of power.

I didn't compare the crime of Hilton to Libby, they were both crimes that deserve punishment. As far as Libby, he is clearly guilty of purgery. He did not out anyone, it was proven that he did not, hence he was not charge with that crime. His crime was purgery, of which he will be pardoned.

7/06/2007 8:14 AM  

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