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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

British Terror Probe Focuses on Doctors

At least four of the eight suspects directly tied to the terror investigation were identified as doctors from Iraq, Jordan and India.
Full story here
             Well NOW we're in BIG trouble!  Who needs an actual bombing or war with bullets and stuff when you have Drs. from Iraq, Jordan and India who hate the west and want to do them harm.  I mean, I don't know about where you live, but in the two main places that I call home,  over 50% of the Drs come from these countries and or are Muslim.  Imagine if you dare, the carnage that can be created by our medical care 
professionals if they want to harm us?   Would you go to a Dr. who hates you?  I think not.   This is scary.   Hmmm maybe thats why we are offered drugs, vaccines and food products in our daily lives that have the potential to kill us, instead of help us. but thats another story.  And why arent our children becoming Drs. in sufficient numbers like they are in other nations (as mentioned above) and also including China? 
Because we are a nation of lazy kids, and medical school requires alot of work thats why. But thats also another story and todays story is scary enough. Read the article and let it sink in.  Ending the hatred of the West by the East can only be achieved through compassion, cooperation, and respect of all natiions autonomy (read LEAVE THEM ALONE!)  Only after of that has been tried exhaustively, i f they continue to attack us, hell bent on controlling or ruling us, then and only then can we blow them all to hell.  ....     Peace


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