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Saturday, October 21, 2006

the devil leads them

the catholic church callled foleys bluff, asking that he divulge the name of the priest who molested him.
in my opinion it was their hope that he would not give up the name, that he instead would recant his statement, perhaps even saying he lied, thus letting them ( your pius religious leaders) off the hook yet again. You see, its a case of putting the victim on trial in the hope that they would rather die than relive the experience. a tactic used often in defense of rapists. How honorable your church is.

Well surprise! foley not only did divulge his molester, but the priest admitted to basically everything but trying to impregnate the boy.

A reminder again, you needn;t follow the church led by the devil in order to get into heaven. all you need is a good relationship with god and the living of a good life of honesty, humility, love and kindness. Most of you have that. dont let the devil led catholic church diminish that in you.
if they are not led by the devil, they are certainly sleeping with him ( or her)

just look at what this "man of the cloth" believes -
Roman Catholic priest Anthony Mercieca, 72, told the daily that after he moved from Brazil to Florida in 1966, he and Foley became close friends and "loved each other like brothers." Foley would have been 12 or 13 at the time.
then once maybe I touched him or so. But it's not something you call rape or penetration or anything like that, it was fondling," Mercieca said
i hope not.

Now before you dismiss this as the acts of a "few"(?) individuals keep in mind the orders (or condonement of) to keep down the cost of paymment to these victims, goes all the way to the top, just as it would in any corporation.




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