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Friday, October 20, 2006

Churches Must Pay Birth Control: Court


NCatholic and other religious social service groups must provide contraceptive coverage to their employees even if they consider contraception a sin, according to yesterday's ruling by the state's highest court.

The 6-0 decision by the state Court of Appeals hinged on defining Catholic Charities and the other nine religious groups suing the state to be social service agencies, rather than only operating as churches.

The court said the fact that the organizations hire employees outside their faith is a critical factor and they deserve the rights sought under the law. he court noted that while the groups are affiliated with the church, they function as social service agencies and often employ non-Catholic workers.

The Church Said "I think it reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of Catholicism, which teaches that to be saved, Catholics must perform works of mercy," Poust said. "Faith alone is not enough . . . and the way the church performs its works of mercy is through its Catholic Charities, its schools and its hospitals - all of which the state has now held is secular."

NARAL leader Kelli Conlin said "No employer should be able to force their beliefs upon their employees, especially given that 97% of Catholics report using birth control"



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