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The World Unleashed

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Transgender people yesterday won the right to use any bathroom they choose at MTA rail stations after a "woman" who sued for that privilege reached an agreement with the transit agency. The landmark pact - which lets people use the restroom for whichever gender they consider themselves - settles a complaint filed by a 70-year-old "woman" with the city Human Rights Commission who was arrested three times after using the women's room at Grand Central Terminal.

Now I admit they have a problem (several maybe?), which maybe ought to be addressed in the name of humanity? maybe covered under the persons with disabilities act? But more than that it raises some questions for me. namely:

  • what about the "straight" (normal) people in that restroom? dont they too have rights? its got to be at least a little disconcerting to be in the bathroom with a person who appears (at least somewhat) to be of the opposite sex?
  • what about non trangendered but obviously "gay" people. should they be allowed to use whatever bathroom they want, based on how they are "feeling" about themselves?
  • what about "straight" people? if they enter a bathroom and see someone there whose questionable sexuality makes them uncomfortable, are they allowed to then go into the other sex bathroom? It seems the more we "accomodate" the worse things get.
  • There is a real syndrome known as "shy bladder". i imagine that has to be exacerbated by seeing someone in the bathroom with you, who obviously doesnt belong there.
  • dont "normal" everyday people have rights too?
  • The only really satisfactory remedy I see is a "gender neutral" bathroom, or unisex if you prefer. then its "let the user beware" believe it or not they already exist on some of our college campuses! If only i had known, I'd still be a student!
As for me i'm gonna take advantage of the new law and enter the womens bathrooms every chance i get!!!!!!!!!! I''ll just keep a lipstick in my pocket as "proof" i belong there in case i get "caught". well gotta go, im off to Grand Central Terminal for a "bathroom break" ......

In reality I dont have the "re$ource$" to put this new law to the test. but someone will and should. Its seems a guaranteed failure if it does get tested. after all the law states whichever gender they consider themselves which effectively makes prosecution of a "peeping tom" or other "voyeur" type type offender untenable. after all maybe the'yre just "checking" to see if the stall is "available" ...........



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