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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Praise The Lord ....

Praise The Lord ..... they may be finally seeing the light, ........ you've been had!

David Kuo, a former aide in the White House faith-based office, wrote that Bush aides privately called conservative Christians "nuts," "ridiculous" and "goofy."

Kuo, a born-again Christian, said Republicans have failed to fulfill campaign promises to evangelicals, yet have kept Christians on their side by portraying Bush as "pastor-in-chief."

"So much of the support for his presidency comes purely on the basis of his Christian faith," Kuo said in a phone interview. "The biblical notion is to defer to your pastor. Christian political leaders have taken advantage of that — portraying themselves as spiritual leaders — but they're not. They're political leaders."

James Dobson of Focus on the Family said that Republicans have made no progress on issues important to Christians who helped put the GOP in control.
The complaints are familiar. Through every Republican victory since the Moral Majority was formed in 1979, abortion remained legal, gay couples won greater acceptance and prayer was still barred from public schools.

In 1999, Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson, both veterans of the Moral Majority, examined these failures in their book "Blinded by Might," and concluded that politics was too corrupt to be used to spread Christian morality in America. A few other evangelicals suggested conservative Christians withdraw from politics and focus instead on faith.

The retreat never happened. Between 1999 and 2004, the share of white evangelicals identifying themselves as Republican grew from 39 percent to 49 percent, the Pew Center found. It's unclear whether this campaign season will be different.

Like many other Americans, evangelicals are upset by U.S. strategy in

Iraq, corruption in the Republican-led Congress, and the case of former GOP Rep. Mark Foley, who sent sexually explicit e-mails to pages.

But conservative Christian grievances go further.

Dobson and other evangelicals have accused Congress of ignoring their policy agenda on marriage and abortion.

Disillusionment has led to a backlash. Some evangelicals are once again warning that lawmakers are using Christians for their votes and politics is corrupting the church.



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