The World Unleashed
The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome
About Me
- Name: D. Coder
dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Patriot Act Extended But NOT Permanently
In a second win for the good guys in two days the senate has extended the so called "patriot act" for ONLY six months, so they can work on further changes. Bush wanted it passed as is, with no compromises, but Dems say that "as is" leaves it too open to misuse by law enforcement. I am all in favor of preventing further terrorist attacks, but at the same time I don't want to allow the ambiguous wording to permit misuse of authority. Take this blog for example. While I am in no way a threat to ANY government, the patriot act as it stands now would allow law enforcement to wiretap my phones with no more cause than my use of my right to free speech. Am I unhappy with present government? Certainly. Am I capable of, or willing to join forces with Al Queda or some other "subversive" group? Certainly not. Anyone can see that, but under the present patriot laws they needn't do the necessary work to find this out. No, as it stands now they can just place "surveillance" on EVERYONE and sort it out later. This kind of action is the same as placing all Arabs in interment camps indefinitely as was done with many America's Asian population during World War II, and was done with ALL Indians in this country. In fact Indians are still in interment camps, only its called "reservations" and I have serious "reservations" about trusting the American government, currently led by "right things" to do the "right thing." If you have ever disagreed with the way the American government is run, you too are in danger of being "watched", of having your freedoms unnecessarily violated
Baseball News and Opinion:
Yankees sign Johnny Damon to a 4 year $52 million dollar contract. Word is that his "below average" arm & his defense will suffer in the expansive Yankee stadium outfield. But regardless he will add more offense to a team that already didn't need any. And more importantly the Yankees signing of Damon will cause a further crumbling of morale and substance in the Red Sox nation, which began with the departure of Theo Epstein as GM.
The Yankees also have to pay a "luxury" tax of $34 million for going over a baseball set payroll ceiling. Boston so far only has to pay a $4 million dollar tax, but that may go up as they search for a replacement for Damon's bat and glove,
The San Francisco Giants acquired outfielder Steve Finley from the Los Angeles Angels for third baseman Edgardo Alfonzo
What a deal for the Angels. While Finley WAS a big offensive threat, and is a fine defender it would appear the operative words here are "was" when referring to his offense. Alfonso at 32 is 9 years younger than Finley and there appears to be a much bigger offensive upside for him as opposed to Finley.
The Cardinals sign Sidney Ponson to a 1 year, 1 million dollar contract during which he will have to compete for a job. Ponson was and should have remained unemployed, but in today's baseball world extra chances are the rule, not the exception and it seems like a small gamble by the Cards with big upside potential.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Protecting the Future
There's a strike going on in New York City of the Transit Workers Union. As a result there currently is no public mass transit in operation in the city. Of the negotiating points, one sticks out in my mind; the union doesn't want the retirement age to increase for future hires. A noble cause to be sure, just not very well thought out. If in the future the city finds out that it cannot attract new transportation workers, then they can and will change the compensation plan.
This is in stark contrast to the decision to drill or not in Alaska's wildlife refuge. You see here also protecting the future is a consideration. The difference however is that once destroyed, nature cannot be restored. Once the spills have rendered plants and wildlife extinct or irreparably damaged, it is gone forever. Thank God so far smarter heads prevailed as the Senate denied Bush his top energy priority. In keeping with my "no negativity" promise through Christmas I will refrain from name calling, but will point out that this "measure" was put into a defense spending bill that also included money for troop support and hurricane victims by Senator Ted Stevens. His hope was to "blackmail" fellow Senators into voting for his oil drilling measure or have them risk the backlash of NOT voting in favor of troop spending and aid too hurricane victims. I'll let you call him names, and I hope its not dasher or dancer or prancer or vixen. Santa Claus he ain't either.
It just amazes me that the path which IS alterable back to its original position, if necessary, we try to protect, yet that which once changed is forever gone we discount as unimportant.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Donate to Charity Through "Click-Giving"
In trying to stay "positive" from now through "the holidays" (yes that includes christmas, hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saturnalia, (the winter solstice festival), & any others I may have missed that fall on or around Dec. 25th). I have researched Charitable contributions we can all make that require not much more than your doing now. I'll call it "click-giving," something that all us computer users do routinely.
In order to make a charitable contibution all you need do is Search using "," or search using ", and use a "sponsor," or visit a website and click the "donation" button.
Won't you help someone, something or someplace today?
How it works: Each time you click on any of the web sites listed below, a donation is made to the specific charity that works for the cause. Note that you only need to click on the designated "donate" buttons on these pages in order for the donations to be made, not the banner ads. Advertisers pay money to these web sites only to have their ads displayed, regardless of how many users actually click on them.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Man Finds Diamond Ring In Car
that's it, from now on I'm leaving my car unlocked!
But what if his wife/girlfriend found it in his car instead of him? I can hear all the accusations now. Instead of being a Merry Christmas it no doubt would have been a LONELY one.I mean really would anyone out there really believe a "story" like this one?
Massachusetts Firefighter Saves Dog With "Mouth-to-Snout" Resuscitation
Firefighter, Richard LeBlanc rescued a small mixed breed dog from a burning building and when he realized the dog wasn't breathing he administered mouth to mouth resuscitation to it. Another firefighter gave her oxygen. She was then taken to a vet where she (pixie) is doing well and expected to make a full recovery
Thursday, December 15, 2005
A Real True Bronx Hero
A 39 year old Bronx man today became a hero when he caught an infant whose mother tossed it from a window of a burning building. The mother was screaming save my baby when Felix Vasquez took action (along with other neighbors) and caught the baby in his arms. The baby wasn't breathing and Mr. Vasquez breathed life back into the child. Both the "catch" and the "breath of life" were the result of his being, the "catcher" on his company's baseball team & his training as a life guard twenty years ago. Our thanks and congratulations to our hero Mr.Vasquez, who, like many New Yorkers, could have instead just minded his own business and went his own way.
Bush Accepts McCain's Ban on Torture
Story here, but the title says it all:
a win for the good guys.
Of course it still wont stop the subversive Bush from "doing it his way"
Misleading News
Consumer Prices Plunge; Production Jumps
A record plunge in the cost of gasoline pushed consumer prices down by the largest amount in 56 years in November
Thats the headline and first sentence in this article.
The rest of us know better
Of course its the biggest decrease in over 50 years AFTER the biggest INCREASE in gas prices ever!!
News Links Dec.15th 2005
Rich nations wrangle, poor complain at trade talks
Read about the unfairness of the fair trade agreement
Poor nations want their good to be free of tariffs and quotas, a suggestion that U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman "went ballistic" over.
US no-fly list vexes travelers from babies on up
Futher U.S. incompetence
Hamas says will step up attacks if Israel hits Iran
Sounds fair to me; nothing more than Israel or the U.S. would do.
Patriot Act Fate Remains Uncertain
Remove the Un-democratic parts; Its supposed to be to fight terrorism but can also be used to violate privacy rights of ALL citizens. There are no provisions to protect the innocent except the usual "trust us" routine. Yeah right I'll trust you
Superman-stud Faces a Shrinking
Just when you thought you'd heard it all, here comes THE problem with the production of the movie "Superman Returns". Seems Superman star Brandon Routh is .... well ..... a REAL SUPERMAN, and as a result his character may have to be "digitally shrunk."
If you haven;t yet figured out what I'm talking about you simply MUST read the article. Its hillarious. It seems that a certain part of Routh's anatomy, when "packaged" in tights is just too distracting for the "big" screen. The wording in the article is what makes it worthwhile. Phrases such as: "prodigious package", "superbulge", "extra large endowment", "forced to erase his package with digital effects", overstuffed basket, oh I cant go on. You gotta read it. I'm getting to the part now that says Routh was selected over Jim Caviezel, after being pushed by director Bryan Singe, whom the artcle describes as "openly gay & boy crazy, with a history of "frisky" behavior with hunky young actors. Thank god he's not in charge of the camera. Singer apparently also cast unknown actor Alex Burton as Pyro, in X-men after the two had a "hot tub session." Burton has appeared in exactly NO movies since. Several actors claiming various things have sued Singer but none of the suits went anywhere.
So ladies sit up and chuckle either at the fact that Routh is so lucky and some "men" behind the camera are feeling so inadequate, or the fact that since open gayness became acceptable in hollywood, you are no longer alone in having to "romp" on the "casting couch"just to get a part.
If you cant get the article because you have to register try this:
email =, password = bugmenot
Let Cuba Play in the World Baseball Classic
The inaugural "World" Baseball Classic is coming. It includes 16 teams and will run from March 3rd to the 20th, 2005 in the United States, Puerto Rico and Japan. Yet arguably the best "non professional" team will not be allowed to play. Baseball has a long tradition in Cuba; they started playing in 1878 - it is a national tradition that is just as important to Cubans as it is to Americans.
The U.S.Treasury Department has refused to allow Cuba to participate because of current U.S. laws governing certain commercial transactions with that nation. Organizers are appealing the ruling. However it appears to be politically motivated with Cuban American politicians leading the pack opposing Cuba's participation.
What kind of "world" event can it be if certain countries aren't allowed to participate. And ironically its the so called "free" nation that's disallowing Cuba's inclusion. Just what is the difference between China's policies on human rights and Cuba's anyway? Oh I know China is worse, but I've grown tired of reiterating that, everytime I talk about their regime and what the U.S. ISN'T going to do about it, because China will kick our a$$es. Yes bullies like the U.S. will only pick on the weak.
But I digress. I'm not even sure if China is participating, but if they are no one will stop THEM.
Want to get Cuba mad? I say let them play and then help their best 2 or 3 players defect. That always seems to pi$$ Castro off. And it gives the Mets and Yankees some new players to sign. And I understand then that "free" Cubans playing in the U.S. would have no country to play for, so lets have a second Cuban team, the "free" Cubans; we can call them "Cuba light"
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Iranian Leader Calls Holocaust a 'Myth'
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a "myth" used by Europeans to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world. "If you (Europe) committed this big crime, then why should the oppressed Palestinian nation pay the price?" Ahmadinejad asked rhetorically. "Our proposal is: if you committed the crime, then give a part of your own land in Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to them so that the Jews can establish their country,"
His remarks drew swift condemnation from the White House, Israel, Germany, France and the
European Commission.
The White House denounced the comments and said they show why Iran must not develop an atomic bomb. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said: "The combination of fanatical ideology, a warped sense of reality and nuclear weapons is a combination that no one in the international community can accept."
A PRIME CASE OF THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK, or it takes one to know one. After all, Jews do fit the same personality; nuclear weapons: got em, fanatical ideology: Israel's motto: "never again" referring to the "holocaust"; warped sense of reality: Jews REALLY think they are ENTITLED to Israel because it was their home 2,000 years ago!
I said it before and I'll say it again, scenario: Native American knocks on your door and says "my ancestors lived here JUST 400 years ago and I want the land back! What would YOU do? Call the cops, have him dragged off "your" property, kill him maybe? See my point? You rightfully think its ridiculous for an Indian to try and get land back that was theirs a mere 400 years ago, but a Jew thinks he has every right to demand land back that was his 2000 years ago.
The Holocaust? I did the math and you would have to kill 3,000 people EVERY day from1938 to 1944 to reach 6 million. Now assume Hiltler and his men were good Christians and took off every Sunday and a few other important Christian holidays and right away your all the way down to under 5 1/2 million. Skip a few more days/weeks etc. and ..... You see my point? Awfully difficult to kill 6 million people. Try it some time. (Disclaimer: Don't try this at home!)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Update on Nebraska Child Molester
Back in September I wrote about a man who, after having sex with a then 12 year old, fled to Kansas and married her! With her parents consent! Well Nebraska prosecuted, hillbilly pervert pled guilty to first-degree sexual assault, and now faces up to 50 years in prison. The minimum is one year and I'm quite sure her parents are going to plead for leniency with the judge. But that is only the tip of the problem.
Kansas actually allowing 12 year olds to marry with parental consent is a bigger problem! And as stated in my earlier blog, THESE "decision" makers people are allowed to vote! How they are allowed to make ANY decisions on their own is beyond me. Its a crime. Hell we bomb countries for less, yet we turn a blind eye to legalized child endangerment right here in our own country.
In summation, Kansans, in their wisdom, allow 12 year olds to marry,
we let them vote, and guess who they voted for?
Is it too much of a stretch to think that those who find it OK to endanger children would then go out and vote for a "bush"? No doubt they probably believed it was really a plant. And he didn't disappoint. He is making decisions much like I figure a plant would.
Do the Limbo - NOT!
There will be no more Catholics doing the Limbo. Another fatally flawed, yet long accepted Catholic tradition has been put to rest, so to speak, decided upon by an international group of Vatican appointed theologians, which included the former Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI).
It was a theory promulgated mainly because of a Christian "truth"(?) that only after baptism can one achieve salvation in heaven. It had long been doubted by those "in the know" such as the former cardinal Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II.
The odd fact here is a statement attributed to Pope JPII, which I will quote exactly as written in The Tablet, so as to avoid accusations by people that I am anti -Catholic. Mind you, as you read the quote that the Pope is "supposedly" a direct link to God, a sort of reincarnation of Christ, one in mind and spirit. Having said that here is the quote: "HOPE that God is powerful enough to draw to himself all those who were unable to receive the sacrament". According to pope Ben XVI this quote was part of Pope JP II's teaching in the"Catechism of the Catholic Church" and the encyclical "the Gospel of Life".
Excuse me??!!, HOPE???!!! that God is POWERFUL ENOUGH?????. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the "CREATOR" of EVERYTHING? And as such, DEFINITELY IS powerful enough to do as He (or she?) Pleases! And to be sure MY God is a loving, forgiving God, who would NEVER preclude a soul from being with him due to an action, or inaction that they had no control over.
Reading this statement from the one person who ought to know God, I can only shake my head in disbelief, and pity all those whose life hangs on every utterance from the Vatican or their local clergy. I pray that YOU DON'T need some false prophets (profit$ in reality) in long dresses and stiff collars to tell you that God would never do such a thing.
The remedy seems simple enough to me; only those "Christians" who have reached the age of "emancipation" are REQUIRED to be baptized into salvation. The problem I believe lies in the Catholic Churches financial and "numbers" game. You see ANYONE baptized into the Catholic faith is FOREVER counted as a Catholic, unless or until that individual specifically requests excommunication. Yes there are other ways to be excommunicated, but none are more likely to occur than the previous one. And financial because it is a "fee" based service.
There is a direct conflict in admitting people CAN get to "heaven" without baptism because baptism is a main tenet of "Christian" faith, that Christ died for us because we ALL needed it as a result of "original sin".
One final quote taken from (and I didn't make this up) "The Ratzinger Report in 1985, Ratzinger said "as a theologian, NOT as a prefect of the congregation I would abandon the notion of limbo."
My translation: "my studies indicate a strong likelihood that the idea of limbo is erroneous but I would never tell that (truth) to my congregation. No to them I would continue to preach the falsehoods put forth from the Vatican".......
Peace my brothers and sisters and remember: its belief in God, NOT man that is important
Baptism links
Limbo Links:
Friday, December 09, 2005
Happy Saturnalia, WinterSolstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, whatever
Friday, December 02, 2005
U.N.: Torture Still Widespread in China
A U.N. investigator has reported that torture is still widespread in China, and that the Government was hampering his investigation.
Combine this with the fact that China does indeed have WMD's, and that China has world dominance, in ALL aspects, on its agenda, and has literally thousands of spies in the U.S, and it sounds eerily similar to what led the U.S. to the war in Iraq.
One BIG difference though; that being that China REALLY DOES have WMD's and over a billion expendable people, so war is out, proving once again, what I've said many times before, that America is just a big bully, who only will pick on those weaker than themselves.
I oppose virtually all wars, unless of course they REALLY DO threaten our safety and sovereignty, which Iraq didn't do.
Americas apparent mission? Topple and or dominate numerous smaller countries surrounding your major threats and win that way, by beating the smaller weaker ones and eventually using them to "squeeze" the real threats. Think about it; China is now a HUGE user of oil. Once we control that, we have China where we want them, because they neither want an all out war. An all out war with another superpower only guarantees the winner control over massive destruction of people, places, and things.