Update on Nebraska Child Molester
Back in September I wrote about a man who, after having sex with a then 12 year old, fled to Kansas and married her! With her parents consent! Well Nebraska prosecuted, hillbilly pervert pled guilty to first-degree sexual assault, and now faces up to 50 years in prison. The minimum is one year and I'm quite sure her parents are going to plead for leniency with the judge. But that is only the tip of the problem.
Kansas actually allowing 12 year olds to marry with parental consent is a bigger problem! And as stated in my earlier blog, THESE "decision" makers people are allowed to vote! How they are allowed to make ANY decisions on their own is beyond me. Its a crime. Hell we bomb countries for less, yet we turn a blind eye to legalized child endangerment right here in our own country.
In summation, Kansans, in their wisdom, allow 12 year olds to marry,
we let them vote, and guess who they voted for?
Is it too much of a stretch to think that those who find it OK to endanger children would then go out and vote for a "bush"? No doubt they probably believed it was really a plant. And he didn't disappoint. He is making decisions much like I figure a plant would.
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