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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Just Asking

god is love. Surely weve all heard that line among the many others, all positive.
God made man in his own image and likeness. Another line we've all heard over and over again.

With that in mind i ask:
 Look around at the world we live in; people starving to death, people, innocent people murdered, raped, maimed etc. Man destroying his environment, polluting, using up resources with little regard toward replenishing it.  Abortion being used more and more as a routine form of birth control, instead of a terrible last resort. The economic disparity between the rich and the poorer ever widening.  innocent, young people sick, dying of cancer and other non curable diseases.  

 And now science telling us that its possible (or likely) humans have a propensity for violence, and for no apparent reason other than the rewarding feeling. And its not just humans, but vertibrates in general and mammals in particular.
 Why would god allow this?  why would god even create beings capable of such behavior? What good, loving, perfect, all knowing god would create such a world?

Throughout the ages mans ideas of right and wrong have changed, progressed, improved, evolved. .  What the catholic church allowed, condoned or participated in during the middle ages, the 1700's, the 1800's, the 1900's, even today is ever changing. Why?  If god is all knowing , perfect and loving, and if indeed the catholic church is THE church he created, why was any change necessary?  Surely, what Is evil and wrong today was also evil & wrong from the beginning of creation.  
Why was there no electricity, no computers, no cars, no refrigeration in the beginning? Surely god knew how to allow man create these things all along.  Why is it still necessary for young innocents to die?  Surley god can prevent this.

 did god possibly throw science a "bone" when he allowed them to discover potential uses for stem cells? for cloning?  And what of mans discovering the ability to destroy enmass? Why did god allow that? why is such technology even necessary?  I could go on forever with the wondering why, but enought for now. Why, Oh why god? that is what i ask.

 The self annointed religious know-it-alls will surely tell me, as theve done before, all the bad things are not something god did but rather something the devil did. and when i ask why god didnt prevent them then, they'll say god gave man free will to make decision for themselves, right or wrong. But then i must ask WHY again? Why, if god is all knowing loving and perfect and created us in his own image and likenness, would he allow us to even have the capability to be evil?

I think i understand the reward aspect of religion, the eternal salvation thing. God, as is his perogative,  may well reward those who spent their lives loyal to him, those who followed him unquestioningly.  That may also explain the god is good to a small extent. the good only meaning that god is good to those who are / were loyal to him.  It would not however explain the term good in the broader sense as in the positive, benevolent aspect of good.
 For all the bad, all the evil i mentioned above, for all the other bad & evil you can think of,  we must question why.
 Evolution would be agood explanation for most or all of it, but alas those religious know it alls again wont allow for evolution, so we are left wondering why, why it was necessary for the defintion of right and wrong and the accompanying rewards and punishments to change over time.  certainly an all knowing, perfect god knew all along what was good and what was bad and what to do about it. His ideas on this havent changed over the years for he is perfect.  why should it be necessary for us to change our ideas of right and wrong?
 A truely loving god would not put us through this. An evil god with a warped sense of humor would.

Im tired. Ive rambled enough. maybe another time, another day we'll do more. in the meantime i await your helpful (or not so) replies. .,.,...........


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