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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Monday, October 29, 2007

Free Taco @ TacoBell 10/30/07 ONLY


Real origins of Halloween

with the holiday of halloween only two days away now, the stories about its history are becoming more prevalent. At the end a ive listed few more that ive read that are very informative:

 Among them:
 Halloween is 2nd largest commercial holiday in america ( its doesnt say but no doubt christmas is first)

This feast that we know as All Saint's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost. It came to be observed on May 13 when Pope St. Boniface IV  restored and rebuilt  the Pantheon, an ancient Roman temple which pagan Rome had dedicated to "all gods",. for use as a Christian church 
About a hundred years later, Pope Gregory III consecrated a new chapel in the basilica of St. Peter to all saints on November 1, and he changed as the date of the feast, widely believed as yet again to have been another self serving way of changing a "harmless" pagan festival into a catholic one..  According to the Church, a day started at sunset, which is why celebrations typically started on October 31, the eve of the holiday, All Hallows Day.

Originally one of most poignant pagan celebrations was Samhain (pronounced "Sow-en,") which marked both the end of harvest / summer, as well as the day when the worlds of the  living & dead come together. sure there were some superstitious rituals practiced during ts time but none were any more dangerous or far fetched than than the catholic traditions of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of their god.   Eeewww!! How ghastly is that!

 Ironically the strict protestant religion of the day prevented halloween from being practiced in the Northern colonies but not in the more "cosmopolitan" southern colonies. Wow what a reversal

nearly two million Irish immigrants  fleeing potato famine in the mid 1800s helped shape Halloween into an even more widely celebrated event. They brought - fireworks,  ghost stories, mischief, and games such as bobbing for apples among others.
By the 1900s, the focus had shifted from a religious holiday (be it pagan or christian) to a more communal celebration.. pre trick ot treating saw the poor going around asking for food and or money ( hmmmm todays panhandling?).
 the tradition of wearing animal skins and masks so the dead wouldnt recognize you were replaced with costumes.
The earliest known print of the words "Trick or Treat" did not occur until 1934.

Brief History of Halloween in America:

Halloween's Origins Date Back to Celts

what this brings to my mind is the way christians complain that christmas is being ruined, commercialized for the sake of profit and  and they have coined (pardon the pun) the phrase "jesus is the reason for the season".  Yet what have they (christians) done if not systematically destroyed many "harmless" pagan holidays for their own $ake and gain (commercialized for profit NOT prophet).  what proof do you have that there is only ONE god and not many as pagans believe?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Scientists Vision

Scientists have established the amphibian genes that initiate and direct eye development, and have used this genetic "switch" to give tadpoles three eyes & could eventually allow stem-cell scientists to at least create replacement eye parts needed for repair jobs.
Full Story HERE

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Superstitious?, Gambling? Football Fans

Thought you might enjoy this:
The Madden Curse

Neanderthal Cavemen Capable of Speech.?

Of course they were /are;
yes thats right ARE, because contrary to scientists findings i KNOW for a fact that Neanderthals still exist. In fact they are a fast growing part of todays society.
i deal with them often.  why just last week i participated in a primitive dialogue with one. he walked his dog, cleaned up after it, BUT then threw the bag of feces under my car.  i took the bag and placed it by his front door.  well, he was upset, to say the least and threatened to kick the Shit out of me if i ever do that again.
  the neanderthal part:

  • 1st- wanting to fight over everything,
  • 2nd- not being able to comprehend, or refusing to accept that HE was in the wrong, and instead, turning the problem on the other person.  I find this very prevalent in todays society.
Yes the argument could be made that i also stooped to neanderthal level, by my actions, but i must wonder and ask then just when is it that a person is acting to better his society and not instigating trouble, and how else might i have approached this problem, while still achieving "memorable" results. Yes im sure he'll remember my way much better and longer than if i had just said "thats not nice ......"
And what of war? what is war if not a primitive way of settling disputes?

other primitive, Neanderthal ways of doing things in todays modern society:
  • we "hump" like animals
  • we are increasingly pushing our offspring out the door shortly after weaning
  • we have no respect for life ( DO NOT mistake this for a religious statement - it is NOT. In the context used here i am referring to REAL LIFE;  the OUTSIDE of the WOMB variety. tho the disreguard for the "other" kind also show a primitive selfishness. thank god we dont eat them.(yet?)
  • we collect and idolize shiny objects ( cars, jewelry etc.)
Any other ideas? Add them in the comments section please;  thanks


Neanderthals, may have been capable of sophisticated speech.               

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wrong Way USA

A couple recent headlines and excerpts showing the ill consequences of the far lefts policies. the far rights policies arent any better just the opposite extreme - jail the addicts and lie to kids made curious by todays sex crazed world by telling them abstinence is the ONLY way.

 San Francisco considers injection room
City health officials took steps Thursday toward opening the nation's first legal safe-injection room, where addicts could shoot up heroin, cocaine and other drugs under the supervision of nurses.


  Birth Control For Kids as young as 11
a few cities, including Seattle, Portland and Baltimore, offer birth control in middle school.   And not all parents think this is a bad idea .   That means kids as young as 11 could get the pill without their parents ever knowing.  one study showed more than 17,000 pregnancies for girls 14 or younger.
"I see students every day who are having sexual intercourse and who need protection & whose lives could be ruined by an unwanted pregnancy ,"

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bush: What IS He Up To Now?

G.W. Bush, current title holder of president of the U.S; staunch republican stalwart, untiring defender of conservatives ideologies, no respect for any outside his social circle, no respect for the  rights or lives of those who oppose him, leader in executions (by far;150 as governor of Texas, bro. Jeb was 2nd),  war monger who repeatedly trampled or tried to trample on human & constitutional rights and international law.  Love him or hate him, THIS IS G.W. Bush.
       But whats this?
 Mexican immigrant, convicted of raping and murdering two adolescent girls in texas.
Expected outcome? 
Death penalty for sure, as quickly as possible too.
bleeding heart liberals, in this case the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, ruling that the U.S, violated a treaty by not offering the accused access to Mexican consular officials after their arrest. mind you they arent even arguing guilt here but rather just a  violation of a simple right; a right that would have undoubtedly had NO impact on the outcome of their guilt or innocence anyway.

Enter: the cowboy, the gunslinger, the rustler, G.W. Bush-whacker.  Surely he would just "bitch-slap **"  them as he has done countless times to nations around the world.  
    Ahhh but just when you thought you knew Bush, he about faces and stays the execution!  Huh? What happened here?  This action violates the Bush principles on so many fronts; Bushies are in an uproar, stunned that their onetime hero, , is going against them on a case that combines three of the issues closest to their heart: immigration, the death penalty and international sovereignty.
But the real lesson the right wing should take from the case is that the presidential power they so jealously defend when it is used against foreign nationals looks a lot less attractive when it's applied at home.

The real  hidden agenda in all this?
 According to Thomas Goldstein, (head of Supreme Court practice of the Washington law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld LLP).
 "The idea is that you can essentially write the states a note and tell them what to do. It's a very novel assertion of presidential powers."

Conservative must weigh their desire to expand presidential powers with their hatred of  infringement on states' rights, while liberals mut decide between complying with international law and NOT using federal power to do it.
 Full story HERE

**sorry if bitch slap offends but it was just too perfect for explaining bush's way of dealing with those he doesnt respect. you can click this link for definition

Sunday, October 14, 2007

its your duty


Saturday, October 13, 2007

interesting lost history

lost, or an error in archiving or ..........deliberate misplacement, whichever i found it a fascinating too year old document from the vatican archives


Friday, October 12, 2007

Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Wow THAT surely cheapens the prize. I mean here is a man who was vice president during some of our most prosperous times ever, and following clintons re-election - a landslide victory at that, and subsequently another prosperous 4 years, He (Gore) couldnt even win the presidential election ( or did he? ah another story). 
 I mean this has all the earmarks of a loser - big time.  Really, how did he lose?  who beat him? One of THE BIGGEST losers america has ever known, G.W. Bush. G.W. Bush who would be an even bigger loser than Gore except that he beat him. G.W. a lazy, useless, drunk.  I despised that election so much, i abstained.
Now here he is, Nobel prize winner, and suddenly being asked anew if he might run for president. Oh my gof what does this say for america? are we THAT desperate?  Has bush sunk us so low that we are willing to settle for even al gore? or is it just cyclical, and it really dont matter who runs on either side, because its a Democrats turn?  i dont know, time wiill tell.  but in the meantime the nobel peace prize thanks to gore winnng it,  has achieved the status of, og i dont know, nothing maybe?  
 I do agree with the subject global warming as a real problem, i just dont believe al gore is worthy of any prize, cept maybe booby prize.......
story here