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Monday, October 29, 2007

Real origins of Halloween

with the holiday of halloween only two days away now, the stories about its history are becoming more prevalent. At the end a ive listed few more that ive read that are very informative:

 Among them:
 Halloween is 2nd largest commercial holiday in america ( its doesnt say but no doubt christmas is first)

This feast that we know as All Saint's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost. It came to be observed on May 13 when Pope St. Boniface IV  restored and rebuilt  the Pantheon, an ancient Roman temple which pagan Rome had dedicated to "all gods",. for use as a Christian church 
About a hundred years later, Pope Gregory III consecrated a new chapel in the basilica of St. Peter to all saints on November 1, and he changed as the date of the feast, widely believed as yet again to have been another self serving way of changing a "harmless" pagan festival into a catholic one..  According to the Church, a day started at sunset, which is why celebrations typically started on October 31, the eve of the holiday, All Hallows Day.

Originally one of most poignant pagan celebrations was Samhain (pronounced "Sow-en,") which marked both the end of harvest / summer, as well as the day when the worlds of the  living & dead come together. sure there were some superstitious rituals practiced during ts time but none were any more dangerous or far fetched than than the catholic traditions of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of their god.   Eeewww!! How ghastly is that!

 Ironically the strict protestant religion of the day prevented halloween from being practiced in the Northern colonies but not in the more "cosmopolitan" southern colonies. Wow what a reversal

nearly two million Irish immigrants  fleeing potato famine in the mid 1800s helped shape Halloween into an even more widely celebrated event. They brought - fireworks,  ghost stories, mischief, and games such as bobbing for apples among others.
By the 1900s, the focus had shifted from a religious holiday (be it pagan or christian) to a more communal celebration.. pre trick ot treating saw the poor going around asking for food and or money ( hmmmm todays panhandling?).
 the tradition of wearing animal skins and masks so the dead wouldnt recognize you were replaced with costumes.
The earliest known print of the words "Trick or Treat" did not occur until 1934.

Brief History of Halloween in America:

Halloween's Origins Date Back to Celts

what this brings to my mind is the way christians complain that christmas is being ruined, commercialized for the sake of profit and  and they have coined (pardon the pun) the phrase "jesus is the reason for the season".  Yet what have they (christians) done if not systematically destroyed many "harmless" pagan holidays for their own $ake and gain (commercialized for profit NOT prophet).  what proof do you have that there is only ONE god and not many as pagans believe?


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