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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Bush: What IS He Up To Now?

G.W. Bush, current title holder of president of the U.S; staunch republican stalwart, untiring defender of conservatives ideologies, no respect for any outside his social circle, no respect for the  rights or lives of those who oppose him, leader in executions (by far;150 as governor of Texas, bro. Jeb was 2nd),  war monger who repeatedly trampled or tried to trample on human & constitutional rights and international law.  Love him or hate him, THIS IS G.W. Bush.
       But whats this?
 Mexican immigrant, convicted of raping and murdering two adolescent girls in texas.
Expected outcome? 
Death penalty for sure, as quickly as possible too.
bleeding heart liberals, in this case the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, ruling that the U.S, violated a treaty by not offering the accused access to Mexican consular officials after their arrest. mind you they arent even arguing guilt here but rather just a  violation of a simple right; a right that would have undoubtedly had NO impact on the outcome of their guilt or innocence anyway.

Enter: the cowboy, the gunslinger, the rustler, G.W. Bush-whacker.  Surely he would just "bitch-slap **"  them as he has done countless times to nations around the world.  
    Ahhh but just when you thought you knew Bush, he about faces and stays the execution!  Huh? What happened here?  This action violates the Bush principles on so many fronts; Bushies are in an uproar, stunned that their onetime hero, , is going against them on a case that combines three of the issues closest to their heart: immigration, the death penalty and international sovereignty.
But the real lesson the right wing should take from the case is that the presidential power they so jealously defend when it is used against foreign nationals looks a lot less attractive when it's applied at home.

The real  hidden agenda in all this?
 According to Thomas Goldstein, (head of Supreme Court practice of the Washington law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld LLP).
 "The idea is that you can essentially write the states a note and tell them what to do. It's a very novel assertion of presidential powers."

Conservative must weigh their desire to expand presidential powers with their hatred of  infringement on states' rights, while liberals mut decide between complying with international law and NOT using federal power to do it.
 Full story HERE

**sorry if bitch slap offends but it was just too perfect for explaining bush's way of dealing with those he doesnt respect. you can click this link for definition


Anonymous Anonymous said...


When blood and treasure goes away
Will stalwarts then have any stay
As, staunchly stuck to stubbornness,
Believe all other persons less,
All other options wasting hay?

It was an ill-considered use,
But such for citizens as choose
Fraudulent common nincompoops
To guide them--and dispatch their troops--
"Par for the course" is, as ensues.

It was a choice to run roughshod
Over diplomacy--but trod
Upon the toes of other folks
None kindly take the crush a jokeĀ“s
Or say the treader "walks with God."

It was a choice, against all better
Judgement to break both soul and letter
Of international accord
So to release a vengeful lord,
The God of War, from dormant fetter.

It was "to find some weapons hid"
So went the pretext--but why did
Inspectors as had none detected
Thence prematurely get ejected,
From finishing their work forbid?

It was a rush, in many ways,
No danger present--when one plays
With fire one risks the getting burned,
But scars and keloids thereby earned,
Result of which nor leaves, but stays.

Like scattering "legal tender" from
The rooftop, for the winds to come
Distribute without sense or measure,
So stalwarts with their blood and treasure:
Since reason muted, they were dumb.

11/16/2007 8:15 AM  

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