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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

My Photo

dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Monday, September 10, 2012

When is a Friend NOT a Friend?

 When it involves the United States of course.
 Here is an old one from WWII which records are just now being released for/ a massacre which occurred in the Katyn Forest, during which 22,000 Polish military officers and other prisoners were executed by the Russians, and blamed on the Germans.

Russia's goal was to eliminate a military and intellectual elite that would have put up stiff resistance to Soviet control after the war. The men were among Poland's most accomplished — officers and reserve officers who in their civilian lives worked as doctors, lawyers, teachers, or as other professionals. Their loss has proven an enduring wound to the Polish nation.
The U.s. Gov/ was fully aware of what happened as early as 1943, And  after pressure, in a special U.S. Congressional committee released a report in 1952 stating there was no doubt of Soviet guilt,  It also recommended the government bring charges against the Soviets at an international tribunal — something never acted upon..  Despite the committee's strong conclusions, the White House maintained its silence on Katyn for decades.
 Secret encoded messages shows the Roosevelt administration was getting information early on from credible U.S. sources of Soviet guilt — yet still ignored it. /. The U.S. as is also its methodology, ordered those familiar with the incident to never speak of it.

Many of you know all too well the many times the Unites States, has allied itself with people and nations that it knew were evil. But it did so anyway, why? Because it suited their purposes, and that , sadly is the only criteria the U.S. has for picking friends
Bin laden was a friend/ally./cohort whom the U.S. supported with training, money and weapons in the 80's when he was fighting against the  Soviets in Afghanistan
 Saddam Hussein was a friend/ally/ cohort whom the U.S. supported with  money and weapons in his fight against Iran
 Pakistan is the most recent bad ally we picked, as i am sure you are all aware of by now. Pakistan has been found time and time again to be hiding terrorists, most notably old ally Bin Laden himself

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Free Amazon $10 Credit

This credit is for use only toward  the kindle ebooks, BUT all kindle books can be read on a computer with a free download from Amazon entitled Kindle for PC   
To start, you must have an Amazon acct, but signing up is easy if you dont already have one, and i know at least some of you do.
To get this, simply go the promotion page and click on the Enter Your Code button
After clicking the Enter Your Code button, a window will appear where you must enter ETXTBOOK in the text box and click Apply
Once you hit Apply, if you did it properly the page will reload and you should now have $10 of Kindle e-Textbook credit applied to your account
 This credit MUST BE USED BY 1.9.12   enjoy
feel free to fwd this to anyone you think may be interested. open only to U.S. residents. any problems / questions just ask and i will try and help

Happy New Year everyone

 "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -- Ghandi

Helen Thomas (Journalist extraordinaire ),on Israel:
 "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine,"  and "go home" to Poland and Germany

American liberalism and American greed = todays current economic disaster

Anybody can be Pope; the proof of this is that I have become one. ......... Pope John XXIII

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. .......George Carlin

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Cool Travel Planning Tool

On The Way    is a fast tool, that does exactly what the name suggests. It shows you whats "on the way" to your destination. in a quick reveiw i saw it showed me, lots of places to eat, malls, parks, attractions, but few gas stations, which i found odd. It seems this site is mainly for "foodies" and "shopaholics" . But still worth checking out if you are planning a trip.
On The Way

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Great Sale @Target 11.6.2011

This Sunday 11.6.11, Target has two Items for a really good price.
 If you  are in the market for a new laptop or tv check it out:
neither are "top of the line" but both are really good prices at $197 each
1. Acer A0722-0473 11.6" Notebook
Westinghouse VR3215 32" 720p 60Hz LCD HDTV

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Best Prescription Drug Prices

Economy is tough,
jobs are scarce,
money is tight.
 we all need to save whenever and wherever we can.
 Here is one good way especially for those who dont have prescription drug insurance.

GoodRx.com    http://www.goodrx.com/

Just type in the prescription dug name, and your zip code. The results will show you online and local store within 5 miles. The search results can be further altered to suit your neeeds as to presription quantity, generic or brand name, distance from your location, etc.
Check it out and save yourself some money

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Maleware Tricks you on Facebook

this is supposedly true
pay close attention to the "like" or fan" page. real people from facebook, BUT they didnt necessarily click "like" themselves. instead, when they earlier entered their real info when asked, that info was used by the malware to automatically enetr the "like" and the fake rating

unfortunately i am certain at least one of you fell for this. the key here is that the facebook link and address, ISNT really facebook at all, always look in the address bar to confirm, or better yet, let your mouse "hover" over the link before you click it, and look below where the link shows up, to see if it is indeed going to where you think its going..
remember safe sex, oops, surfing :-)

 "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -- Ghandi

Helen Thomas (Journalist extraordinaire ),on Israel:
 "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine,"  and "go home" to Poland and Germany

American liberalism and American greed = todays current economic disaster

Anybody can be Pope; the proof of this is that I have become one. ......... Pope John XXIII

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. .......George Carlin

Saturday, August 06, 2011

When You Dance With the Devil, Beware....

China demands U.S. 'live within its means'

The largest foreign holder of U.S. treasuries responds to the S&P downgrading by calling for decreases in U.S. military outlays and social spending.

"China, the largest creditor of the world's sole superpower, has every right now to demand the United States to address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China's dollar assets," the commentary said.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Casey Anthony Verdict

is 2011's version of the O.J. Simpson miscarriage of justice. The difference, in OJ's case, his money bougt him the best legal team (liars) possible. With the Casey Anthony case. its more likely a bungling law enforcement / prosecution team played a role.
 You see in Florida, convictions and the subsequent death penalty are far to easy to achieve. Evidence? we dont need no stinking evidence, is seemingly the mantra for DA's state wide.
Very odd that a "bible belt" state would behave this way, wanting to convict somebody, anybody, just because we can,  evidence be damned.  Maybe its the "kill em all, let god sort them out" religious / military mentality that also pervades the state.  but in any case, for what little its worth, yes i definitely do believe she did it, but no real evidence was presented to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.  So for once Florida jurists did the hard thing. they came up with a very unpopular , but reasonable verdict.

Full stories on the Casey Anthony crime, trial and verdict are veerywhere, just google it

All is Not Lost

A kid from Compton, has taught us all a lesson. Yes Compton, that area of ill repute, a place rife with misery to reinforce its bad reputation.
 Compton now has a hero, an unlikely hero in Allan Guei.
This is what sports, and life,  was supposed to be about, before the greed set in, before greed became our creed.
 Honesty, Integrity, generosity, signs of a life lived well, at an early age
Read on here

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Must Have Bicycle

ahhh so many possible titles to this one

  • only in new york - yeah but i use that way too much
  • What to do if you forgot the combination, or key to your chained bicycle
  • OMG I just Gotta have it
  • Now i have seen it all
  • My friends are going to santos trailhead and i need a bicycle. what do I do?
anyway this is one strange, stupid video from a surveilance camera, (which by the way there are far too many of, but thats another story)
 here is the video. not sure if you will laugh, cry, or just scratch your head


Aside from the obvious, the whole thing is strange in other ways too,
 like doing this in front of a crowd, & the half hearted attempt to stop it by that crowd.  just very weird

Friday, June 10, 2011

Texas Rangers use Draft Pick for a Classy Move

An excellent heart warming story, whether you follow baseball or not


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reclusive US heiress dies, leaving fortune, mystery

  • Huguette Clark died a few days shy of her 105th birthday
  • she grew up in Paris, in California and in a Manhattan house of legendary opulence, with 121 rooms.
  • last 22 years of her life she lived entirely in New York hospital rooms, under assumed names,  despite having no apparent illness.
  • The last known photograph of Clark dates to  August 11, 1930.
  • left behind not less than three fabulous homes, all of them staffed and well maintained, but unoccupied
  • One home on the Pacific coast in Santa Barbara, is worth $100 million. She last visited in the 1950s.
  • Another, worth about the same, is the 42-room apartment on Fifth Avenue in New York
  • the third is a country house in Connecticut, currently on the market for $23 million.she has never set foot in
  • the fortune, estimated  at half a billion dollars
  • Last year, Clark family members asked a court to appoint a guardian, saying that Bock and her accountant were manipulating her and blocking them access.
full story here

Monday, April 25, 2011

Job Ads, Unemployed NOT Eligible - REALLY

If it wasn't so UN-funny, this could be funny. But as has been the "norm" lately in America, whatever can be done to keep people down, will be done.
 New Jersey became the first state to ban the placing of a job ad which precludes the unemployed from applying.  Yeah, i know, that sounds like a stupid, unnecessary law, doesn't it.  Yes, to all normal people it does, you would think, what the heck are job ads for if not to assist the unemployed, right. Of course. But not here, NOT now in America. The "powers" that be,, those corporate executive's getting annual  multimillion dollar compensation packages, have decided to place ads that basically say the unemployed can not apply.
Now in fairness, i DO see their point. That being that despite all companies tightening their belts through layoffs, the feelings of corporate big shots is that for whatever the reason given,  the fact is that the people laid off, were laid off for other, underlying reasons and that the failing economy was just a good excuse to get rid of dead weight.
I agree with this logic, TO A POINT. But as cynical as i am,  i would hope that this constitutes a small percent of the unemployed, and that the majority are rather useful prospective employees.  I know this whole story sounds like something my cynical conspiracy theorist mind would make up. Nut i assure you it is not. Even I could not have invented something so convoluted.   This is a fact, it is real, it is happening.  read the whole story here  and or google some related terms yourself.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

G.E. pays no tax & Gets 3.2B handout

General Electric made $5.1billion in profit last year and yet paid no tax at all last year and even managed to get a $3.2billion 'rebate' from the government.

YES, i HATE the Obama Health Care plan, but just getting this ONE lousy company to pay its fair share of taxes would go a long way to offsetting some of the health care cost, or if we can repeal his healthcare, it would go a long way toward funding or paying down something else.  And if there is one, there is more.
As with many other things, isn't it finally time we complained about the real problems? 
The root causes of some of our deficit?
Granted unnecessary wars,  handouts to lazy people, undeserving people & conniving people  contribute a lot to the mess, and we need to acknowledge them all, but corporations that make billions in PROFITS and pay no taxes. need to be pay their share. As does the medical industry, which overcharges for services rendered and in too many cases charges for services NOT rendered (medicare fraud).

 Yes. i know the "caveat" in this, the major corporations will take their headquarters overseas, since the U.S. is already the highest in corporate taxes. But the point is, if we can get ALL to pay their fair share, then we can lower corporate tax rates.
   And if they do try to "extort us by threatening to leave the country, then we treat them as we do all other "terrorists" and freeze all their assets.  And make no mistake, threatening the government is is a form of terrorism.  ..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

5 GB of free online storage at Amazon


Amazon is now offering 5GB's online storage for free. Not sure if this offer is time limited or not

So far i have found you must transfer files, you cannot transfer whole folders.
you may transfer all files within a folder, but you must select all files,
you cannot just designate a folders contents to be transferred.

. If someone finds out that I'm wrong, or a way around this pleases let me know

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Only in New York City

 Yep, this could only happen in N.Y.C.
Like the "sports" cards popular with kids and collectors, there is a new kind of "sport" card making its way into a certain area of queens, n.y.
Its a baseball style card depicting hookers (prostitutes) in various stages of undress, (some complaints claim all nude also, but i havent seen any, and remain skeptical).
It seems there are some enterprising pimps in Queens, finding novel ways to advertise.    Anyway the card comes with a phone number on back touting "free delivery"
In the interest of getting to the bottom of this through extensive research, i am thinking of ordering one (or two) ;-)
Full Story & Pictures Here

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Perfect Remedy for a Bully


i was "told" this story, and i just shrugged.  but you know what they say - SEEING IS BELIEVING.
 wow what a turn about. I love it.   sadly from what i heard they BOTH got suspended

Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami Hit Japan


 Even those of you averse to watching the news , night have seen this by now.

The biggest earthquake (8.8) to hit Japan in 140 years struck Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that pounded the country's east coast
And its headed to Hawaii, and the west coast of north america

Video    Stories

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Proposed Texas immigration law contains convenient loophole

Yes, under the House Bill 2012 introduced by a tea party favorite state Rep. Debbie Riddle -- who's been saying for some time that she'd like to see Texas institute an Arizona-style immigration law --
hiring an undocumented maid, caretaker, lawnworker or any type of houseworker would be allowed.
As Texas state Rep. Aaron Pena, also a Republican, told CNN, without the exemption, "a large segment of the Texas population" would wind up in prison if the bill became law.


Huckabee claims Obama grew up in Kenya

There they go again

Radical, religious, conservative fraudsters, continuing to espouse "facts" that are anything but. 
They take hearsay, rumor, conjecture and outright fantasy and repeat it as facts,  just as they do with their religions.

Now its Huckleberry hound, aka Huckabee, misstating that Obama grew up in Kenya    Ah,  he's so much like that hound dog of yesteryear; the "slow" screwup, loved by millions of children everywhere;  you know the fantasy lovers, the ones with imaginary playmates, the gullible.  
 Ah, love the children.
Just at some point most do outgrow the fantasies, or at least be realistic enough to see them for what they really are, make believe

 Huckabee gaff HERE
Huckleberry Hound bio HERE