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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Huckabee claims Obama grew up in Kenya

There they go again

Radical, religious, conservative fraudsters, continuing to espouse "facts" that are anything but. 
They take hearsay, rumor, conjecture and outright fantasy and repeat it as facts,  just as they do with their religions.

Now its Huckleberry hound, aka Huckabee, misstating that Obama grew up in Kenya    Ah,  he's so much like that hound dog of yesteryear; the "slow" screwup, loved by millions of children everywhere;  you know the fantasy lovers, the ones with imaginary playmates, the gullible.  
 Ah, love the children.
Just at some point most do outgrow the fantasies, or at least be realistic enough to see them for what they really are, make believe

 Huckabee gaff HERE
Huckleberry Hound bio HERE


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