"Office of Foreign Assets Control"
Almost 150 years after slavery "technically" ended in this country, we still have reminders of it. Oh im not talking about the religious rednecks hating on Obama, no,thats for another day and a far longer story.
This one today is simple and about baseball.
There is an "Office of Foreign Assets Control" that deals with, among other things, foreign baseball p[layers rights, yeah now tell me that doesnt sound like a property office? But it isnt. in reality its an office dealing with baseball players. Foreign baseball player, almost all non white.
Now dont misunderstand. i dont feel sorry for them, considering that if they make the major leagues they will all be millionaires, at least several times over. and some even sooner like the kid in the article is a millionaire now without ever playing in the major leagues.
my whole point is the wording. At a time when every word out of our mouths is scrutinized by the politically correct police, this phrase gets no attention.
Sarah Palin recently got upset over the use of the word "retard", but a little research would have revealed that retard is actually already a politically refined choice. Year ago idiots, imbeciles and morons, were the words used to describe non typical people, but again that is a topic for another day, another loong topic indeed
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