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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Death by Medical Accidents; WHY???

Think about this, ....
If a full Jumbo Jet were to crash, with no survivors,  each and every day for a full year,  we would be in an uproar, wouldn't we?  Preventable deaths in those numbers would appall us. We would be screaming for answers, for accountability, for PREVENTION, right? Of course we would.
  Then why don't we demand the same from our Doctors and Hospital?  Yes people, thats how many patients die each year from PREVENTABLE MEDICAL ACCIDENTS.  Approximately 100,000, the same as if all those planes had crashed.
 Yet not only is not enough being done to reduce and hold accountable, the Medical community, but we are not even hearing enough about it from our media and politicians.

Now more bad news.  At first glance the Obama administrations vow to try and get national health care for all,  seems like a great idea.  But wait; do you think for a minute that the accompanying deaths caused by medical errors wont also increase?  Maybe even more due to over worked Doctors and nurses at understaffed hospitals.  Sorry to burst your bubble, but health care for all will mean increased risk for all.
 Now for those who presently have NO health coverage, this risk may actually be an improvement in their lives. But what about the rest of us?  Sorry to be selfish, but thats unacceptable to me.  Tax me more to take care of the poor, maybe, but increase the risk of death of my loved ones, in order to accommodate the currently uninsured, sorry, HELL NO! 
Finally add to this an increased wait time for routine tests. Canada has a national health care system, and a friend of mine who lives there confirmed LONG WAITS, months, many months in some cases, for what we consider routines tests. That also will increase the death rate simply by delaying diagnosis.
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. 


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