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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Jesus Tomb / Bones Found?

A documentary scheduled to air on March 4th on the Discovery channel, purports to have discovered the tomb and bones of Jesus as well as possibly that of Mary Magdalene and perhaps even that of a son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, named Judah.
Remarkable, astonishing, heresy, sacrilege, miracle, debacle; pick your adjective or make up your own. None of it will matter of course to the Christian faithful. To them their beliefs will always remain the same. They will vehemently deny any and all attempts to pass this off as true, just as they deny evolution in favor of their creation story. Just as they deny the age of the earth is billions of years old, just as they deny that man is at least a couple million years old. To the "faithful" the world and all that is in it is only a mere 6,000 years old. Why? Because the bible tell them so.
It will probably never even be proven enough to satisfy science, much less Christians & Catholics worldwide and thats just as well because if you think the Muslims have their fanatical extremists, wait til you see what would happen if ever "proof", real proof were to come about disproving Christian beliefs.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust

This story perhaps gives new and unwanted meaning to the name "Queen" and their song
but never the less yet another member of the self righteous fanatical religious does indeed "bite the dust"
Me thinks maybe they should start building churches out of glass and give these ministers rocks in the collection plate as a reminder before they start with the demagoguery.
Oh yes the story:
Another outspoken critic of homosexuality; Baptist church leader Rev. Lonnie W. Latham who had supported a resolution calling on gays and lesbians to reject their ``sinful, destructive lifestyle'' was arrested outside the Habana Inn in Oklahoma City for propositioning an undercover policeMAN.
In an unfunny twist in the case both sides agree that nomoney proposal or exchange took place and therefor no crime committed. I Say unfunny because the prosecutor Scott Rowland said there is a ``legitimate governmental interest'' in regulating offers of acts of lewdness.
So much for our freedoms. Now even when something is legal, BUT the powers that be are not happy with it, they can arrest you, detain you, and try you anyway??? This is a HUGE step backward in freedom.
I have had people write to me asking , why it is that the bad stories get out more frequently than the good, and others (in the same vein) questioning why certain stories axuality in there "covered up". Well here we have two important stories; both negatives, and both under reported or reported not at all, one concernieng the typical do as I say not as I do, and the other trying to strip away our freedoms.

Disclaimer: I Personally oppose all attempts to legitimize the homosexual lifestyle as a "norm" or "alternative" lifestyle, but also believe that people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones, hence this article

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Giving & Sharing With Others

I thought  this was a nice idea that some of you might have interest in.  
 I'm not sure if its even available in your area, but regardless its a nice idea worth at least a moments ponder.
 Basically you sign up, register your skill(s), and then when you or another find a match your set to give and or share with the needs of others. 
Its called swapaskill

Posted to

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Baseball Spring Training; Day One

Mostly negatives coming out of camps on day one. 
Two pages of Met stories about Pedro Martinez, a pitcher who, if the Mets are lucky "might" pitch the second half of the season. And thats not even saying he will be any good, just that he might pitch....   If thats the big Mets story on day 1, watch out.
Two pages of negative also: Lame Duck Torre....  and a story about the lack of contract for Bernie Williams and lack of an extension for Mariano (MO) Rivera
Former Met pitcher, Kris Benson, better known for his wife Anna than his pitching, has a torn rotator cuff and will likely miss the season.
Not negative stories per se, but it is about the Japanese pitcher they signed after spending an obscene amount of money just to talk to him. All eyes are on Daisuke Matsuzaka , as he begines his first spring training in American major league baseball.

Heather Mills, Dancing with the Stars?

Yes, just when you thought reality TV couldnt stoop any lower, comes a report that Paul McCartneys ex-wife Heather Mills may be on the next installment of Dancing with the Stars.  Just what we need, a one legged person in a dance competition. 
Well I guess this is a case of whether do you see the glass as half full, or half empty, because certainly another way of looking at this, is as a boost for all handicapped people, in fact all people,  ..... that you can do anything you put your mind to.  Supposedly according to one source she is a great skier and a superb dancer. I guess we'll see .....

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

U.S. Blinks, Pays Ransom

That's what it amounts to at least, what with the United States agreeing to send "aid" to North Korea in exchange for  them dismantling their nuclear program.  
Story link here

adoptive Parents

A study, published in the new issue of the American Sociological Review, found that couples who adopt spend more money on their children and invest more time on such activities as reading to them, eating together and talking with them about their problems.

 But thats not the most intriguing part for me.  check this conclusion out:

"One of the reasons adoptive parents invest more is that they really want children, and they go to extraordinary means to have them," Indiana University sociologist Brian Powell, one of the study's three co-authors, said.
story link here

The implication here, to me anyway is, that "natural" parents far too often dont give their chilrden the love or attention they need or deserve. perhaps because far too often the children were less than wanted, less than expected / anticipated / planned etc. Just another (good) reason NOT to have children before your ready and WANT them. Children shouldnt be "accidents" yet far too often thats exactly what they are.


to yesterdays " 21 More Church Closings"

6 parishioners forcibly removed in handcuffs and arrested at  Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in East Harlem last night. On Sunday, two members of Our Lady of the Rosary in Yonkers were arrested while participating in a similar protest..  story link here

Jesus (I think) would be proud, that they (parishioners) stood up for him and his beliefs & his church. The building may not belong to the people but WE ARE THE CHURCH. That is us and that 
belongs to us and no one can take that away, least of all the "wolves", the false prophets who sit in high places and try and dictate orders.  Now before you disagree with this, ask yourself, what would you do if suddenly religion was outlawed in this country and the government tried to shut YOUR places of worship.
I have a friend who favors many biblical references, among them this one which I think fits the theme here.
Mat 10:16 "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and gentle as doves.
He followed this up with his own words, quote "Scripture doesn't tell Christians to be naive/stupid/doormats"
I think the parishioners did this to the best of their ability by "shrewdly" bringing this travesty to light through media attention and yet did so gently, without violence, just as jesus did.  Now maybe the next smart step would be to boycott the other "buildings" "they" own.  Amen .......

Monday, February 12, 2007

21 More Church Closings

Where two or more are present I AM .............

Words of Jesus that Catholics cling to, yet words that obviously mean nothing to the pope or any of his under bosses as they plot to close yet another 21 churches.
Its almost as if its vindictive in nature, a punishment for exposing the sins of the church in its dealings with the child molestation by its pedophile priests.

Just think of it this way. if its true that
Where two or more are present I AM, then the church hierarchy are effectively throwing Jesus out of his own house for i am certain all the scheduled closings have more, much more than necessary to have Jesus present in them.

Its sickening to think that when it came to limiting payout to the victime of the priestly pedophiles the "church" claimed that they had no assets because the church belongs to the people, but now they are singing a different hymn.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

United States Dilemma

   The U.S.accuses Iran of supplying bombs, known as "explosively formed  perpetrators" (EFPs) to Iraqi forces, who oppose the U.S presence in the country.
 This is obviously bad considering Iran is an enemy of the U.S
.  Story here
QUESTION: how do we stop them?

The U.S. Defense Department routinely sells its surplus "parts" to other countries. Currently it was selling parts from its retired F14 fleet, parts that are coveted by Iran.   Story here
QUESTION: how do we stop them?

The Associated Press had found weaknesses in the U.S. surplus-sale security that allowed buyers for countries including Iran and China to obtain  sensitive surplus, including aircraft parts and missile components.  The Government Accountability Office,  has conducted its own inquiry into surplus security and found loopholes.
& have found valuable surplus accidentally getting included in boxes of what are supposed to be nuts-and-bolts-type hardware.
Some of those spares from the newly retired fleet likely have already been sold, Jack Hooper, a Defense Logistics Agency spokesman, said
In at least one case, surplus gear made it to Iran, investigators say. A Pakistani arms broker bought Chinook helicopter engine parts for Iran from a U.S. company that had bought them in a Pentagon surplus sale, and the parts got to Iran, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.    This is obviously bad considering Iran is an enemy of the U.S. But it is also quite unforgivably STUPID.  I mean what kind of idiot arms his own enemies?  Oh yeah, the U.S.  Why?  easy, our friends and enemies list rotates every few
 years so we are never quite sure who is who.

Friends and enemies list. notice how they re both the same, only the years are different
  • Iran a former ally / current enemy; 
  • China former enemy / current ally(?) tenuous at best as are many of our allies.  Most of our allies are only as strong as the last millions in money we sent them them
  • Iraq former ally, when Iran was enemy
  • Russia, former enemy, current ally(?) would you trust them?
  • Bin laden friend when he fought against Russia
  • Saddam Hussein, friend when he fought Iran who was enemy of U.S. at the time
  • Noriega friend  til he wasn't.......
  • Castro enemy BUT
  • Batista, Cuba's dictator prior to Castro was a friend????
a dizzying array of on again off again friends / foes.  
Stopping Arms Sales to Enemies(?) Or are they friends???   Guess it depends on what day of the week it is.

Latest "Rumor?" on the National ID Card

      As much as I distrust the U.S. government, I distrust private companies and their employees much, much more.
 Here is the latest (rumored?) idea being floated by Washington in their National ID card scheme (or is it plan?, hmmmm).
 Essentailly, what it is, is the outsourcing of our (currently) private data stored on our drivers licenses, to private companies......

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Global Warming Unites Science and Religion

Science and religion have agreed that global warming is real & in part human caused & have decided to unite in the fight against it. Still uncertain, however was whether the churches would add the environment to their official "agendas"   LINK to Story

Speakers included a man I respect, pastor Joel Hunter, considered for president of Christian Coalition of America, but did not end up with the job because the organization would not let him expand its agenda to include the environment and poverty.  Very Christian of them wasn't it.

Ah, once again, it IS as I said it was. Had people listened we could have gotten started on this several years ago, but we all know what is written, ..
Lu:4:24: And he said, ....... No prophet is accepted in his own country.
Joh:4:44: M't:13:57: M'r:6:4:

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Just in Time

 for Valentines day.

Archaeologists have uncovered a couple buried approximately 5,000 years ago, hugging each other.  Ah, so romantic, so sweet.  But why, oh why did they have to say they appear to be "almost certainly a man and a woman although that needs to be confirmed",  couldnt I just for once have a nice image in my mind without all the additional "drama."  story here, pics here

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Religious Freedom?

 boring story but thought this part may be of interest:

Whether Muslims can convert to another faith is a tricky legal question in Malaysia, where Islam is the official religion, although freedom of worship is a constitutional right.
Ethnic Malays are deemed to be Muslim from birth, but the country's highest civil court has yet to rule on whether they have the right to convert to another religion.
story here

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Greed Likely to Destroy Another Rainforest

Brazils latest gold rush, and its first in over twenty years is threatening another formerly pristine rainforest   After the last gold rush Brazils Serra Pelada mountain was left as nothing more than a huge hole in the jungle.  Link to story here

Rowling's Final Edition on Top

The new Harry Potter Book, "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows" is already atop the charts of both Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com , and the number two spot also goes to the same title albeit a  deluxe edition, with an equally deluxe price tag of $65.  The six  previous books have sold over 325 million copies in 64 languages and broken countless sales records.  Full story here