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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


to yesterdays " 21 More Church Closings"

6 parishioners forcibly removed in handcuffs and arrested at  Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in East Harlem last night. On Sunday, two members of Our Lady of the Rosary in Yonkers were arrested while participating in a similar protest..  story link here

Jesus (I think) would be proud, that they (parishioners) stood up for him and his beliefs & his church. The building may not belong to the people but WE ARE THE CHURCH. That is us and that 
belongs to us and no one can take that away, least of all the "wolves", the false prophets who sit in high places and try and dictate orders.  Now before you disagree with this, ask yourself, what would you do if suddenly religion was outlawed in this country and the government tried to shut YOUR places of worship.
I have a friend who favors many biblical references, among them this one which I think fits the theme here.
Mat 10:16 "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and gentle as doves.
He followed this up with his own words, quote "Scripture doesn't tell Christians to be naive/stupid/doormats"
I think the parishioners did this to the best of their ability by "shrewdly" bringing this travesty to light through media attention and yet did so gently, without violence, just as jesus did.  Now maybe the next smart step would be to boycott the other "buildings" "they" own.  Amen .......


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